Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 150: Conversation between Master and Great Disciple

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Ning Que swung his knife again and again, was shaken away again and again, and fell into the ruins covered with bricks and rubble, looking extremely embarrassed.

The master, who is thousands of miles away, looks at his little apprentice with relish, falling down again and again, and coming out of the ruins again and again. Sometimes he really feels that Ning Que is somewhat similar to his junior, but his junior doesn't care. Fear, and Ning Que will only be fearless when it comes to revenge and the little maid.

The master slowly ate the peony fish that Li Slowly grilled carefully, but Li Slowly, who was still roasting the peony fish, couldn't wait any longer.

Li slowly put down the spatula in his hand, walked up to the master, saluted and said, "Teacher, what are you waiting for? Junior brother has no other choice now, if this continues, the younger brother will be countered by the two divine symbols." The force of the earthquake caused heavy damage, although I don't know what kind of plan you have made in Su Xuan's game, but we can't just watch the little brother die in Washan."

There are two divine talismans and a Buddhist gatha there, Mo Shanzhu's is so close to the world, although it is mysterious, it is nothing, what is really terrifying is Su Xuan's pond fish cage bird, and the Buddhist gatha left by the Buddha.

The teacher refused to let him go to help, and even the third junior sister who went to help privately was persuaded by Su Xuan to go back. Even so, the teacher never chose to make a move, so now he is very curious, in Su Xuan's game , What exactly does that green pear represent?

The master put down the chopsticks in his hand, drank a large jar of wine, and said with a half-smile: "Slow down! This is not someone's game. If you really want to say whose game it is, it can only be my game. Chen's decision is not important, the Buddha doesn't even know who the Pluto is."

"In this game, only Su Xuanfang can be regarded as a sober person, so there was this game, all kinds of plans, all kinds of calculations, just for my choice."

He is honored as Master, but before he became a practitioner, he was also an ordinary person. Even after becoming Master, he was still an ordinary person, so he naturally didn't want to be eaten.

The wall has been swaying with the wind for many years. He thought it would be like this, and he has been swaying with the wind on the wall, but he never thought that Haotian would leave the Kingdom of God and come to his world. Since Haotian invited him to be a guest in the sky, why would he Can't invite Haotian to stay in the world?

Haotian, who has overlooked the world for countless years, married his little apprentice in the world, and will enter the bridal chamber in the future, so in terms of seniority, he is already much higher than the sky, so he has to stay for his little apprentice. Go down to Haotian in the Kingdom of God.

Li slowly asked worriedly: "Then teacher, what is your choice, and who is Sangsang?"

He was puzzled because he had doubts about Sangsang's identity. Many practitioners in the world made the same choice when faced with Sangsang's identity, but this choice was too simple and straightforward, so simple and straightforward that can happen.

The pure and pure light cannot be faked, and the black crow accompanied by the bell of Yu Lan is also real, so who is Sangsang?

Seeing Li's doubts slowly, the master smiled knowingly, and said: "The Buddha is a ruthless person. He left many relics back then and planned to deal with what he thought was the king of the underworld. Although the Buddha is very hypocritical, it cannot be denied that the Buddha left The arrangement is still there, and the Buddha is still alive, waiting for what he thinks is the king of Hades to come."

Li slowly asked in doubt: "Teacher, what is the king of the underworld in the eyes of the Buddha? Is there more than one king of the underworld?"

The master shook his head and sighed: "Slowly, I named you Slowly because you practiced too fast, I was afraid that you would practice too fast and walk on the same path as your little uncle, but now it seems that You should be faster, and you should also learn to fight, after all, in the end of many things in this world, only after a fight can the truth be resolved."

Many people want to make a choice, so he will make a choice for those many people to see, what a joy to have friends come from afar!

Listening to the master's narration, Li gradually became depressed. The current teacher, who is more like an ordinary old man who tells his funeral in the world, is so lonely.

Li said slowly: "Teacher, what choice do you want to make?"

This is the second time Li Slowly asked this question. Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, the master was very disappointed and said: "I don't actually want to choose, but there are always people who force me to choose. Maybe that person is still She cannot be called a human being, to be precise, we should call her Haotian, which is the current Sangsang."

The moment he heard Sangsang's true identity, Li slowly frowned. He knew that the teacher was hiding from Haotian, because Haotian wanted to eat the teacher, but he didn't expect that Sangsang would leave them. So recently, the previous doubts were finally explained.

Li slowly picked up the wine jar, blushed after taking a big gulp of spirits without any hesitation in his previous image, coughed a few times and said: "Teacher, did Haotian find you? Does the younger brother know that Sang What about Sang's real identity?"

The master shook his head and said: "I didn't heal Sangsang, so Haotian will not see me, my power is in the world, and the whole world is my power, but once I heal Sangsang, she will see me in the world." Me, at that time, I just wanted to be a lantern in the No one wants to set up a monstrous situation, only Haotian can make arrangements in the world of Haotian. At this time, he discovered Liansheng’s choice, It's not wrong, it's just too extreme.

After Li was silent for a long time, he asked, "Teacher, are you going to Mount Washan?"

For some reason, he said this sentence, because Sangsang is still in Washan, and the younger brother is still in Washan, so he will naturally go to Washan.

The master said: "I won't go to Washan, you can go there by yourself, but you can't take the green pear in Qishan's hand until Sangsang eats it."

Li slowly thought about it, and still asked out the doubts in his heart, he asked: "But didn't the green pear in front of the cave reed in Master Qishan's hand have already been stolen by Qi Nian?"

Since it has been stolen, how can there be Qingli in Master Qishan's hands?

The Master laughed dumbly and said: "Slow down! There is indeed the last green pear in Xiaoqishan, but I am afraid that even Xiaoqishan will not know that what he did against his will back then will create the big situation today. This is Su Xuan The layout is exquisite, and the chess pieces have fallen quietly, and now it seems that the seven volumes of heavenly books may still be a bit mysterious."

In a certain sense, Su Xuan's layout is basically a trick for Haotian who has experienced countless eternal nights, but in fact Haotian has already entered the urn.

After Li slowly listened to it, he suddenly became enlightened, and he saluted again: "Teacher, I'm going to Mount Washan right now."

Seeing Li slowly disappearing in a blink of an eye, the master sighed and continued to eat the peony fish, while the old scalper of the master was also eating the peony fish.


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