Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 185: I am in the world, I will cut the sky with one sword!

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The war has begun!

The tents in the camp of the Allied Forces of the Temple had already been completely destroyed earlier, and the cavalry guards of the Temple had already fled away with the leader who was abolished by Liu Bai.

Today's Qingxia is in a mess, practitioners below the peak of the Fate Realm are not qualified to participate in this battle between the world and Haotian!

Facing Haotian, who has guarded the world for countless years, but activated the eternal night countless times, a practitioner from the world sent the most sincere greetings to Haotian.

Haotian looked at these crazy ants, and said: "Your strength is pitiful, and cultivation is just a gift from me. Even if my master ascends to the sky and enters the kingdom of God, and I fall into the mortal world, it is still half of the world. How can it shake the sky?"

At this time, Li slowly held the wooden stick in his hand and smashed it on Haotian's white forehead. He finally stood on the side of the world. Between the weight of the world and the weight of Sangsang alone, he chose the world, but he believed in the teacher I will definitely keep Sangsang for my junior brother.

In an instant, Li slowly remembered the idea of ​​Yuehua Chonglou Temple that he had read earlier. It turned out that Su Xuan had predicted what happened now at that time?

The master's stick has the rules of the master, but for Haotian, the master has already entered the kingdom of God, which is no different from the stick that used to ignore the rules and distance, and ordinary sticks.

Haotian Yu gently broke her hand and said: "A ring stick wants to block me, and you and other ants are just a dream."

She has lived in the Kingdom of God for countless years, watching the development of human beings in every Eternal Night, starting from the primitive people, to learning to practice, and then to the practitioners exhausting the vitality of the world, and then she launched the Eternal Night.

She has seen many great human cultivators with extraordinary looks, but such great cultivators still died under the eternal night. Master is indeed a remarkable ant, but that's all.

After Haotian set his eyes on the stick, the stick flew upside down, and Li Slowly also flew upside down. As Haotian's gaze shifted, many depressions appeared on Li Slowly's chest , The crisp sound of ribs breaking appeared in everyone's ears.

This makes the alcoholic a little scared. Although the college student Li Slowly is weaker than him, he is only slightly stronger than Li Slowly. Li Slowly can't stop Haotian's gaze. How much can he block? Tao?

As a result, the speed at which the Sword of the Great River pierced Haotian's most original divine brilliance suddenly dropped and became slower and slower.

Su Xuan looked at the alcoholic who wanted to quit, smiled helplessly, and after drinking half a jar of peach blossom wine, looked at Haotian, and said: "There is a saying that you are wrong, although we are like ants, but this But the heart is equal to the sky, and there are only ants, which have never been killed."

Then Su Xuan unscrewed the lid of the crimson gourd hanging around his waist, and said: "Haotian is a god, shepherds and guards the world, but he was born a god, but now your heart is like an ant, since you are no longer a god, It is useless to keep the realm that is in harmony with heaven and earth, so naturally it needs to be cut off!"

"I have a sword, which was forged by destroying the heavenly scriptures. It is called morality. This sword can slay gods, open up the sky, open up the earth, and change the world!"

There was an ancient sword hanging in front of Su Xuan's body, Su Xuan's index finger and ring finger, together with his sword fingers, touched the sword lightly, and the ancient sword trembled continuously!

Seeing Su Xuan's sword, whether it was Liu Bai, Chen, or Li Slowly, they all breathed a sigh of relief, because they waited for this sword for a long time. For them who were shrouded in Haotian's most original divine brilliance, several months had already passed.

They can break Haotian's time rules, but they can't break them all. This is the last thing Chen wants to see, but fortunately, Su Xuan finally drew his sword.


Haotian snorted coldly, and said: "Since you use a sword, then I will break it with the sword."

With a wave of her hand, a long sword made of divine brilliance appeared between the sky and the earth, and the light on the sword flowed.

But the flowing light made Yu Lian, who had already come here, feel very familiar. After a while, Yu Lian exclaimed: "It's the Haoran Sword!"

That was the Grand Master's Grand Master Sword, Haotian had indeed eaten the Junior Martial Uncle, if not, how could he have realized the Great Ran Sword.

In the distance, Chen seemed to have thought of some bad memories. Seeing this Haoran sword intent, he seemed to have returned to the battle with Ke Haoran. He murmured: "It really is a good sword!"


Holding the ancient sword, Su Xuan grasped half of the world, he said calmly: "Ke Haoran's Haoran sword, but half of the world is in my hand, today I will kill God with one sword!"

Then he flew into the blue sky, and Chen and the others on the ground retreated crazily, because they knew very well that the next battle was the battle between Su Xuan and Haotian.

Su Xuan, who flew into the blue sky, heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Mo Shanshan retreat thousands of feet away. He looked at Haotian who was following him, and swung the sword of morality in his hand.

There is love in the way of heaven, and I ask it with morality!

This sword cuts Haotian's divinity, cuts Haotian to the rule, and also cuts Haotian's god's heart. Only when the god's heart is dead, the battle between the world and the sky is meaningful.

Facing such a sword, Haotian greeted it with the Grand Sword. As Ke Haoran's sword breaks all Haoran Sword that produces all laws with one sword is naturally very mysterious, but everything in the world follows the Tao Row.

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!

The meaning of Haoran also belongs to Dao, so Haotian is really demented by using the sword of Haoran.

Under the blue sky, the divine light covered the entire blue sky. At this moment, there was no darkness in the world, only light remained. The sun also became very huge at this moment, emitting unimaginable brilliance. Only the bright moon in the sky remained An extremely thin phantom appeared, as if it would disappear in the next moment.

In this infinite light, there is an ancient sword, which easily cuts through this light, and cuts towards Haotian as if entering the land of no one.

It's just that compared to the bright sky, this Dao sword is extremely small!

Xiong Chumo, who had already fled dozens of miles away, stopped his escape and knelt down piously on the ground. He said: "You really deserve to be Haotian, those people will die under the glory of Haotian, Your brilliance will surely shine on the whole world."

His cultivation was abolished, and Qihaixue Mountain collapsed. These are trivial matters. As the headmaster of Xiling who helped Haotian return to the sky, he will definitely become the most famous headmaster in the history of the temple.

"The light is immortal, Haotian will last forever!"

It's a pity that Taoism follows nature, Haotian loses his way, and when morality is asked, the bright sky begins to gradually dissipate and the blue sky reappears in the world.

However, the Kingdom of God outside the human world was opened again. Unlike the last time when Su Xuan opened the Kingdom of God with a sword, the Kingdom of God at this time was already on the verge of collapse, and it was about to fall into the world.

Xiong Chumo looked at this scene in disbelief, and knelt down on the ground helplessly like a child, crying bitterly.

Haotian actually lost, lost to the world!



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