Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 189: I came to Chang'an to destroy the formation!


"When fellow villagers see fellow villagers, their eyes are full of tears!"

Arriving outside Chang'an City, looking at Ning Que standing on the top of the city holding a bow, Su Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

Mo Shanshan, who was beside Su Xuan, could not help but smile when he heard Su Xuan chanting this sentence again.

On the top of the city, Ning Que raised his bow and arrow again, looked at Su Xuan at the bottom of the city, and said, "After all, you still did some stupid things, but this is Chang'an, the teacher is watching us from the sky, you can't break the shock." Array!"

He is aware of Su Xuan's strength, but he is even more aware of the strength of his teacher who ascended to heaven and became a **** and turned into a moon.

Outside the city of Chang'an, Su Xuan looked at the faintly visible bright moon outside the thin blue sky, and said, "Ning Que, you are extraordinary, you can marry Haotian, but don't forget, the Jingshen Formation stands for Haotian, Haotian Now that it’s gone, there’s no need for this array to exist.”

"Do you think this formation is protecting Tang? This formation protects the human world. Now that the human world does not need this formation, it will naturally be torn down. If you want to come to the master in the sky, you won't mind."

This God-shocking Array can't continue to exist. After all, there is only one God-Shocking Array. As long as the God-shocking Array exists, the Tang Kingdom will have the first, second, third, and eternal generations.

Wu Zi once said that the emperor takes turns to do it, and this year he will come to my house.

Since the Li family is the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, why can't others? Is it because of the bloodline or because of the master's startling formation? Thinking about it, the master would not be so confused, wanting to make the Tang Dynasty eternal, and this also violates the objective law of development of things.

But Su Xuan's words fell into the ears of the academy disciples like a thunderbolt. They never expected that Su Xuan would move the teacher out, but even so they still wanted to protect the Shocking God Formation, the Tang Kingdom, and Chang'an City.

The sound of the qin and flute on the top of the city gradually stopped. Ning Que held the eye-punch in his hand, looked at Su Xuan at the bottom of the city, and said indifferently: "I saw the people of the Tang Kingdom, and I also saw a talisman. Su Xuan, you are indeed very powerful. , but behind me is the whole world.”

The teacher left the Shocking Array to protect the world, so he will naturally use this array to defend Chang'an City!

Ning Que turned around and looked at the portrait of the Suzaku on Suzaku Street, who was about to fly. He shouted hoarsely, "Waste wood, what are you waiting for!"

So on the long street, the Suzaku chirped. When the master built the city, he wrote down a talisman called the Suzaku God Talisman.

Suzaku has not shown its majesty for thousands of years, but if it shows its majesty today, can it stop Su Xuan?

This is the doubt of the disciples of the academy, it is also the doubt of the temple master and the alcoholic, it is the doubt of the butcher thousands of miles away, it is the doubt of returning to Liu Bai by the big river, and it is also the doubt of the whole world.

In a sense, it is not the master who chooses the world, but the world chooses the master in countless eternal nights.

Maybe many people were chosen in the world before, but now it seems that only Master has achieved that step, as a mortal, seeking heaven!

Suzaku came through the sky, headed straight to the top of Chang'an City, hanging above the top of the city, Suzaku's eyes that were shining with fire, stared closely at the temple master.

This is the last thought of the master left in the human world. Although the Suzaku talisman has no thoughts, but after seeing the 1000-year-old Suzaku talisman in the human world, he also has a little spirituality. Naturally, he will feel very angry when the master comes.

Ning Que jumped on the Suzaku holding the eye pestle, and the Suzaku spread its wings and flew to the blue sky. When it reached the high altitude, Ning Que began to draw a talisman, a talisman that he wanted to write but was unable to write. It can only be written once.

outside the city!

Su Xuan looked at the Suzaku who carried Ning Que up to the blue sky, looked at Ning Que who was drawing a talisman on the blue sky, and said with a smile: "Ah! It turned out to be the talisman of the Suzaku. When I came to Chang'an, this idiot even helped me to pay for it." For revenge, the Shocking God Formation should not exist in the human world."

"I have been very cautious since I practiced, because I have always known the truth of this world, but now even if Master returns to the world, it may not be able to stop me from tearing down this formation!"

Su Xuan held his sword and walked towards Chang'an City, Chang'an City is there, the city is there, who can stop him?

Mo Shanshan looked at Suzaku, who was under a thin blue sky, and also caught up with Su Xuan, and entered Chang'an City together with Su Xuan.

After seeing Su Xuan entering the city, Chen also walked towards the city gate. At this moment, he had already figured it out. Ning Que's little trick, if it were the allied forces of the temple, he would definitely charge into the city, but he thought too much , so that it has been dragged to the present.

The drunkard followed after thinking for a long time. That woman is no longer the aloof Haotian, the current woman is just an ordinary person like him.

After seeing a few people entering the city, the academy disciples walked to the top of the city helplessly and followed them closely.

The eye of the Shocking God Formation is in the imperial palace, as long as they reach the imperial palace, the Shocking God Formation will inevitably be destroyed, so the disciples of the academy must stop the four-figure practitioners who are standing at the pinnacle of the world in front of the palace.


After entering Chang'an City!

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan were walking slowly on Zhuque Street. At the end of Zhuque Street was the Tang Kingdom Palace. At this time, people were buzzing outside the palace.

The nobles of the royal palace, high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the capital, the princes in the court, the rich merchants in the city, the peddlers and the members of the Fish and Dragon Gang all blocked Su Xuan's way to the palace.

Mo Shanshan looked at those ordinary people, frowned and said, "If they let ordinary people block the palace, what shall we do?"

This made her very embarrassed, life and death were impermanent in the war between the two countries, but she could not write amulets in the face of unarmed people.

Su Xuan held Mo Shanshan's right hand tightly with his left hand, and he said: "Although these people are very suspicious of the academy, as refined egoists, these people also know that if there is no Shocking Array~www. They will no longer be able to raise the blue sky three feet higher."

"Before the interests of these people are touched, they will be subdued by the Tang Dynasty or the temple, but once their interests are touched, they will be more devout than the priests of the Temple of Light, but the priests of the temple What they believe in is Haotian, what these people believe in is profit."

It is still unknown how many princes the Tang Kingdom has created in the millennium. Ordinary people may come here for the Tang Kingdom, but these people may not be!

Family continuation, lords for generations, how can there be such a reason in this world, these people think they have such a reason, it happens that the Shocking Array is the existence that they think maintains this reason, so she comes to destroy the array, these people are naturally unwilling .

Listening to Su Xuan's narration, Mo Shanshan nodded from time to time, she could understand the meaning of self-interest in Su Xuan's words, but she didn't understand what is doctrine, but she already understood the meaning.

Mo Shanshan said: "They are more terrifying than Yongye."

Su Xuan smiled bitterly, and said: "Yongye cannibalizes people only for a moment. These people are sucking the bones and sucking the marrow."

Yongye Yongye, without Haotian, is there really no Yongye?



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