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Chapter 192

Sunset dusk, the sky is getting late!

After arriving at the wedding room, Su Xuan took off Mo Shanshan's red hijab, and the two sat at the table facing each other, drank the wine, and finished the wedding process. After today, they will be a married couple for life.

The candlelight flickered inside the bright red palace lantern, and Mo Shanshan, who had drunk half a spoonful of peach blossom wine, had a blush on his face, and he was already three points drunk. She stared at Su Xuan who had drunk a few scoops of wine, and said sullenly: "Aren't you afraid of getting drunk at the wedding night?"

The phoenix crown was still there, and she, who had not removed the xia cloak, saw the scoop in Su Xuan's hand, which was made of sapphire and delicately carved with a picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water. After trembling slightly in Su Xuan's hand, she saw Su Xuan was nervous.

Who would have thought that Su Xuan, a Daoist Daoist six-level practitioner who dared to cut the sky with the sword of morality, would also be nervous during the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Mo Shanshan dodged the ladle in Su Xuan's hand, and said with a little anger: "Alcohol tastes terrible!"

Su Xuan spread his hands, and said: "Shanshan, you think too much, under the clear and bright soul, you can't get drunk at all."

Whether it is the past life or the present life, the bridal chamber wedding night is said in the book too lightly, and love cannot be shared, so it is enough to wish to win someone's heart and never leave.

Then Su Xuan got up, took off the heavy phoenix crown on Mo Shanshan's head, and took out the hamper for Mo Shanshan.

Mo Shanshan's forehead was soft, she sensed a certain Ye Hongyu outside the wedding room, who was wearing the priest's robe, she said: "It's so late, Daoist doesn't go to deal with the official affairs of the temple, but wants to come to the bridal chamber, it's against the law. The duty of the headmaster of the temple."

Marriage is only once in a lifetime, and it's good to be lively, but she doesn't want anyone to come to make trouble in the bridal chamber, even if it's Dao Chi who is also one of the world's three idiots.

Su Xuan felt the jealousy in the wedding room, he said: "Then send Senior Sister Ye back to the temple on Peach Mountain."

Before the words finished, Mo Shanshan had already thrown a paper talisman out through the window. The name of the talisman was Chichi Tianya, and the distance between Chichi was the distance of the sky. However, Mo Shanshan made some changes to the talisman, so it was natural is the best choice.

Outside the wedding room!

Behind a certain big tree near the lake, I don't know whether I was too engrossed in watching it, or I really didn't perceive the magic talisman of Mo Shanshan. When the talisman was close to the place half a foot in front of Ye Hongyu, Ye Hongyu realized , But if you want to mobilize your thoughts to resist, it is too late.

The vitality of heaven and earth gathered into a vortex, and within the vortex there was a faint scene of the temple on Peach Mountain. Ye Hongyu watched himself being dragged into the vortex by the talisman.

"Su Xuan!"

"Mo Shanshan!"

"You are immoral!"

In the blink of an eye, there was only a little noisy sound echoing by the lake, but the former Daoist and today's temple head teacher Ye Hongyu was no longer seen.

Without Ye Hongyu's Zhishou Temple, he fell into a boundless tranquility. At this time, there was no one else in Zhishou Temple except Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan, the newlyweds.

Zhishouguan fell into silence, but Taoshan was full of cursing, which attracted the attention of the visiting guests, but when they understood who was yelling, the great practitioners who were deeply in love with the world, besides socializing, they drank alcohol.

It is also interesting to drink peach blossom brewing on Taoshan and listen to the headmaster of the temple cursing people!


In the wedding room!

Seeing that Mo Shanshan made the first move, Su Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved. He lightly scratched Mo Shanshan's beautiful nose, and said, "It's finally clean now, but the moon is a bit too bright tonight."

Mo Shanshan also reacted when she heard the words, and she said angrily: "Then why don't you hurry up and let Yueyin go."

It turned out that the moon in the sky was still looking at them. Looking at them like this, it was no different from being in a bridal chamber!

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was angry, then smiled and hugged Mo Shanshan in his arms, he said: "I'll let Moral Sword go and talk to Yue."

Mo Shanshan, who was hugged tightly by Su Xuan, hummed and said: "It's getting late, you have to hurry up."

Su Xuan smiled, and pointed lightly at the ancient sword hanging on the eaves outside the door, and then the ancient sword went out of its sheath, cutting out countless sword lights in the thin blue sky, and the sword light turned into a cage to cover the entire Peach Mountain .

Under the watchful eyes of Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan, the moon, which was still bright and disturbing just now, and the brilliance falling in the world, have been firmly trapped by Su Xuan's cage.

Mo Shanshan smiled and was very happy. Meeting a lover in this life is the best destination. Although senior sister Zhuo said that it is not good for them to get tired of being together all day, she and Su Xuan both think it is very good.

In a sense, they are not only husband and wife in the secular sense, but also Taoist companions on the path of practice.

This night, the sky is bright and the moon is bright, because the candles in someone's bridal chamber have disappeared!

After Mingyue completely disappeared from perception, Su Xuan came to the wedding bed with his arms around Mo Shanshan, and looked at Mo Shanshan's delicate makeup and said: "Shanshan, you look so good today."

Mo Shanshan asked back: "Did I not look good before?"

Su Xuan waved his hand and said, "My family's mountains have always been beautiful."


A woman is still a woman after all, even if she becomes a great practitioner of the six realms, a woman still can't change some of her petty tempers~www.readwn.com~ But he likes his Shanshan's petty temper.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan said: "When I saw you in the wasteland, I thought you were a serious practitioner, but later I found out that I was deceived by you. You made me worry for so long, and you spent a lifetime to make up for it." I."

She thought of the first meeting with Su Xuan at that time, and also thought of how many times Su Xuan had saved her in times of crisis. Perhaps she had fallen in love with him since the first meeting.

But at that time, Su Xuan refused to tell the whole story about Yong Ye, which really worried her for a long time.

After Su Xuan bent down and took off Mo Shanshan's embroidered shoes, he said, "Don't talk about a lifetime, even if it is eternal life, even if immeasurable disasters come, I will always compensate you."

Mo Shanshan nodded in agreement, and then Su Xuan waved his hand to extinguish the candles in the red palace lantern, and the wedding room fell into darkness, but for the two of them, this would not be deceiving themselves.

Could it be that when there is no candlelight, the great practitioners of the six realms can't see things clearly?

in the dark!

Su Xuan hugged Mo Shanshan's jade waist, and lay down on the wedding bed. Mo Shanshan's wedding dress was gently taken off by Su Xuan, and the light veils on both sides of the wedding bed fell in a timely manner.

The two embrace each other...

(Omitted here, 4D!)

The night was getting darker and darker, and it was a good time in the wedding room. The joy of the couple's bed was so wonderful that it was difficult to express it in words.

There are three great happy events in life, when you are named on the gold list, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country.

Although the long night is long!

But the moment of spring night, is it not too short?



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