Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 196: The blind old luthier of Shangyin Academy

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After crossing Chunshen Lake and walking along the Guangling River, you can see the Shangyin Academy, which shelters the underprivileged.

On the Guangling River on this day, a majestic ship without sails was sailing on the vast river. The people of Qingzhou were amazed at the sight of a ship without a mast, which had more ships than the warships of the Qingzhou Navy.

Who in the world can own such a big ship?

The speed of the building boat is extremely fast, and the warship of the Qingzhou Navy, who found that it was abnormal and wanted to stop it, had to follow, and the water splashed behind the building boat.

On the vast Guangling River, a towering ship without sails was in front, and several Qingzhou Navy ships were chasing behind, but after about half an hour of chasing, the few warships of the Qingzhou Navy were unable to chase.

After all, manpower is sometimes exhausted, but the power of heaven and earth is endless!

How can the power of manpower to shake the oars compare with the power of heaven and earth?

On the deck, Su Xuan was lazily lying on a chair basking in the sun. At first he was a little puzzled, but now he knows exactly who should give the letter from Daozu.

Song Yushu was cultivated in ten years, Xu Fengnian was cultivated in a hundred years, and naturally only Lu Dongxuan was able to read this letter after a thousand years of cultivation.

Compared to Su Xuan's leisurely attitude, Mo Shanshan was still writing and drawing symbols on the table as usual.

Just like in Mochi Garden, in the Su Mansion beside Yanming Lake, even in this world.

At this time, on the very wide river, a flat boat appeared. On the flat boat, there was an old man with white hair playing the piano alone.

First, the meaning of high mountains and flowing water gradually rose, and then it turned sharply downwards, turning into the meaning of ambush from ten sides, and then changed again and again, and finally returned to calm.

On the deck of the building boat, Mo Shanshan stopped the hair in his hand, looked at Su Xuan, and said, "He is a practitioner, a practitioner with a very high realm."

Although the world is very different, but under the same avenue, there are always some rules to be figured out. If one rule works, all rules will work. It just takes some time to get used to it.

But this does not hinder, look at people's eyes!

Su Xuan got up and walked to the railing of the building, leaning on the railing and looked tens of feet away, the old man playing the piano on the boat, suddenly he seemed to know who this person was.

Just as the master ascended to the sky and turned into the moon, Zhang Fuyao, the first Confucian patriarch and the first sage of Confucianism, really practiced it, what is Confucianism!

Sensing Zhang Fuyao's well-hidden cultivation, Su Xuan asked, "Dare to ask me, why stop me?"

He waved his sleeves, and the Baizhanglou boat suddenly stopped on the river.

After the boat stopped, Zhang Fuyao on a small boat also stopped that boat, Zhang Fuyao plucked the strings, looked at Su Xuan on the boat, and asked: "A few days ago, there was a vision in the sky. , It seems that there are immortals coming to the world, so it seems that the exiled immortals cross the river by boat, since you have come to this world, how can I continue to sit in the Taolin?"

Sitting alone in the human world for eight hundred years, hidden in the Taoist forest of Shangyin School Palace, today the immortals come to the world, and he comes here to kill the immortals.

Su Xuan on the upstairs boat looked back at Mo Shanshan who was clearing the table, took off the red gourd around his waist and drank a big mouthful of peach blossom wine, he said: "I came from the world and came here to preach, why does the old man think that What if I am an immortal? Even if I am an immortal, can a warrior be able to ascend, but an immortal cannot descend to the mortal world? Is it a crime for an immortal to come to this world?"

A six-level cultivator can indeed be called an immortal, but there is still a big difference between an immortal and an immortal. He is just a messenger who runs errands.

Besides, he doesn't think that Tianmen is the greatest benefit to the human world. It's still the same sentence, no matter how difficult it is to practice, there will always be a shabby household who can become a famous practitioner in the world, but once the Tianmen is closed, everything will solidify , At that time, it will be extremely difficult to break through.

On that page of the flat boat, the strings of the zither were broken, Zhang Fuyao laughed and said: "He is an eloquent fairy, but this is the human world, I have guarded the human world for eight hundred years, I don't know how long I will stay, since I saw you You've got to have a fight."

Guarding the gate of heaven for eight hundred years, the gate of heaven has never been opened, but some banished immortals have fallen into the world. No matter what, they have to fight a battle before they can make some sense.


On the building boat, Su Xuan spit out a water sword after drinking, and the water sword wrapped the sword of morality and flew out. On the calm Guangling River, waves suddenly appeared.

The wide river surface was divided into two halves after Su Xuan's water sword and moral sword, and they went straight to the flat boat.

Zhang Fuyao on the boat, said with a smile: "My son is silent, strange power and chaos!"

Zhang Fuyao straightened his body, the raised waves gradually subsided, the turbulent river surface gradually calmed down, and after the water sword dissipated, the sword of morality appeared.

This first-generation Confucian sage seemed to have an invisible barrier to block the sword of morality years ago, but for Zhang Fuyao, the price was too heavy, and it was really not worth it to block the sword with Confucian luck. But it's worth it!

On the upstairs boat, Su Xuan looked calmly at the dao sword that was not moving forward, and said calmly: "Scholars often say that one should set one's heart for the world, one's life for the people, and one's learning for the past, but Mr. Zhang, you should really take a good look at it." The world is over."

"Don't forget your original intention, you will always be there. Without immortals coming to the world, wouldn't the world be in chaos? Sometimes I often wonder whether it is the world that kills itself more, or the immortals who kill more. "

Immortals in this world are fishing for luck in the human world, and they should be But he doesn't think that the human world that Confucianism expects will really appear after the gate of heaven is closed.

Zhang Fuyao chuckled and said, "It's another trick to confuse people's hearts. You are a little more slick than the Taoists at that time. With your eloquence, you can indeed coax disciples of the Confucian lineage, but you are from outside the world. , No more beatings, no more beatings, if the beatings continue, I am afraid that the Confucian school will scold me to death in the future."

Hearing that Su Xuan took the sword back to the gourd, the short fight was better than many conversations. He used Zhishouguan's sword control method, a method that has never appeared in this world, and the first ancestor of Confucianism, it is not unheard Immortals can naturally tell the difference.

So this old Confucian scholar who has guarded the world for eight hundred years may really come here to satisfy curiosity.

"Master Zhang, I want to open a class in Shangyin Academy and talk about the Dao of cultivation. After all, I am also a good teacher? I don't know what Master Zhang wants?"

Su Xuan stood at the railing, and his right index finger kept tapping on the railing.

On that page of the boat, Zhang Fuyao abandoned the boat and flew to the deck, he looked at the very young Su Xuan, and said: "The opening class is to talk about the Dao of cultivation, considering your realm of a land fairy, it is indeed enough. But is this a good teacher? I think you will mislead your disciples more."

He has always been very accurate in seeing people. For example, Huang Longshi, who has stirred up the wind and rain in the spring and autumn, is his little apprentice.

After talking with the immortal family outside this world, he understood that this immortal family who came from afar was indeed a troublemaker.

Su Xuan looked at Zhang Fuyao, and said: "Master Zhang, to be honest, I never misled my disciples in my life."

Zhang Fuyao exclaimed after hearing this: "Then open a door and have a try!"



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