Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 242: What about yellow 3 armor?

Before he could finish his sentence, the violent wind and torrential rain along the river suddenly stopped when Su Xuan lifted his fishing rod.

However, Huang Longshi, who is known as the best in the world in the art of yin and yang divination, is still keenly aware of the changes in the air mechanism between heaven and earth. After wiping off the rain on his face, Huang Longshi said: "Su Zhenren's methods can be called heaven-reaching, no wonder he dares to do so." Tuo Da, do you know Mr. Su, have you ever seen the scene where the heaven and the earth are favored by one person when the luck of the heaven and the earth is added to one person, and the words follow the law?"

Whether it was from the rumors or after seeing him today, Huang Longshi felt that this Su Xuan, who was conferred by the Liyang Emperor as a real protector of the country, was powerful enough.

But since he chooses to make a move, he is on the chessboard. The majestic posterity of thousands of years, the luck in the rivers and lakes, and the origin of the fairy world will inevitably give birth to a more powerful martial artist. How would you feel.

Su Xuan was carrying a fishing rod and a fishing basket, looked at Huang Sanjia who had already stretched half of his legs, and said with a mysterious smile: "I have never seen the scenes that Mr. Huang mentioned, but I have seen other scenes. The scene, I don’t know Mr. Huang, are you interested in listening to it?”

Huang Longshi asked: "What was the scene? It made Su Zhenren so fresh in his memory."

Seeing Huang Longshi's emotions moved, Su Xuan said full of vicissitudes: "When I was in my hometown, I once saw the head of a academy who climbed up to the sky and fought against the sky.

I have seen that there is a great talent in the way of swordsmanship, who can control the sword for thousands of miles, but it is not as good as holding the sword in hand, standing three feet in front of him, and then drawing the sword to ask the sky.

I once saw a young man who chanted Qingjing and practiced a moral sword, cutting the sky! "

"I have seen..."

I have seen this sound before, resounding on the top of the river bank cliff, Huang Longshi was even more shocked when he heard it, he had never seen such a scene.

How many things are romantic in spring and autumn.

How many people are romantic in spring and autumn.

He had never seen someone who dared to draw his sword to ask the sky, dared to draw his sword to cut the sky, but Li Chungang is comparable to the great swordsman in Su Zhen's mouth, but it's a pity for that great swordsman who has not been born for five hundred years.

The word love is too mysterious!

After a long time, Huang Longshi took a few steps forward before he said slowly, "So you are not just a page-turner, but who are you?"

At this moment, Huang Sanjia, who is the only one of the top three in the Spring and Autumn Period, has a little doubt on his face, wondering why he came to see this person, it is really breaking his heart!

After Su Xuan passed Huanglongshi, he said with a smile: "The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is this eve, I want to go back by the wind, but the wind blows from among the green pines and forms among the small waves. Once it comes, then Anzhi, Mr. Huang must not be mistaken, you write about your age, I see mine."

Huang Sanjia, who overturned the whole age by relying on his three-inch tongue, is not a kind person. The reason why Huang Longshi, like an old man next door, stood here and talked with him was just out of awe.

Although the dealers who peddle the flames of war do not kill people, they are more disgusting than killing people.

Huang Longshi's figure became more and more stooped, as if another gust of wind would blow him down, he looked at Su Xuan who was walking in front, and said with a smile: "I write about Spring and Autumn, and you look at the scenery, don't interfere with each other?"

Today's talk was fruitless, but he was severely threatened by this real Su, and it was time to go and meet the number one in the world in the book he read.

Su Xuan, who had already walked down the cliff, flew towards his home in a cloud of mist. The disciples in the academy had long been familiar with this.

There was a brave school disciple who went to ask for the magical method of flying clouds and riding fog. He thought that the real person would refuse, but he didn't expect that real person to take out a stack of Taoism scriptures and throw it to the person who went to ask for the supernatural method. disciple.

He also told the disciple that if you want to ride the clouds and ride the fog, you must first learn to visualize the mind. The supernatural powers are in the school, and anyone can go to borrow them. between heaven and earth.

Su Xuan rode the cloud and flew over Shangyin Academy, he didn't pay attention to those academy disciples on the ground, the supernatural power method is there, it can be seen that cognitive barriers are a good thing.

All the school disciples who never believed in such things as flying clouds and driving fog suddenly believed in the existence of flying clouds and riding fog after seeing flying clouds and riding fog, and they also wanted to learn the supernatural powers of flying clouds and riding fog. This in itself is a kind of blindness.

After a while, Su Xuan cast a cloud in the courtyard, then Su Xuan went to the two large water tanks, and put the carp he had caught into the water tanks.

Then put in a few spirit pills that are full of spiritual energy and are specially used to feed fish. Is it such a thing as appetite? It is natural to eat something good if you have the conditions.

As soon as the aura-filled panacea fell into the two large water tanks, the swimming fish in the water tanks rushed to fight for it one after another. Some of the swimming fish took the lead and ate the panacea first.

But these swimming fish will never understand that the principles of the world are turned upside down in this large water tank between inches.

It is better to act first, and then to suffer disaster, which has become the first to eat the panacea to suffer disaster, and then to eat the panacea to be happy.

After feeding the fish, Su Xuan walked into the courtyard. After he casually put the fishing rod away, he walked up to the six-storey attic.

The plaque of the Banhu Pavilion is still there, but the world has changed.

Above the attic!

Mo Shanshan did not write calligraphy and talismans as usual, but found Su Xuan's hidden good wine from a hidden corner.

Mo Shanshan, who had already drank half a jar of peach blossom wine, looked at Su Xuan who walked up to the attic full of resentment, and asked: "The wine you hid is all there, although the taste is a bit good, but this wine is not drunk at all. No one, but I still think it's time for you to quit drinking, so the wine you hid belongs to me."

Su Xuan supported his forehead, looked at Mo Shanshan who was uncharacteristically, and said in his heart that he was not drunk. Not a bad idea.

While talking Mo Shanshan drank a few more glasses!

Su Xuan stepped forward, snatched it full of heartache, Mo Shanshan held the wine glass, and said, "Shanshan! You're drunk, you'd better drink less peach blossom wine."

Looking at the snatched wine glass, Mo Shanshan smiled and said, "Do you really love your peach blossom wine? Or do you love me?"

Su Xuan, who was suddenly asked such a question, his soul deduced frantically, how should he give a white lie?

"Of course I feel sorry for my family Shanshan!"

Mo Shanshan stared into Su Xuan's eyes and said, "Although peach blossom wine is good, you'd better drink less."

Su Xuan stepped forward, hugged his family Shan Shan, and whispered beside his family Shan Shan, "Shan Shan, Taohuaniang and I are irreconcilable!"

Afterwards, the beautiful scenery on a good day should naturally not be compared with outsiders!




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