Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 262: There is a Lanruo Temple outside the city!

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The next morning!

Su Xuan walked out of the house. Before leaving home, Su Xuan gave the ancient moral sword to his family for self-defense as usual.

Afterwards, Su Xuancai slowly walked to the north of the city, the academy that was taken down after listening to his lecture on morality.

That academy used to have a very elegant name, but Su Xuan didn't like elegance, so he changed the name on the day he bought it.

Now this academy is called Zhishou Academy, and he is the first dean of Zhishou Academy. He is a nostalgic person, not that he, Su, can't come up with a good name.

The academy is not big!

After all, in this world of demons and demons, most of the people who want to read and can read are the predestined people that the Buddha prefers.

However, most of the people in this academy originally wanted to wear nobles and get some royal protection, so they don't have to worry about living.

However, since Su Xuan took over, there were so many people who signed up that Su Xuan directly set up a mind-training circle, wanting to screen a wave.

But what he didn't expect was that after the screening, there were only three or two big cats and kittens left in the academy with hundreds of disciples.

Su Xuan walked into the academy, and when he came to the place, he pushed open the door of the academy and walked in.

In the school hall, there were a dozen or so disciples sitting empty, six or seven of them were still dozing off.

"It's class, if you sleep again, go to Lanruo Temple to copy and write Tibetans."

Su Xuan casually pointed to the hundreds of Taoist books placed on the cabinet not far away.

This time, the dozing academy student no longer dozed off.

Lanruo Temple!


According to rumors, after entering, don't even think about coming out, but one day on the Internet, their master really took them to Lanruo Temple, watched the song and dance performance, and left them alone to copy and hide.

Going to Lanruo Temple to watch singing and dancing performances, and then transcribing Tibetans alone in Lanruo Temple, became their lifelong nightmare.

"The disciple has seen the master!"

After seeing the ceremony, everyone stood where they were.

Su Xuan looked at the three or two disciples with big cats and kittens, and said: "Today we will talk about morality. After the lecture, the one with the worst grades will watch songs and dances at Lanruo Temple tonight, and then copy and write Tibet."

Of course, he went to Lanruo Temple only to prevent him, a disciple of Zhishou Academy, from dying in Lanruo Temple. How could he go to see the singing and dancing at Lanruo Temple?

He is a direct descendant of human religion, a little mage of morality, and he doesn't watch singing and dancing performances.

The more you say, the more you will be wrong. No matter what era you are in, this is a simple and simple truth.

Not to mention the question of morality!

If you say it right, it’s fine, but if you say it wrong, it’s just to experience the succubus again.

"Brother Zhang, you are the oldest, so you should come first!"

That Senior Brother Zhang immediately widened his eyes and said, "If you are ambitious, you should come first, Senior Brother Li!"

"Senior Brother Wang, come first!"

"Junior Brother Sun comes first!"


Hearing the noise in the house, Su Xuan knocked, and the gavel brought from the Guobei County Government House hit the table hard a few times, he didn't look at the noisy people.

Su Xuan looked at the disciple sitting in the corner, and said, "Ning Caichen, what are you looking at? You are so engrossed, it's you, stand up, and talk about morality."

This Ning Caichen was a very well-known figure in his previous life, especially in the Xiaopo Station, he became the same as Xu Xian, the South Xu Xianbei Caichen.

One south and one north, Megatron has shaken the entire Xiaopo Station for many years, and what these two people have done is a little shocking to heaven.

Ning Caichen stood up from his stool, saluted respectfully, and said, "Morality means benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith."

The extremely standard Confucian answer is also an extremely well-behaved answer. It can't be said to be good, but at least it can't be wrong.

Inside the house!

The handsome Zhang senior brother who killed pigs since he was a child whispered, "Isn't morality the Tao Te Ching? Why is it related to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness? Who still dare to believe in that stuff?"

There was a sigh of relief in the house.

It is true that Ning Caichen's answer is not a big problem, but now the academy they are studying in has changed the dean, and they no longer teach the Four Books and Five Classics, and now the Taoist Huang Lao is old.

So Ning Caichen's answer may be wrong, and it is a big mistake.

Su Xuan sat on a chair and sipped spiritual tea. Su Xuan, who couldn't drink any taste, drank it down in a gulp from a tea bowl made of suet and white jade. He looked at the disciples who were discussing and couldn't explain why, and said : "It's true that benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith are morality, but that was the rule of the Spring and Autumn Period, and it's true that morality is the Tao Te Ching, but that was also the rule of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Now that rituals and music are broken, this rule should change. The Tao can be the Tao but not the permanent Tao, and this morality is naturally not static. "

The Dao is changing, and the morality is also changing. The benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith of the most sage ancestors cannot save this world, and the Tao Te Ching of the Taoist ancestors cannot save this world. Only the sword of morality can save the world.

Several iron swords shining with cold light appeared out of thin air, hanging in the guest house.

Seeing Fei Jian appearing suddenly, the few disciples of Zhishou Academy stared at Fei Jian with their eyes wide open.

This is a flying sword!

Putting a flying sword with a psychic mouth outside is a must-have thing that can save people's lives when going out, and it can deter many demons and monsters.

Everyone didn't want Su Xuan's intentions, so they boldly walked up to the flying sword hanging in the air, and after looking at it again and again, they all showed strange expressions on their faces.

Ordinary flying swords either have a famous name or have no name, and they can be picked up later, but on the seven or eight flying swords in a row, the word morality is engraved with insect seal ~ Dare to ask Mr. Su, what is the meaning of the word morality? "

Ning Caichen asked.

Su Xuan looked calmly at the academy disciples with three or two big cats and kittens in the house, and said: "This is morality, or flying swords are morality, and the rules are only within the range of flying swords. The farther you fly, the faster you fly, and the harder you kill, that's morality."

Scholars are already helpless in this world, and Buddhism and Taoism are even more helpless in the face of the situation where there are no demons in the world.

So only Feijian can change the rules.

But in the first half month, many academy disciples who were serious about Huang Lao's teachings also walked out of the house after hearing Su Xuan's nonsense.

Feijian is very good, but they are afraid!

I'm afraid that this master will not think about it, so he will do something to slay demons and demons. There are more than 20 counties in the north of Guo, but the territory of the King of Montenegro.

In the last house, only Zhang Shou, who had killed pigs for many years, and Ning Caichen, a frail scholar, were left.

Seeing a few people leave, Su Xuan did not stop him, he just bought an academy and, besides, different ways do not conspire with each other.

At this moment, Su Xuan looked at Ning Caichen and the two who stayed behind, and asked, "Why don't you two leave?"

"Master, I study to kill pigs better." Zhang Shou smiled honestly.

But Su Xuan always feels that this kid's mind is impure!

Ning Caichen said helplessly: "Master, I owe a lot to Yin Ziqian. The reason why I stayed is because you are the most famous in Guobei County, and no one dares to trouble you."

Now Su Xuan finally knew why the two didn't leave, but as long as they didn't fall into a trap now, they couldn't leave even if they wanted to.



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