Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 294: Tit for tat at the court meeting

A few days later, it was the Great Court Meeting.

Da Shang Wenwu went out early and waited outside the Emperor's Imperial City, waiting for the gate of the Imperial City to open.

Just in time for the Great Court Meeting, all civil and military officials, as well as relatives of the emperor, all appeared outside the imperial city.

The senior doctor Fei Zhong, who had received Su Xuan, the direct disciple of the Renjiao, and wrote the complaint in his own hand, looked at the members of the Huang family with a chilly look.

In the past, Fei Zhong was unreasonable and would argue three points, not to mention that this time Fei Zhong was also reasonable.

Thinking of the chaos that might arise at the Great Court Meeting, Bigan, the uncle of the emperor, looked at Fei Zhong who was full of pride, and snorted coldly, "Doctor Fei, you have to be forgiving and forgiving!"

The Huang family is the pillar of the big merchant family, and Huang Bao is just a branch of the Huang family, so he will die naturally when he dies, but he doesn't want to see Fei Zhong implicate the entire Huang family.

Fei Zhong looked at this uncle of the emperor, and respectfully saluted, "My lord, you don't know! The Huang family is spreading rumors in Chaoge City, and the sufferer has already sued."

Speaking of this, Fei Zhong also raised the letter in Yang's hand, which was written by Su Xuan, the Grand Priest of Guanxing Tower, saying that new and old grudges must be avenged together.

The Human Sovereign was promoted by him, not for him to sit and chat with these veterans.

The veteran Huang Gun standing behind Grand Master Wen Zhong on Wuchen's side looked at the proud Fei Zhong and just snorted heavily.

Do you really think that the Huang family can be brought down by getting a complaint? The depth of Dashang's water is not something a senior doctor from ordinary people can understand.

Huang Gun didn't say anything, Huang Feihu, who was standing behind Huang Gun, said righteously: "The Huang family needs an explanation for this matter, otherwise this matter is not over."

Wen Zhong looked back and said, "General Huang, outside the Emperor's Imperial City, how can you talk nonsense? Do you want His Majesty to give the Huang family an explanation?"

He was also well aware of what Fei Zhong did on a daily basis, most of them were good or bad, but the Huang family couldn't take care of this matter.

It is true that the Huang family has descendants who practiced under Yuxu's lineage, but as a member of the Jiejiao sect, he is very clear about the significance of the inheritance of the Renjiao.

There are twelve golden immortals in explaining education, and ten thousand immortals come to court in Jiejiao. Can people teach?

Excluding the Great Master Xuandu, there are only real people Chunyang and Su Xuan who made the Grand Priest of the Dashang Guanxing Building.

When Huang Feihu heard Wen Zhong's questioning, he was at a loss for words for a while. Seeing this, Huang Gun stood up and said, "Master Wen, Feihu is disrespectful outside the imperial city. When I get home, I will ask for the family law. What does the Grand Master think?"

He, the Huang family, wants to give an explanation, but can he say this in front of Wen Zhong?

Wen Zhong snorted coldly and said, "Shang Ke!"

At this time, the palace gates of the Emperor's Imperial City were wide open, and the officials of the great merchants, civil and military, entered the imperial city in an orderly manner under the leadership of the servants.

After walking for less than half an hour, the civil and military officials of the Great Merchant hurriedly rushed to the meeting, after all, they did not delay the court meeting.

Outside the nine halls.

The civil and military officials of the great merchants entered it step by step.

The musicians in the hall, who had been preparing for a long time, played elegant music immediately when they saw the officials entering.

The elegant music is melodious, echoing endlessly in the hall.

After the ministers saluted, Prime Minister Shang Rong stood up and said, "Report to my emperor, there have been rumors in Chaoge City recently, some villains spread rumors to slander my emperor, saying that my emperor Xia ordered Huang Bao, the little commander of the emperor's guards, to capture a White fox. Later, the white fox hid in the Star Observation Tower, and some people spread rumors that the Star Observation Tower held a big sacrifice, and the captivity of the white fox was plotting against the law."

It's not a big deal that the Human Sovereign wanted to marry Qingqiu. Qingqiu's fox clan also belonged to the Wahuang Palace lineage. Human Sovereign's mind was nothing more than wanting to have a relationship with Wahuang Palace.

But there are always people who don't want to see the Human Emperor and the Wa Palace. It doesn't matter who is standing behind the Huang family. After all, the Huang family is still in the territory of the human race. As long as they don't want to die, they dare not act recklessly.

Di Xin, sitting on the human emperor's throne engraved with the territory of the human race in the nine halls, looked at Fei Zhong who was full of smiles, and asked, "Doctor Fei, how is the investigation of Huang Bao going? You adults have spoken."

Senior official Fei Zhong, who was standing in the front among the civil servants, came out and saluted, and said, "I want to report to my emperor, Huang Bao, the little commander of the emperor's imperial guards, died without any illness. If we really want to give a cause of death, it can only be Being condemned to death by heaven, I have already investigated many cases of Huang Bao taking money, breaking the law, and killing the people of our human race."

Dead people can't speak, even if Huang Bao is a cultivator, besides, for a nobleman like Huang Bao, who has a lot of evil deeds in front of him, it is considered light to care about human life.

As the evidence was laid out one by one, the senior, middle and lower doctors who were born as civilians in the nine main halls were all angry.

Although Fei Zhong is treacherous, the evidence Fei Zhong found cannot be faked.

"I would like to ask you, my emperor will thoroughly investigate this matter and return our human race to a bright future."

The slogan was uttered in unison, resounding in the Nine Great Halls. These words cast some gloom on the faces of the members of the Huang family. I am afraid that today's affairs will not be good.

Huang Gun stood up and said, "I would like to inform my emperor that my son, Huang Bao, was dedicated to his duties and died at the hands of the Grand Priest in the Guanxing Tower. Your Majesty, please uphold justice."

Huang Gun fell to his knees, members of the Huang family fell to his knees, and former officials of the Huang family fell to their knees. At nine o'clock in the hall, dozens of people fell to their knees.

The human emperor Xin looked as usual, and asked: "Huang Bao's crime of adultery will be discussed later. I dare to ask General Huang if there is evidence for this statement. After all, the big merchants also have laws, and the human race also has rules."

The emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the people of the human race. Dashang is a place where the law is obeyed. Without evidence, it is a false accusation.

Now it's Huang Dagon's turn to do the hard work. After spending money to clear the joints, and getting the news that Huang Bao is now suffering in the eighteenth floor of **** in the Netherworld, it can basically be concluded that it was Su Xuan's hand, but such evidence Can you really tell?

Once it is said, will the Huang family still have a way out?

Huang Gun said with a livid face: "There is no Fei Zhong sarcastically said: "If there is no evidence, then it is a false accusation. I will report to my emperor that I have received a gift from Su Xuan, the great sacrificial wine in the Guanxing Tower." In the complaint, Dajijiu wanted to sue members of the Huang family for forcibly breaking into the star tower and spreading rumors in Chaoge City. The evidence is unquestionable. "

This matter is a certainty, and it will not be easy for anyone to review it, as he Fei Zhong said.

Di Xin waved the certificate, and it floated onto the table in front of Di Xin. Di Xin took a look, looked at Huang Gun, and said, "Huang Aiqing, it turned out that in Chaoge City recently, the emperor spread the waste of the government. The rumor about liking the white fox is a rumor made by you Huang!

Feihu said outside the imperial city that he wanted an explanation, but now, Old General Huang, shouldn't he give me an explanation? Do you really think that the emperor can be bullied? "

"Weichen, don't you dare?"

Huang Dagon's forehead touched the bottom, and there was a loud bang.



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