Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 315: Fengqi layman angrily bumps into little Zhou Tianxing

Little Zhou Tian Xingdou.

Chongguang was worried, and after struggling deep in his heart, he thought of what Bai Zecheng said to him, so Chongguang didn't blush, and said without a beat: "Naturally, it's enshrined by the demon sage Nuwa The order of the empress. Fellow Daoist Su, as the direct heir of the human religion, you should also call me the sage of the monster race, Nuwa, empress, uncle, why do you need to help the evildoer?"

After saying these words, it was as if a heavy burden was relieved, and the human cultivators in Chongguan naturally heard the voice deliberately released by the Yaozu and Yaoxian. For a while, the human cultivators released many flying swords.

This time, the Yaozu Yaoxian did not intercept these flying swords flying around decently, but let them leave.

Inside Little Zhou Tian Xingdou Formation, Su Xuan sensed the disappearing flying swords outside the formation, and he asked again: "Fellow Daoist Chongguang, are you sure you are ordered by Empress Nuwa to attack Wudao Human Sovereign?"

Chong Guang said without changing his expression: "This general was ordered by Empress Nuwa to attack Wudao Renhuang.

The emperor loses his way, the merchant loses his deer, and the whole world chases after him. "

Righteous words, the sound of high-sounding words resounded between heaven and earth.

Su Xuan listened to Chongguang's words of seeking his own death, and said mockingly: "'This is indeed a famous teacher, but since Daoist Chongguang saw this matter today, he should take care of it.

I have a sword to send Fellow Daoists to heaven! "

The ancient moral sword was unsheathed leisurely, and slashed at the star where Chongguang was standing, the sword energy stretched extremely long from south to north.

But compared with that star, the strong sword energy exuding from the ancient moral sword is just a reef appearing in the sea.

But Chongguang's body and expression were indeed extremely dignified. Chongguang waved the star banner in his hand, and the stars with a radius of tens of thousands of miles also returned to their previous positions.

It's just that there was a crack on Chongguang's Xingdou banner, Chongguang looked at the Xingdou banner with pain, and said: "Su Daoyou's fast sword, if it wasn't protected by this Xingdou banner, I'm afraid I would have just won it. Master Su made an opening!"

It was just that he was careless and didn't hide from Su Xuan's sword, but how could he know that young people nowadays can strike so sharply.

Su Xuan didn't look at Chongguang's embarrassment. Su Xuan flicked the blade of the ancient moral sword lightly with his fingers. He sensed the familiar breath and said, "There's no need to play now. I wanted to try Xiao Zhou The water of the Star Douzhen, now it seems?

Fellow Daoist Chongguang, you should think about it for a while, how can you explain to me the vice-religion master Fengqi Layman why you were ordered by the Nuwa Empress! "

Using his uncle's name to do Yaozu's own affairs, if it were another disciple of the three religions, or a disciple of the Western religion, most of them would shy away from such things.

But who would have thought that Empress Nuwa would directly participate in this war as a Fengqi layman?

He, Su, would not have thought of it, and naturally, neither would the fairy family of the Yaozu.





Outside the little Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, Nuwa stood on the bow of the building boat, watching the building under her feet kept bumping into the little Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, and said: "The Prime Minister of the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race, Bai Ze, I will not spare you this time."

She never thought that Bai Ze would dare to use her name to do things. This kind of thing is enough once, and if it happens again, it will be an unsolved cause and effect.

Empress Nuwa used Su Xuan's building boat to hit Xiao Zhou Tianxing's battle formation, which seemed to be inconsistent with the common sense of breaking the formation.

But how can everything be measured with common sense? Breaking the formation with skill is a means, so breaking the formation with strength is not a means?

As the building boats continued to collide with the little Zhou Tianxing, Mo Shanshan, who was supporting the hull of the boat, was very distressed. You must know that this building boat, but she and his family Su Xuan, worked hard for many years before refining it. When you come out, you can travel across the heavens and worlds.

This time, even if it is possible to easily destroy the monster race and immortals, the little Zhou Tianxing battle array arranged by Su Xuan, the big boat that can cross the heavens and worlds, will probably be smashed to pieces.

Nuwa seems to have seen Mo Shanshan's worry, only to hear Empress Nuwa patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Shanshan, the old ones will not go and the new ones will not come. When this battle is over, the Yaozu's compensation will arrive." , I will return you a better ship."

If she doesn't clean up the monster clan this time, she won't be called Fengqi Jushi, and it's nothing more than Renhuang's idea of ​​her. Even the old man from back then wanted to use her name to make trouble.

This is really, the uncle can bear it, but the aunt can't bear it.

If you don't want to expose your identity, relying on the Xibei goods in this Xibei goods is nothing more than a matter of breathing.


Inside the Little Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation.

Feeling the formation that was constantly being impacted, Chong Guan asked, wanting to cry but without tears: "Reverend Su, you can't lie to me! Is it really Fengqi Layman who came outside?"

Perhaps most of the golden immortals don't know what the meaning of Fengqi Layman represents.

But in Fengqi Mountain back then, I showed Empress Nuwa the heavy light of the gate, and I knew clearly that Layman Fengqi was Empress Nuwa, and Empress Nuwa was Layman Fengqi.

Su Xuan replied calmly: "That's right, the person who came was the vice-leader of the Human Education, Jushi Fengxi. Although Daoist Zhongguang Xiao Zhou is good, he is not omnipotent!"

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"

"Fellow Daoist Zhongguang, what do you think this is?"

I saw a scroll of pictures flying out of Su Xuan's sleeve, the scroll was almost in the moment of birth and death, and it had already arrived in front of Chongguang.

Chongguang felt his body getting tighter and tighter as he struggled, and said: "This is the map of the heaven and earth of the innate spiritual treasure? This time, I don't complain about the loss. Fellow Daoist Su wants to kill or cut, it's up to you."

Su Xuan looked at Chongguang who was captured by Qiankuntu, and said with a sneer, "If you want to be killed, you will be cut. Fellow Daoist Chongguang falsely preached the decree of a saint. Do you know what the consequences are? What's more, you falsely preached the most unreasonable Nuwa Empress." decree."

As Chong Guang was captured, Xiao Zhou Tian Xing Dou Zhen was also destroyed, and what came into view was the dilapidated building boat.

Nuwa looked at the fainted demon of the main and said coldly: "It is more forgivable to do evil by the sky, but you can't live if you do it yourself! Countless years ago, you pulled me into that vortex. Now If you are still thinking about such a thing now, it seems that it will be impossible not to teach you a lesson."

Empress Nuwa walked to a deep pit outside Chongguan City after beheading a few idiots with her spirit sword in her hand.

Inside the pit.

Chong Guang looked at the figure of the female general who was coming, his heart felt as if he was falling into an ice cellar, Chong Guang fell to the ground like a mourning concubine, and he said to himself: "It shouldn't be! How could the old prime minister lie to me?"

At the beginning, he was indeed attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold, and the fight went very smoothly, but now it seems that he would rather the fight was not smooth at the beginning, otherwise, how could he have ended up in such a situation?

Su Xuan looked at Empress Nuwa and saluted respectfully: "I want to report to my uncle, the little Zhou Tianxing battle formation has been broken, and the leader of the thief has been captured, please send me to my uncle."



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