Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 345: The confrontation between disciples who explain teaching and cut teaching

Since Zhao Gongming came to Feilai Mountain, Qingniu, who was copying the Tao Te Ching, was in bad luck. Almost every day, Zhao Gongming would go to Qing Niu to interfere with Qing Niu's copying of the Tao Te Ching.

Zhao Gongming is no match for the blue ox with diamond cut, let alone without the blue bull with diamond cut in his hand.

But under Fairy Yunxiao's subtle reminder, Zhao Gongming finally stopped interfering with Qingniu's copying of the Tao Te Ching.

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Yun Xiao looked at his disdainful elder brother, and persuaded: "After all, Qingniu is the mount of the master. Even if he made a mistake, he should be punished by the teacher. Now Junior Brother Su has already punished Qingniu. Brother, you should stop for a while."

From the point of view of the whole matter, Qingniu robbed her brother, Qingniu should be punished, but her brother directly took away the diamond in Qingniu's hand, and then gave it to Su Xuan, which was enough to make Su Xuan's heart crack.

What's more, Qingniu, who turned into the original form, copied the Tao Te Ching 300,000 times without using supernatural powers. Such a punishment is not light, and her brother still wants to trouble Qingniu, which makes her very helpless .

Anyway, she knew very well that if anyone dared to take the spirit treasure from the mount of her teacher, Master Tongtian, her teacher would definitely come to him with the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

Sensing Qingniu who was cursing and copying the Tao Te Ching, Zhao Gongming said, "Aren't I outraged? Ever since we joined Teacher, there hasn't been any fairy family who dares to block the way and rob me."

He was indeed very indignant and very angry, so he had no choice but to make it fast, based on Qingniu's pain.

Yun Xiao said helplessly: "Brother, how old are you, can you be more mature, think carefully about how to survive the catastrophe of conferred gods, Junior Brother Su's Youjian Dao Temple is used for the integration of the three religions, not only we stop teaching, There are also the disciples of the Second Senior Uncle."

"My Healing Game"

The disciples of Chanjiao and their disciples of Jiejiao were not at odds with each other. In the past, when the three Hunyuan sages had not yet separated their families, the disciples of the two sects of Intercepting and Chanjiao basically beat each other a day in East Kunlun. The three patriarchs on the road separated.

She knows in her heart that it is very difficult for the three religions to merge. If the merger of the three religions fails, she must win over Su Xuan, at least not let him fall into the teaching.

Su Xuan, a direct disciple of the human religion, the little Daoist mage Su Xuan, can indeed change the opinion of their great uncle.

Zhao Gongming said nonchalantly: "Junior Brother Su is just a golden immortal, how can he hold back those disciples who explain the teaching, and finally we have to stop the teaching?

Yunxiao! I think this Youjian Taoist temple will also be the site of our Jiejiao disciples in the future. "

It's not that he, Zhao, is bragging, but that their advantage in cutting off teaching is really too great.

Yun Xiao sighed and said, "Junior Brother Su is a direct disciple of the Renjiao, we only cut off the disciples from outside sects, and Junior Brother Su gave us face, so he called you Brother Zhao and me Senior Sister Yunxiao.

Brother, have you seen the direct disciples of our interception, have you ever called you senior brother? "

Zhao Gongming looked at Yunxiao who was already angry, and said: "Okay, Yunxiao, I know, so don't talk about it, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future, and I will definitely give our Junior Brother Su enough face."

After all, face depends on cultivation level, even if his Junior Brother Su is a disciple of Renjiao, he will still not back down when it comes to competing with disciples of Chanjiao.


After Yun Xiao sighed, she left helplessly. As for how much her brother listened to her words, it is unknown.


A few hours later, it was sunset and dusk.

Zhao Gongming, who had been thinking about certain things outside the Youjian Taoist Temple, looked at the Cihang Taoist who had already stood on the Feilai Mountain, and sneered: "Oh, who should I be? It turned out to be Junior Sister Cihang? Junior Sister Hang also came to Youjian Daoist Temple?"

Holding the mutton fat jade bottle in his hand, the Cihang Taoist in plain clothes looked at Zhao Gongming who was standing not far away, and replied coldly: "Following the order of my family teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, I came to Youjian Taoist Temple to serve teaching job."

She is very grateful for her choice at the beginning. According to her eccentric teacher, she would never be assigned to teach in Youjian Taoist Temple.

Three teachings merge!

As long as she can occupy a place among them, she will also be a figure who can be called an ancestor in the future.

Where is it needed, bitterly avoiding the catastrophe of conferred gods, but it feels very bad to meet Zhao Gongming here.

Zhao Gongming also sneered and said, "My teacher also sent me to teach Youjian Daoist Temple, but Zhao doesn't know, what can the former defeated general teach?"

To put it bluntly, besides Guang Chengzi, Yuding Daoist, Yun Zhongzi and Nanji Xianweng under his second uncle, there is no one who can fight, and the Cihangdao man in front of him is even more so. Even her third sister couldn't beat her.

Hearing what Zhao Gongming said, Cihang, who thought of some old things, sneered and said: "Brother Zhao, if this statement is a bit too much! You are nothing more than relying on the twenty-four sea-fixing beads, if you In a real fight, you can't even beat Yun Zhongzi."

She was indeed defeated by Zhao Gongming when she discussed the Three Religions, but if she was a disciple of the teachings, would she be worse than Zhao Gongming?

When she came here, her eccentric teacher had already explained that she would do whatever it takes to gain a firm foothold in Youjian Taoist Temple.

"Haha!" Zhao Gongming laughed loudly, "Cihang, you really laughed me to death, then let's fight again today to see who is the most suitable teacher for Youjian Dao Temple."

The next moment, twenty-four Dinghai God beads hung above Zhao Gongming's head.

Seeing this, Cihang also took out the Yuxu apricot-yellow flag, and following Cihang waved the Yuxu apricot-yellow flag, golden lotuses surrounded Cihang's body.


Zhao Gongming drank lightly, and the Dinghai Shenzhu was about to smash down.

But at this time, Nuwa's angry voice came from Youjian Taoist temple, and she said coldly: "The combination of the three religions was proposed by the human religion. Nephew Zhao, you used the innate spirit treasure in Youjian Taoist temple, and asked my master about it." Nephew? If you want to watch the two religions merge, you can continue to fight!"

Then Empress Nuwa waved her sleeves, swept away twenty-four Dinghai God Beads, and smashed them towards Biyou Palace on Jinbie Then Empress Nuwa walked out of Youjian Taoist Temple and saw The elders of Renjiao were here, and Cihang also removed the golden lotus in front of him, put away the Yuxu apricot-yellow flag, went straight to Nuwa Empress, and said respectfully: "Changjia disciple Cihang, thank you, Master Fengqi Grace for saving lives."

It is indeed a life-saving grace!

She had already known the power of the twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhu in the early years, once it hit the body, the body would probably be annihilated into powder.

Nuwa looked at Zhao Gongming who was fixed in place, and snorted coldly: "Nephew Yunxiao, you'd better persuade your elder brother, otherwise you will definitely cause big trouble in the future."

This great disciple of the outer sect who intercepted the teaching should indeed be a little arrogant, but this arrogance should not be displayed in Youjian Taoist temple.

There is nothing wrong with the fusion of the three religions and the fusion of the two religions.



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