Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 350: Cai Yun who came to Feilai Mountain to take refuge

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

The stove has been lit, and the ingredients delivered by Tianting a few days ago are put in, and the aroma is overflowing on the Feilai Mountain.

Faced with these things, Caiyun, who had been traveling around for a long time, devoured the delicacies that she had never seen before.

Mo Shanshan looked at Caiyun and said, "This child has indeed suffered a lot, and I don't know how she got to Feilai Mountain through many obstacles."

Feilai Mountain is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Chaoge City. It may not be an easy task to find this place.

Su Xuan looked at the mountains of her home, and said: "But I finally got home, so I can get out of the Star Observatory, and it's a lucky thing."

Ever since the white fox entered the palace, Chaoge City was no longer peaceful. Many people died every day in Chaoge City, which seemed to be peaceful.

Caiyun, who was devouring his food, could not stop crying when he heard the words that he had finally arrived home. After wiping his tears, Caiyun said, "Realist Su, Doctor Fei has obtained the evidence of Xibohou's rebellion. Yin Xun followed his second uncle." I went to conquer Xiqi, and now there is probably a fight in Xiqi, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor sent many immortals to help this time."

It is said that Yin Xun originally planned to bring the family papers to run with her, but it is a pity that Emperor Xin's decree came too soon.

That unlucky boy was stopped by the emperor's envoy before he left the house after packing up his things.

Fortunately, she is just an insignificant cultivator, not a relative of anyone in the royal family, otherwise, how could she have escaped the Emperor's call when she is working in the Observatory of Stars?

Su Xuan was a little surprised when he heard that Xiqi had started the war, but soon the little surprise dissipated. Su Xuan looked at Nuwa Empress in the distance, and said, "Uncle, Xiqi has already started fighting." It's starting to fight, the Conferred God Tribulation has come to an end, don't you want to take a look at the cloud mirror?"

No matter how bad the first battle between Xiqi and Dashang was, it was still destined to be recorded in the history of the heavens and worlds.

Shi Hai hooked up, and after countless years, someone might bring up the catastrophe of conferring gods, but the most impressive thing was this first battle.

Nuwa waved her sleeves, and the scene outside Xiqi City appeared on the cloud mirror removed from the Star Observatory.

Su Xuan looked at the cloud mirror, the land outside Xiqi City that was ravaged by sword energy, put his hands in his arms, and paced: "If my brother Jiang, please don't come to explain the teacher's nephew, the emperor of this battle With only 800 spirits, Xin was enough to take down Xiqi. The emperor Xin had accepted practitioners from this realm Yu Chaoge for an unknown number of years.

It's a pity that the words in the book are too light and simple, but there are only tens of thousands of words, but it has to be written into the events from Pangu's creation to this time. How many people know about it? "

It says in the book that Jiang Ziya invited his disciples to help him, but in fact Su Xuan knew very well that Jiang Ziya had already gone to Yuxu Palace once, and he returned without success.

Nu Wa said with some emotion: "Nephew Su's words are correct, but what happened back then was passed on to later generations only by relying on some false rumors, which is really wrong.

It's just that the catastrophe of conferring gods has long been on the line and has to be launched. It seems that it is only a matter of the realm of conferring gods, but in fact it will at least affect the 3,600 realms left by the demon clan's heaven in the past.

The second senior brother in this palace will not watch Xiqi lose in vain. "

Is Fengshen really just Fengshen?

This is a carve-up of the heavens and worlds. Countless immortal families have prepared for an unknown number of years, and they will eventually enter this realm of gods and fight for a place that will enjoy peace forever.

Mo Shanshan looked at the guard soldiers on the cloud mirror, and said, "But the gap between Xiqi and Dashang is too great. Without the help of the immortal family, the guards of Xiqi City But three days."

This is the world of practitioners, and also the world of sentient beings, but in this world, only practitioners in the realm of immortals can decide the outcome of a war.

Ordinary heretics, or warriors, if they entered it, they would not escape death.

Su Xuan looked at his family's mountains and said: "If the Chanjiao family really went to help, that His Majesty Renhuang sitting in Chaoge City would probably be extremely angry. If the war is limited to Daluo, then Xiqi It really will be a bit of an iron-blooded battlefield scene."

But how can the war be limited to Da Luo? There are Hunyuan sages in teaching, but how can Emperor Xin, who is a human emperor, give up his dignity as a human emperor? , will inevitably conquer Xiqi with lightning speed.

At that time, the war will naturally escalate to the Battle of Daluo, an endless battle of extermination that will appear in all the heavens and worlds, as well as in some indescribable places.

At this time, Empress Nuwa appeared on her body with a spirit armor of the innate spirit treasure series, and she said: "This will definitely be a war that lasts tens of thousands of years, just like those great wars back then."

At that time, she was the emperor of the demon race, and she had the honor to participate in that great war. The war against the demons lasted for sixteen or thirty thousand years. Six thousand years later, how could this Battle of the Conferred Gods be fought less?

Su Xuan looked at the very confident Nuwa Empress, and couldn't help saying: "I think this battle will last for at most a thousand years, or even shorter." Then Su Xuan changed his voice and asked, "Do you want to join the war, too? "

Nuwa looked at the fighting again on the cloud mirror, and said, "Oh, as the deputy leader of the Human Sect, how could I participate in this battle of conferred gods? I just expressed my feelings."

Having said that, the spiritual armor on Empress Nuwa's body was more and more murderous.

Su Xuan felt the killing intent that hadn't dissipated for a long time. No matter how advanced her uncle was, she was still a woman after all.

If an ordinary woman of the human race is being molested by the emperor, she may have to endure it silently, but who is her uncle?

The ancient great **** Nuwa Palace Nuwa Empress, the Nuwa Empress who once had a Taoist dispute with the Empress Dowager, was named Emperor It is not just as simple as a high level of cultivation, at this time, his uncle , in the midst of many catastrophes, the name that was killed.

At this time, Caiyun hiccupped and said, "Really Su, there is one more thing that you definitely don't know."

Su Xuan asked with a smile: "Is there anything else I don't know?"

Caiyun looked at the layman Fengqi who was very familiar with her, and then looked at Su Zhenzhen and his wife, and said in shock: "Su Zhenren, the white fox gave birth to a son for His Majesty, and the news was also sealed in the Human Palace. A letter came, and I didn't know it."

Said Caiyun took out the letter written by Baihu himself and handed it to Su Xuan.

Su Xuan sighed, and said: "Uncle, the matter is serious, I really want to know Qingqiu's opinion, I think my teacher is too pure and moral, and he will definitely not allow the son of the white fox to sit on the seat of the emperor."



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