Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 360: King Yu opened the mountain with an ax and broke the cage with one ax

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"Disciple Yang Jian, I have met Uncle Jiang and the Second Young Master."

Yang Jian, holding the Xiaotian dog on the left and the three-pointed double-edged blade on the right, attracted the attention of many generals of Xiqi as soon as he stood on the top of Xiqi city.

Regardless of the realm of cultivation, just judging from the appearance, this immortal family has already surpassed Wu Taoist Emperor Xin Zheng. There are too many practitioners in the army.

Jiang Ziya looked at the people who came and said, "Please hurry up, Martial Nephew Yang doesn't need to be polite. Now the battle is in a hurry, and Lei Zhenzi is trapped by the practitioners under the hands of the Wudaoren Emperor Xin, and Martial Nephew Yang is needed to rescue Lei Zhenzi." .”

Others may not be able to rescue Lei Zhenzi, but Jiang Ziya knows very well that Qingyuan Second Dao Zhenjun Yang Jian, who can split the mountain to save his mother, will definitely be able to rescue Lei Zhenzi with King Yu's mountain-opening axe.

If even Yang Jian couldn't rescue Lei Zhenzi without using the Xiantian Lingbao, then perhaps the only way to upgrade this war, which should be limited to the Xiantian Lingbao, to the level of the Xiantian Lingbao is a war.

It's just that once the war escalates to the first level of Xiantian Lingbao, the collision between Xiantian Lingbao will inevitably appear outside Xiqi City unscrupulously, and then the real loss of life will be real.

Yang Jian looked at Lei Zhenzi, who was trapped in a cage outside Xiqi City, and said, "Uncle Jiang, it's not that I don't want to rescue Junior Brother Lei Zhenzi right now. It's just that Junior Brother Lei Zhenzi's Taoism is very unstable now. If he is rescued, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble, so we have to wait for him to calm down before rescuing him."

As a practitioner, once the Dao mind is disturbed, it will be a disaster for ordinary people.

Especially for Xiqi now, Ruo Lei Zhenzi went crazy, causing no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. At that time, the people who suffered the most casualties were still only the people of Xiqi.

According to common sense, the Dao Heart of a practitioner would not be disordered because of being trapped in the formation.

But there are things that are out of common sense in the world, and after all, it is still his junior brother Lei Zhenzi. The way to gain power is too simple, where is there such a simple thing in this world? Obtained the power of wind and thunder through Yuxu Xianxing. But the Dao heart and the realm of cultivation are fundamentally inconsistent, then this will definitely be a disaster.


Jiang Ziya said helplessly: "Nephew Yang, this is the end of the matter, and it cannot be postponed! Now the Wudao Human Emperor's conquest team is about to approach the city, and we need Lei Zhenzi now, so I ask Nephew Yang to release Lei Zhenzi first and then let him go." Say something else."

Even if Lei Zhenzi can't distinguish between enemies and friends, he believes that Yang Jian will be able to subdue Lei Zhenzi and restore him to himself.

Ji Fa bowed respectfully to Yang Jian and said, "I also ask Yang Xian's family to save my younger brother from the battle. Ji Fa is very grateful."

Yang Jian looked at Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa, nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then Lei Zhenzi can only be pawned first."

Then Yang Jian put away the three-pointed double-sided blade, took out a sharp ax and held it in his hand, and flew down Xiqi City.

Flying all the way to the cage formation that trapped Lei Zhenzi, and the Yuanshen Realm practitioners of the vanguard army of Emperor Xin's conquest army, when they saw Yang Jian, they also surrounded Yin Xun and retreated.

It's not that they haven't heard of the name of Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian, but they don't want to lose thousands of years of cultivation and die under the city of Xiqi.

Seeing the retreat of Emperor Xin's conquest army vanguard, cheers erupted from the city of Xiqi.

Yang Jian looked at the still powerful cage formation, looked at the flying boat above the blue sky, and said, "Disciple Uncle Su has offended you."

Then Yang Jian raised the King Yu's mountain-opening ax in his hand, and pointed it at Lei Zhenzi who trapped Lei Zhenzi.

Ax falls.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, even the soldiers defending the city at the head of Xiqi city felt the shaking.

There was a burst of smoke and dust on the ground, and the soil cracked up to thousands of feet.

Not long after, the smoke and dust cleared, and the cage that had trapped Lei Zhenzi for several days also turned into a talisman and fell into Yang Jian's hands.

Yang Jian looked at the undamaged talisman in his hand, and murmured to himself, "Uncle Su, a little mage who is a direct descendant of morality, really lives up to his reputation."

He thought that the Dao Talisman would turn into fly ash when the ax fell, but he didn't expect that the cage Talisman would be as good as ever.


The power of wind and thunder surged, and Lei Zhenzi held the wind and thunder stick and threw it at the top of Yang Jian's head.

Yang Jian snorted softly, sideways dodged Lei Zhenzi's stick, and Lei Zhenzi was so powerful that he continued to hold the wind and thunder stick and smashed it at Yang Jian.

"Junior Brother Lei Zhenzi, it seems that I have no choice but to knock you out first."

Yang Jian looked at Lei Zhenzi who was attacking, and just hit Lei Zhenzi unconscious on the spot with a hand knife.

Then Yang Jian flew back to the city of Xiqi holding the three-foot-tall Lei Zhenzi with one hand.


Above the blue sky, within the flying boat.

The cloud mirror was still hanging high, Su Xuan looked at Lei Zhenzi who was rescued by Yang Jian, and said: "Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun is really extraordinary, but Lei Zhenzi is much worse than him."

Master Yuding, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, is best at fighting. The disciple Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian, who was taught by Master Yuding, is naturally a good player among them.

As for Fudao Zhenxian, Yun Zhongzi is best at imitating Lingbao, and most of Lei Zhenzi's cultivation is based on Xianxing, which is why he has such power.

Cihang looked at Lei Zhenzi who was firmly bound by iron chains on the cloud mirror, who seemed human but not human, demon and not demon, fairy and not fairy, and said: "Yuxu Xianxing is a spiritual object bestowed by the ancestor Hongjun. , Naturally, it is possible to create a cultivator comparable to a celestial being.

My teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun, also praised my Junior Brother Yun Zhongzi a lot, and now it seems that the cultivation level obtained by devouring the spiritual things of heaven and earth will not last long after all."

nice romance

Speaking of her junior brother Yun Zhongzi, when the three religions were still teaching in Kunlun Mountains, no matter the disciples who explained the teaching or intercepted the teaching, they had all seen all kinds of practitioners with strange powers created by Yun Zhongzi. At that time, the level of Yun neutron was still very low, and the strength of those practitioners was mostly intermittent.

And Lei Zhenzi, who was able to exchange for the cultivation of the celestial realm by relying on Yuxu, is the proud work of her junior Yun Zhongzi.

After Su Xuan drank several cups of fairy wine, he looked at Yin Xun who had retreated to nowhere, and said, "It's been so long since we've been out, we should go back to the mountain, just leave Yun Jing here, I There is an ancient sword of morality, which can reach this place in an instant."

He should really go. Although he has made a rule not to use the innate spirit treasure, he is only in the realm of the Golden Immortal after all, even if there is more than one Daluo Golden Immortal in the Taoist Temple.

I don't know how many immortal families participated in the catastrophe of conferring gods, so what's the matter with him staying here.

Mo Shanshan looked at her family, Su Xuan, and said: "It is indeed time to go, we will only hinder Xi Qi and Da Shang's eyes here."

No one would want to have a fairy family pressing on their heads during the battle of life and death.



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