Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Cloud neutron gift Juque

Dashang, Chaoge City!

People's Palace, inside the nine halls.

All the civil and military officials of the great businessman looked at the fairy family with a fairy-like demeanor and a childlike face with suspicious eyes.

Undoubtedly, to the officials of the great merchants, this was an unfamiliar fairy family, and the disciples of the three religions and three generations serving in the court could not recognize the identity of this fairy family.

Even the old lady Wen Zhong couldn't recognize this fairy family, who was practicing in the holy scene of the fairy family, and who was the master.

Fortunately, I can still confirm that this fairy family is not from the Western religion, those fairy families who like to say that this thing is related to me.

At this time, Emperor Xin, who was sitting on the Emperor's throne, looked at the fairy family in the hall and asked, "I don't know where this fairy family came from!"

Standing in the nine halls of the imperial capital of the human race, Yun Zhongzi, who was pretending to be excellent, replied flatly: "I come from between the clouds and the water."

While Yun Zhongzi was waiting for Emperor Xin to ask another question, Wen Zhong, who had seen the storybook that Yin Xun brought out from the Observation Tower, suddenly laughed and said: "My heart seems to be free from clouds, and my mind is like flowing water. Let things go, the clouds will disperse and the bright moon will be in the sky, and the water will dry and the bright moon will appear.

Pindao intercepted Wen Zhong, a direct disciple of the Holy Mother of Jinling in Biyou Palace, and met Uncle Yun Zhongzi. He didn't know why Uncle Yun Zhongzi didn't come to the Yuzhu Cave in Zhongnan Mountain to enjoy blessings, but instead came to Chaoge City. "

As a direct disciple of Jiejiao for three generations, Wen Zhong knew very well that Yun Zhongzi, who was not among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu in Yuxu Palace, was blessed with endless blessings.

In terms of cultivation realm, this Uncle Yun Zhongzi has already stood in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and in terms of refining Lingbao, Yun Zhongzi is not inferior to some Hunyuan immortals in the slightest.

But he still couldn't imagine why this Uncle Yun Zhongzi, who had a long history of blessings, would come to Chaoge City.

After all, the script is just a script, and what is said in it cannot be taken seriously.

In the nine main halls, the ancient bronze bell rang melodiously, and the officials of the great merchants, civil and military, all looked at the immortal family with unbelievable eyesight.

Because no one thought that the person who came would be a fairy who explained teachings.

"Since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it anymore."

After Yun Zhongzi recovered himself, he looked at the Human Emperor Xin on the Human Emperor's throne, and said: "Your Majesty, as the Human Emperor, is rich in the world, but now a demon has entered the Human Emperor's Palace, so the poor came here to get rid of the demon. "

This matter should have come from his Taiyi senior brother, but when the matter came to an end, his Taiyi senior brother was called back by his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun.

So he had no choice but to go to the palace in person, but he didn't expect that he would be recognized by Wen Zhong, a third-generation disciple who was intercepted.

Hearing this, the old prime minister stepped aside and said, "Master Yun Zhongzi, this is Chaoge City, where you are standing is the Nine Halls, Master Yun Zhongzi wants to say, is there any evildoer hidden in the palace of the Great Merchant?" ?”

As the prime minister of the Great Merchant, he cannot allow this great immortal to speak nonsense on the nine halls, even if there are really some monsters hiding in this man's palace, he can't let him talk in the nine halls. Speak out above.

Yun Zhongzi looked at the aging Bigan, took out the pine sword behind him, and said with a smile: "If the old prime minister doesn't believe it, you might as well try it first. This sword is made by Pindao to kill demons and eliminate demons The sword is made from pine wood that has grown for tens of thousands of years on Zhongnan Mountain. If you don't believe me, you can let the poor Taoist hang this giant sword on the highest place of the Human Palace, the Zhaixing Building, and try it out. "

He didn't like the catastrophe of conferring gods. He accepted the last adoptive son of Xibohou, Yun Zhongzi, and he only obeyed the orders of his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun.

To put it a bit rebellious, if possible, he would like to prevent this catastrophe of Conferred God.

"What kind of immortal is a person outside the Fang, but wants to walk in the human palace, this is too rude!"

Shang Rong, who had been taciturn all this time, stood up.

The Human Palace, as the residence of the Human Emperor.

How can we let the immortal family who has never served in the big merchants of the Three Religions enter lightly?

"It doesn't matter, since Immortal Yun Zhongzi has this intention, then let Immortal Yun Zhongzi see if there is any monster hiding in the Imperial Palace."

Then the later emperor Xin looked at Wen Zhong and said, "Old Grand Master, it's up to you, Uncle Bigan, and Lord Shang Rong to go with me!"

How could there be evildoers in this man's palace.

Some of them can only be the concubines of the Emperor, regardless of whether the concubines of the Emperor were monster races before becoming the concubines of the Emperor, but after becoming the concubines of the Emperor, they can only become the concubines of the Emperor.

"Follow His Majesty's decree!"

The descendant Emperor Xin is in front, Yun Zhongzi is behind, Wen Zhong is walking behind Yun Zhongzi, and the last ones are the emperor's uncle Bigan and the boss Shang Rong.

Several people walked out of the nine halls together, and walked towards the Star Picking Tower.


Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

When Yun Zhong was walking towards the Star Picking Tower, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan entered Chaoge City again.

After hiding his cultivation base in the realm of celestial beings, there are no noble gentlemen who are not open-eyed who want to provoke Yun Zhongzi, he probably has entered the Human Palace now, once the giant sword hangs high, according to the small The white fox's cultivation level can't last long at all. "

When I came here, I reviewed it again, and Mo Shanshan in those scripts also had a clear conclusion about Yun Zhongzi's mouth, which was cut from pine wood and made into a giant sword.

As a disciple of the Three Religions, his crafting methods are almost comparable to that of the Second Master Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although the spirit treasure refined by Yun neutron is only a one-time spirit treasure, it can exert sixty-seven out of ten of the power of the original spirit treasure.

True Immortal Fude is not just as simple as only Fude, no one knows how many one-time Innate Spirit Treasures this Immortal Fude has in his hands.

So no fairy family is willing to fight with Yun Zhongzi.

Su Xuan looked at her family's mountains and said: "Then go to Zuixianju to have a meal first, anyway, you will not be able to kill that stupid white fox if you know Yun Zhongzi's mouth for a while, so just take this opportunity, Let the stupid white fox know what can be done and what should not be done. You need to understand what our nuwa master does and says. I think that stupid white fox may not be able to understand it. exist."

Mo Shanshan said: "We've known each other for decades, and I don't want the white fox to go on such a road of no return. Why do you have to use a woman to start the scene?"

Even though she has already stood in the golden fairy realm, she still can't figure it out.

Su Xuan embraced the waist of his family's mountain, supported his forehead, and said: "Actually, I can't figure out what that stupid white fox owes to Uncle Nuwa, and he will pay it with his life and the reputation of the fox clan." .”

This is also something he can't figure out. In his opinion, if he can figure it out now, then he probably has already picked the Dao Fruit of Da Luo Jinxian.



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