Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 407: After today, Western religion is a sect

Journey to the Heavens from Jiang Ye

In Zhou Tian's star battle formation.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at the many immortal families who had stopped their disputes, and said: "You are all immortal families in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and you have long been able to achieve the world with one thought, and the world with one thought.

Countless times and spaces exist forever, and one certificate will last forever. You can roam in the long river of time and space at will. "

Ancestor Hongjun's calm and prestige voice echoed in Zhou Tian's Star Dou formation, Zhun Ti was full of anger when he heard it.

Zhunti looked at the group of Da Luo Xianjia in front of him, and said: "Teacher Qi, all the juniors have set up this evil formation in the western land, intending to kill the disciples, and I ask the teacher to observe clearly."

He was well aware of what happened back then, but he never expected that these people would dare to risk the world's displeasure by setting up such a vicious array at the door of his house.


The Kunpeng patriarch snorted coldly and said, "Teacher Qi, I'm waiting for you to come here with a vengeance. Brother Zhunti is usually domineering. In my demon clan's territory, if you see that demon clan member with good aptitude, let me say something. I have a predestined relationship with him in the Western religion, and I also ask the teacher to be the master for us, and use the supreme supernatural power of Taoism to knock this Zhunti down from the holy position."

I don't know if the saint's seat can be knocked down, but Kunpeng knows that their teacher definitely has the means to restrict the saint.

Many fairy families on the side, after hearing the suggestion of the ancestor Kunpeng, also echoed one after another. Although Zhunti is unlikely to be knocked down by the teacher, there is no hope at all!

The leader of Minghe also agreed: "Teacher Qi, brother Zhunti often comes to my dojo to hunt for treasures in the sea of ​​blood. Before Pindao said no, he killed brother Zhunti's wonderful tree of seven treasures, and ask the teacher to give it to me." The disciples are the masters!"

"My apprentice Zhunti, what do you have to say when your juniors have sued you?" Ancestor Hongjun looked at Zhunti who was dodging his eyes, and said, "Don't lie to me as a teacher. Xiaogong has been innumerable thousands of years, but this pair of eyes is still not blind."

Zhunti hesitated and said, "I have nothing to say."

For the immortals in the Daluo Jinxian realm, what he did would not be noticed at all, but for his teacher, the ancestor Hongjun, those things he did would naturally be clearly understood. placed on the table.

He is already on the verge of riding a tiger. Thinking of this, Zhunti hated that stupid six-winged golden cicada even more. If it wasn't for that six-winged golden cicada, why would he have encountered such a situation.


On Mount Sumeru!

After their teacher, Patriarch Hongjun, came to this world, the Taoist guides on Mount Sumeru have been restless.

Nuwa, who was hiding outside Mount Sumeru, was too busy to set up the Qiankun Cauldron and start cooking soup. Obviously, she had made up her mind to keep blocking it outside Mount Sumeru.

Mount Sumeru.

Jieyin Taoist woke up from his dream again, he looked at the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation 700,000 miles away, suddenly looked up to the sky with firm eyes and shouted: "Today the Western religion is separated from Taoism, it does not belong to Taoism Authentic, it is the way of eight hundred sects, and I hope all the heavens and all worlds can learn from it.”

Leaving the Taoist sect and establishing a side sect on his own, this is the only way he can think of, which can save his junior brother from being punished by the ancestor Hongjun.

Following the words of Taoist Jieyin, thunder rolled like a tide in the heavens and myriad realms.

"You are so courageous to pick up your junior brother."


"You two are so ambitious, let me cut off your western spiritual vein once again."

Shouyang Mountain Bajing Palace.

Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun.

Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea.

There was a burst of roar at the same time!

Empress Nuwa, who was making soup at the foot of Mount Sumeru, rushed up Mount Sumeru directly with the Qiankun Ding in her hand, looking for a Taoist to guide her to discuss it.

A large number of Xuanmen fairy families, after hearing the words of Jieyin, approached the fairy families of the Western religion one after another, preparing to clean up their sects.

It can be said that the sky and the earth are eclipsed, the sun and the moon have no light, and the entire heavens and worlds are in a haze.

Since then, there is no longer a branch of the Western Sect in the Taoist sect, and the courage of the Western Sect to establish itself has also shocked many immortals in the Daluo Jinxian realm in the heavens and myriad realms.

Inside the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array.

Ancestor Hongjun, who was about to teach Zhun some lessons, listened to the heroic words of the Taoist on the top of Mount Sumeru, and said: "Zhunti Zhenren, since the Western religion has left the Taoist sect and established itself with eight hundred sects, you As the master of the eight hundred sects, I, the master of the Taoist sect, naturally cannot punish you, but from now on, the Taoist gate is the Taoist gate, and the sectary gate is the sectary sect."

After saying this, Patriarch Hongjun waved his sleeves and sent Zhunti back to Mount Sumeru before leaving under the watchful eyes of many Taoist immortals.

After Hongjun Patriarch left, the Da Luo Xian family who came to help him left one after another after asking for their relatives.


Fly to the mountains.

After hearing the heroic words of guiding the Taoists to spread throughout the heavens and myriad worlds, Su Xuan finally figured out why a small six-winged golden cicada would cause such a big consequence.

It turns out that the drunkard's intention is not to drink!

At this time, the Immortal Family of the Three Teachings had already left, and only him and his family were left on the edge of Feilai Mountain.

After Jieyin uttered those words, the whole world began to rain, a rain that even the Da Luo Xian family could not stop, this rain was the wrath of and also the wrath of Taoism.

It's raining!

Mo Shanshan came over holding an umbrella, and said, "Western sects have become 800 sects, which seems to be very similar to a certain script we saw not long ago."

Many years ago, she and her family Su Xuan had read a lot of scriptures, among which there were no less than a thousand volumes of scriptures about conferred gods.

Among the thousands of books about Fengshen, there is a book called Fengshen Yanyi, which talks about the transformation of the Western church into eight hundred sects.

Su Xuan and his family Shanshan held the oil-paper umbrella together. He looked at the turmoil of the rain and explained: "It is indeed very similar, except that the time is earlier. That's why I always say that the words in the book are too light. Xianjia always cares too much about the result, but ignores the process, but in fact, the only thing that should be remembered is the process.”

In the deduction of many Daluo Xianjia or Taiyi Xianjia, the result arrangement is very reasonable, but what about the process? It's really unreasonable, just like today's reception will leave Taoism, is it really a temporary idea?

Not necessarily!

That was clearly planned for a long time.

Mo Shanshan said, "What about you? Do you care about the process? Or the result?"

With the other hand, Su Xuan embraced his family's waist, stared at his family's eyes very seriously, and said, "I care about my family's mountains!"

It is true that the Xian family will pay attention to the result of something, and the result of something, but he only pays attention to his family.

Mo Shanshan blushed, she said, "This explanation is very good, I like it very much."


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