Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 417: The situation in the village of 1

Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea, inside Biyou Palace.

It was the time when Master Tongtian was giving a lecture, but the Master Tongtian was sitting in the Biyou Palace, looking at the long-eared Dingguang Immortal who was transforming into a disciple of the Western sect.

Master Tongtian couldn't help saying angrily: "Jieying, Zhuntier and others are deceiving people too much. If this is the case, then I won't talk about affection."

"Where is the Jiejiao Ten Thousand Immortals? The demons suppressed by Mount Sumeru have been born. All disciples will follow me to Mount Sumeru to kill demons and eliminate demons."

The Qingping sword hanging on the wall of Biyou Palace kept trembling, and the sword energy could be seen that the universe was constantly being born and dying.

And inside and outside of Biyou Palace, inside and outside of Jinbie Island, and the Jiejiao immortal family in the whole heavens and myriad worlds, after hearing that their tutors are mainly going to Mount Sumeru, the western land, after killing demons and demons, they all turned into rainbow lights and went straight. Mount Sumeru left.

Outside the Biyou Palace, the ancient clock hanging high rang nine times in an instant.

Jiejiao Wanxian, who was on Jinbie Island, shouted in unison: "We are willing to follow the leader to go to the west of Mount Sumi to kill demons and demons, and help the Taoist sect."

"I am willing to follow the leader to go to Mount Sumeru in the west to slay demons and eliminate demons, so as to help the Taoist sect."


The sound of echo resounded among the Emperors of Heaven like the Taotao Tianhe. Even the spies of the Western Sect who were hiding in the sect, at this moment, they changed their families from the bottom of their hearts.

It's not that the Western religion is not good, it's really good to cut off the teaching. I guess this time, it's going to be planned to cut off the teaching and wipe out the Western teaching.

And on the East China Sea outside the Golden Turtle Island, many scattered cultivators looked at the tens of thousands of rainbow lights that suddenly rose from the Golden Turtle Island, which was also a secret.

The last time Jiejiao Wanxian came out in full force, it was the Tongtian Cult Master who went to the East Kunlun Mountains to show off his own strength.

"Treading Stars"

But this time, these Jiejiao immortals shouted that they were willing to follow the leader to Mount Sumeru to kill demons.

Some casual cultivators of Daluo Jinxian realm who are not afraid of things, also turned into rainbow light, followed closely behind Jiejiao Wanxian, and went to Mount Sumeru together.

This day, this moment!

Between the sky and the earth, there are tens of thousands of rainbow lights, starting from the Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea, stretching for an unknown number of miles.

Due to the fact that there are too many Jiejiao immortal families, the Jiejiao disciples who are cultivated in the Daluo Jinxian realm have already followed their leader to the border of the western land.

But the Jie disciples whose cultivation bases are generally in the realm of celestial immortals and golden immortals have just left Golden Turtle Island not far away, while those Jiejiao disciples who came from behind have hurried back from the heavens and myriad realms.

The Realm of Conferred Gods was shocked for a moment!

The heavens and the world were shocked, and many Hunyuan immortal families and practitioners of the older generation of Daluo Jinxian realm were shocked.

And the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven was even more horrified, for fear that his Master Tongtian would be unhappy, and after sweeping Mount Sumeru of the Western religion, he would sweep away the Thirty-Three Heavens.

Therefore, in the thirty-three heavens, the four gates of heaven were all closed at this moment.

The scene of the thousands of Jiejiao Immortals marching mightily is also frightening to the practitioners in the western land, but except for those who are serious about their crimes and killed by Jiejiao's disciples, the other Western Cult's immortals, the Jiejiao's disciples simply ignore them.

This time, they have only one purpose in stopping the teaching, and that is to rush to Mount Sumeru to slay demons and demons in the shortest possible time.

After all, the leader once said, is the Buddha originally a demon?

It seems that this sentence originally came from the mouth of Zhun Tizhen, the second leader of the Western Church.

Since one thought becomes a Buddha and one thought becomes a demon, then the disciples of Western religions are all demons now, and it is their duty to know that the demons help the orthodox sect.


On Mount Sumeru.

The Master of Tongtian has not yet arrived, but the four swords of the heavens have already been deployed, and the entire Mount Sumeru has become full of evil spirits.

Some of the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect who had just returned from the heavens and worlds gave up the Buddha's heart under the aura of evil spirits, entered the way of the devil and became the head of the devil.

Zhunti looked at the cloud mirror that could observe the entire western land, and said, "Senior brother, Jiejiao Wanxian is here."


Jiejiao Wanxian is here!

Jieyin woke up from the dream, and said: "If you slow down for a while, I'm afraid Chang Er Ding has become the Ding Guang Huan Xi Buddha, but it's a pity that it's still one step away! Stop teaching Wanxian to Mount Sumeru to ask for punishment, junior brother, you can think about it how to respond?"

He tried to persuade his junior brother, but his junior brother has already fallen into madness because of the western land, and only this action can bring his junior brother back.

Zhunti sighed helplessly: "Senior brother, I have no way to stop teaching Wan Xian to come to Sumeru to inquire about crimes."

He thought about many kinds of results, but he never thought that the leader of Tongtian Cult would be so staunch, that he would cut off the sect and all immortals to come out at every turn.

Jieyin's already suffering face became more painful, and he said: "Since Junior Brother has no countermeasures, Junior Brother, don't act like this in the future. Although there is no distinction between East and West in the heavens and myriad worlds, we are waiting for you." I was born in the West. It was the West that raised us. Our position as a Hunyuan Saint is also because of the unparalleled decisive battle that took place in the West. Brother, you should really read the classics of Daode Tianzun."

He, the younger brother, doesn't care about discipline, if things go on like this, then the entire western land will inevitably reappear the fighting situation of the year.

Zhunti said with shame on his face: "Junior brother knows his mistake!"

At this time, outside of Mount Sumeru, a roar like a mountain roar and a tsunami came to mind.

"One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. Now Mount Sumeru is full of demon heads. We are here to subjugate demons."

"Slaying demons and demons, my generation of practitioners is Kill all demons, so that the mine can be divided."


At this time, the leader of Tongtian, outside Mount Sumeru, shouted: "Two bald thieves, you betrayed the Taoist sect and went to court in the capital of the human race to confuse all living beings. This leader is ordered to kill demons and demons. You two are still here!" If you don’t come out to accept the surrender, when will you wait!”


Isn't it okay that he was ordered by the leader of the Tongtian sect? Is it unreasonable for him to come to Mount Sumeru to kill demons and demons under his own order?

It makes sense.

Jieyin came out from Mount Sumeru, he looked at the mighty Jiejiao Immortal Clan above the blue sky, and said: "My friend Tongtian Daoist, what you said is wrong, it is clear that you have the Taoism of Tongtian, and you want this unknown teacher to come and commit crimes." I, Mount Sumeru, Daoist Ancestor Hongjun is watching in Zixiao Palace, Daoist Tongtian, how dare you falsely pass on the decree?"

Ancestor Hongjun has long been in harmony with the way of heaven, and is already in a state of ignoring world affairs. How can this decree be issued?

Master Tongtian laughed and said, "Fellow Daoists, do you think too much? Today, the leader of Japan is serving his own decree, but he didn't say he was following the decree of the teacher. If the teacher is not in line with the way of heaven, you Western The teaching is long gone."

"Intercept and teach the immortals to obey orders, and kill demons and demons!"

Since he came to Mount Sumeru today, he didn't think about it, because he retreated after a few words to guide the real person.

If there is anything, it is not too late to talk about it after calling first.

As soon as Jiejiao Wanxian made a move, the entire heavens and myriad worlds were overshadowed. In the history of the heavens and myriad worlds, except for the great calamity that saw this scene, only Jiejiao had such strength .

Even as the guide of the Hunyuan Immortal family, it is difficult to move an inch under the interweaving of thousands of Dao laws, let alone the leader of Tongtian Sect.



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