Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Desperate Xiqi

Under the blue sky, above the flying boat.

Su Xuan drank the immortal wine calmly, and listened to Yun Zhongzi who was at the side telling him all about his future plans, feeling even more horrified in his heart.

It turns out that this is the real catastrophe of conferring gods. In the heavens and myriad worlds, many immortal families have carried out on-the-spot deduction for the catastrophe of conferring gods.

Even he thought that the God Conferred Catastrophe was a disaster before, and he didn't have the two catastrophes in the records, but after hearing Yun Zhongzi's story, Su Xuan instantly understood the cause and effect of the Conferred God Calamity.

Why are the results deduced by many immortal families, although there are differences in this way, but the final results all end in the failure of the big business.

It turns out that there is a behind-the-scenes pusher behind all this. Practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm already possess the attribute of immortality, have transcended the long river of time and space, and avoided the scour of the avenue of time.

But the gods are different. If it is the gods from the beginning of ancient times, it is not impossible to defeat the Hunyuan Xianjia, but the gods do not exist for detachment after all, and they will naturally be enveloped by the law of time.

Probably except for the ancient **** who was in charge of the avenue of time at the beginning, there is no other **** who can escape the scouring of time.

It's just that the time of the gods' survival is so long that it can be traced back to the time when the sky was opened. For example, the Lord Taishan who is still alive today is the ancient **** who is in charge of the death records of the gods.

After a long time, most of the jars of immortal wine had bottomed out. Su Xuan looked at Yun Zhongzi who had gone away in a rainbow light, and said: "The root of the immortal family is forged with the way of gods, and the immortals of all heavens and ten thousand realms are used to create the essence of immortality." family, will slowly kill the Xian family, then in the end, who will be the ultimate beneficiary?"

In the Library Pavilion of the Bajing Palace, he had never seen the record of killing practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but he had seen many. Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian were beaten into innate treasures and exiled It is a record of going out of the heavens and worlds and flowing into the vast void.

The Hunyuan Immortal family is on the way forward, and the Hunyuan Immortal family is here, so these black hands naturally dare not come out to stir up the wind and rain.

But once the saint escaped, those older Da Luo Jinxians also followed in the footsteps of the Hunyuan saint.

Then the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm at that time could naturally command the Heavens and Myriad Realms. After all, the Heavens and Myriad Realms have been in a state of chaos since the beginning of the Lich War.

But in the end, the gods in the heaven will eventually dissipate in the clouds and smoke, and become some ridiculous legend.

Thinking of this, Su Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud, he had never been more eager to pick the Dao Fruit than now.

If he can't become Da Luo, in the foreseeable disaster in the future, he and his family can only become immortals drifting with the crowd.


The head of Xiqi City.

This time 17Bxwx.cO*M Zhang Si. With a large number of immortals from the two sects going to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm to worship the Heavenly Emperor, the battle between the Great Merchants and Xiqi has come to an end.

At the crenellation of the city wall, Ji Fa looked at the gradually dilapidated defensive formation, and said, "Prime Minister Jiang, the conferring of the gods is about to end, right?"

Jiang Ziya sighed: "It is indeed coming to an end. I thought it would take hundreds of years, but under the planning of Guanzhu Su, many immortal gods on the list of gods have already returned to their positions."

It has been decades since he was ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain, and now that he has become a **** general, it can be regarded as a consummation of merit.

Strong reading sacrifice. Ji Fa asked: "Prime Minister Jiang, what should Xiqi do? Once the Chanjiao Immortal Family leaves, how can Xiqi resist the conquest army of the Great Merchants? You must know that the emperor Xin Qi had already made a court song seven days ago. Came to Xiqi, accompanied by many immortals."

He no longer dared to imagine what kind of disaster the people of Xiqi would suffer when the Emperor Xin and his army came to the city of Xiqi.

Jiang Ziya turned around and looked at Xiqi City. Looking at Xiqi City where he had been staying for decades, Jiang Ziya was also deeply moved for a while. He said: "Your Majesty, don't disturb, the old minister has his own tricks."

Ji Fa was overjoyed, but didn't show it on his face, "I don't know what trick Prime Minister Jiang has?"

Jiang Ziya looked at the streets in the city and said, "Your Majesty, the heavenly secrets must not be leaked, otherwise it will be useless."

Ji Fa let out a long sigh of relief, bowed and said, "The safety of the people of Xiqi depends entirely on the prime minister."

Then Ji Fa walked down the Xiqi city with heavy steps, and went to the city to appease the people.

Jiang Ziya looked at Ji Fa who had already left, but he couldn't calm down for a long time, so there was no clever plan!

At this moment, what can he, a small cultivator in the realm of primordial spirit, do in the face of such a situation?

"Are you really going to go that way?"


Jiang Ziya murmured to himself.

It's just that I don't know what kind of trouble it will bring to the teacher after taking that road.


Compared with the worries of Xiqi's monarchs and ministers, Yu Qing, who temporarily replaced Wen Taishi as the leader of the army in the big business camp, was happy from the bottom of his heart.

This war, which has been fought for decades, is finally about to be decided. Although the losses here are heavy, compared to Xiqi, who is weak and weak, their current advantage is still quite large.

Although there are no practitioners from the Da Luo Jinxian realm to help out, there are still several practitioners from the Jinxian realm, hundreds of practitioners from the Celestial realm, and a considerable army of practitioners to dispatch~www Shuai tent.

Yu Qing sat on the seat that Wen Taishi had used in the past, looked at with a smile on his face, the relative of the Renhuang family, and said: "Friend Yin Xun, now His Majesty the Renhuang is leading the army, and he will come to the west in a few days." Under Qicheng, I wonder what fellow Daoist Yin Xun has planned?"

Yin Xun said with a worried face: "General Yu, although Xiqi is now powerless to resist my great merchant's conquest army, but it is not yet the moment when the universe is settled, we still need to be more cautious, after all, Yang Jian and Jiang Ziya's educating immortals are still there. "

Not only because of those immortals who explain teachings, but more because of that real Su who has been staying not far from Xiqi City.

At this moment when most of the immortal families of the two religions have left, Su Xuan, the master of Youjian Dao Temple in Feilai Mountain, has become the one who can decide the trend of the battle.

Yu Qing smiled calmly and said: "Friend Yin Daoist, you are too worried. Ever since those immortal sects who belonged to the interpretation of teachings left, that little Ji Fa couldn't even maintain the big defense formation of Xiqi City, and only waited for His Majesty the Emperor to come down." Once you arrive, you can take Xiqi in one fell swoop."

The rest of the Xianjia, such as Yang Jian, are indeed unparalleled in combat power, but the remaining conquest army of the Great Merchant is not idle, but with the help of the formation left by the Jiejiao Xianjia, it is still the same as usual , and firmly trapped Xiqi City.

Seeing this, Yin Xun had no choice but to say: "It seems that poor people are worrying too much."

But for some reason, Yin Xun always felt something was wrong in his heart, but the more he tried to figure it out, the more he couldn't think of it.

Yin Xun, who thought for a long time and couldn't come up with the slightest clue, had no choice but to drink dull wine.

Control the big and the owl. …


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