Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 426: It's a matter of enshrining the gods, the emperor becomes the emperor

With the gradual end of the conferring of the gods, the war between Dashang and Xiqi came to an end. Without the help of various immortals, Dashang and Xiqi inevitably embarked on the most brutal battle .

The brutal war between Dashang and Xiqi came to an end only a hundred years after Jiang Ziya forcibly conferred the godhood.

The final outcome was not too good. Without a large number of great merchants from the immortal family to help maintain the Chi Dao, they had to lead tens of millions of people from Chaoge City who were loyal to the Da Shang to leave their hometowns before the last Chi Dao failed. Where did you go?

Xiqi also fulfilled his wish and occupied 30% of the territory of the former great merchants, but there was no news about the dozens of worlds that Xiqi asked the civil and military ministers to miss, and it was obviously in the hands of that majesty.

At the former site of the Xiqi Conferred Gods Terrace, another platform was built, but compared with the Conferred Gods Platform, this platform used to worship the sky is much smaller, but the luxury of this newly built platform for worshiping the heavens is not to be outdone by the excellent materials. Lost to the Star Picking Tower.

Ji Fa wore the emperor's clothes sent by the gods in the sky, held the emperor's sword that symbolized the emperor's power, and said: "I have been ordered by heaven, that is, I will live forever and prosper. I have harvested all the Yin land. Today I pray to God, and I am the emperor!"

At this time, above the blue sky, the clouds and mist were rolling and boiling, and a fairy came out of the clouds and mist, holding the decree of the emperor of heaven, and descended under the blue sky to worship on the platform.

A certain **** in the Heavenly Court, who was born to teach, stood at the side of Zhou Tianzi Jifa, slightly cupped his hands and said: "Today, according to the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, He Wu Wang Jifa is the emperor, this is the spiritual object bestowed by the Emperor of Heaven to His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty's men."

I saw an exquisite basket flying out of the sleeve of the Xianjia Xianjia, and landed firmly on the table where three sacrifices such as pigs, cattle and sheep were placed.

Ji Fa stepped forward, even though he was extremely dissatisfied with the Heavenly Emperor, he still suppressed the anger in his heart and opened the basket.

Ji Fa looked at the three green and small flat peaches in the basket, and the fire of ignorance was already aroused in his heart, but Ji Fa looked at the officials under the altar, and then at the immortal family, who was high above, and said: "This emperor is very grateful to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. I hope the Xian family will go back and tell His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. Ji Fa has already received His Majesty's kindness."

The emperor humiliated his ministers to death, and seeing the emperor humiliated at the sacrifice to the Tiantai, all the civil and military officials in Xiqi were filled with righteous indignation.

They are allies with Xiqi. Is that how His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor treats allies?

All of a sudden, many eyes fell on the celestial God of War, Jiutian Xuannv, and from time to time, a few aggressive eyes fell on Jiutian Xuannv.

Nine Heavens Xuannv looked under the blue sky, the fairy family who only had the cultivation base of the celestial fairy realm, was very helpless towards Xiqi for a while.

If you want to be an ally with their Majesty, you must at least have some strength. If you don't want to match the strength, the word ally can only be a joke.

In Jiutianxuannv's view, becoming an ally of the Heavenly Court seems to be more suitable for a big businessman. At least the big businessman Emperor Xin, won't be scared by the Heavenly Court sending an immortal in the realm of the Celestial Immortal?

under the blue sky.

The **** who explained the teaching said with a smile: "This **** came to preach the decree, and the **** will tell His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven what His Majesty the Son of Heaven said. However, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will build many temples for gods in the world in the future, so please His Majesty the Son of Heaven. convenient."

Although these words were a request, the lines between the lines revealed heavy oppression. Some casual cultivators who had not yet become immortals were also extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the Heavenly Emperor forced the earth to build temples for the heavenly gods.

You must know that in the Underworld, it took a lot of effort to establish the city emperor on the land of the great merchant, before negotiating with the emperor of the great merchant. The sages of the human race can be the emperor of the city and protect the safety of the people.

In the circle of ordinary practitioners, few people know about conferring gods.

But where is there an impenetrable wall in this world? Ninety-nine percent of the gods on the list of gods are immortals who have become gods in the flesh, so why do they need human incense?

Therefore, it is clear at a glance who is using these human incense. The majesty in the sky will not trust the immortals of the Three Religions and the immortals of Sanxiu. The only ones that his majesty trusts are the gods conceived from the heaven.

On the rooftop!

With a gloomy expression, Ji Fa sent off the immortal official who came from the sky and was born in teaching. At this moment, Ji Fa couldn't help thinking, if Prime Minister Jiang was still there, how could this little cultivator in the realm of heaven dare to be so rude?

Under the altar, from time to time there are practitioners walking away with their swords in their hands. These practitioners who were born in the human race came here to witness the rise of another human emperor, but they did not expect to witness the birth of an emperor.

The Human Sovereign is the emperor who commands the entire human being. If necessary, he can also lead the human immortal family to rule the entire heavens and worlds.

But the son of heaven is the son of heaven, and his majesty in the sky has acted like this, and his mind is clearly revealed.


Fire Cloud Cave!

Since the fall of the ancestor of Hongyun, it has become the great world where the human race suppressed luck, and the thunder was rolling like a tide. Many sages of the human race were also angry at the actions of the majesty in the sky.

But no one dared to violate the old Dao oath and walk out of Huoyun Cave, because once they went out, they would never be able to touch the Dao again, which was an unbearable price for practitioners.

In the Huoyun Cave in the Huoyun Cave, Fuxi looked at Ji Fa's performance on the cloud mirror and said, "Since he has become the Son of Heaven, Ji Fa and Huoyun Cave will naturally have nothing to do with each other from now on. The Son of Heaven must not enter the Huoyun Cave to enjoy the luck of the human race."

Although they have the cultivation and realm comparable to half of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they have to stay in Huoyun Cave and guard the luck of the human race.

Except him and Shennong. There are countless thousands of years of accumulation. Among the sages of the human race in Except for the reincarnation of a few Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners, the vast majority of the sages of the human race obtained their merits and luck Xiuwei.

The gift of the Great Dao has been clearly priced at the very beginning, relying on merit and luck to reach such a level of cultivation, then once the luck of the human race declines, their cultivation level will naturally plummet, not only without the characteristics of Da Luo Is the Da Luo Jinxian still a Da Luo Jinxian?

Emperor Xuanyuan looked at Ji Fa in the cloud mirror, and said: "Why don't I go together and seek justice in the Lingxiao Palace, so that His Majesty in the sky can take a good look at what kind of background we and the human race have?"

Fuxi said calmly: "This is Xiqi's own choice and that emperor's choice. Since the moment we entered Huoyun Cave, we have long been separated from Zhutian Wanjie, and we are still guarding the destiny of the human race honestly. It’s better not to cause another catastrophe.”

This Fire Cloud Cave is both a chance and a cage!



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