Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 432: Xing Tianwu relatives

A precious mirror hangs high inside the Nantian Gate.

The sea of ​​blood is surging outside the Nantian Gate.

Many immortals in the heavens have ups and downs in their minds, and they are all immortals who want face. Even if they don't like His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor very much, since they are in the heavens, they are standing on the merit system invisibly.

For a while, many innate spiritual treasures appeared in the air, intending to disperse the sea of ​​blood, but the prestige of Styx Master Styx was not a false name blown up by others.

In addition, many immortals also wanted to watch jokes, so most of them did not work hard.

As soon as several pieces of innate spiritual treasures entered the sea of ​​blood above the blue sky, they were wrapped in the sea of ​​blood, and none of the laws of the great way should have been changed.

The old ministers loyal to the Emperor of Heaven were extremely indignant when they saw these gods and others dare to disregard the emperor's life so much, but at this moment they could do nothing but stare at each other angrily.

The sea of ​​blood is still choppy, but the mirror of the Emperor of Heaven hanging high in the blue sky is being suppressed and retreating steadily.

At this time, Houtu came with the people of the Wu tribe. Houtu looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven who was still about to die at this time, and said, "Junior brother, this heaven and world is still a place that pays attention to the realm of cultivation. Junior brother, you My cultivation level is not very good, but my heart is quite big, and now most of the supporters of the Yin Virtue system have come here, I wonder what my junior brother can teach me?"

She has already cut off the infiltration of the underworld by the sect of the Western religion, but His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor wants to cut off the roots of the witch clan by doing this. Isn't this more disgusting than the Western religion?

If His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is really allowed to do this, I am afraid that all the immortal practitioners in the heavens and worlds will have to look up to the thirty-three heavens.

Those who are not obedient will be sent to reincarnation and suffer for countless years, and those who are obedient will be arranged to enjoy wealth and honor in the world for ten thousand years. In short, by then, the Netherworld will become the back garden of the heavens.

"Since Senior Sister Pingxin has said so, let's rely on our own strength!"

Behind the Heavenly Emperor, a congenital spiritual treasure rose from the sky, symbolizing the Heavenly Emperor's status and respect, the Heavenly Emperor Sword directly rushed into the sea of ​​blood in the blue sky, breaking it to pieces.

Master Styx laughed and said: "Is this plausible? Brother, as the Emperor of Heaven, you want to show your weakness to the enemy. What kind of Emperor of Heaven is this? Don't pretend! Let the Master try to be the Emperor of today, see Let's see if the younger brother can take on the responsibility of the heavens and the world."

I saw Yuantu and Abi, two swords out of their sheaths, easily blocked the unabated Heavenly Emperor Sword, and the three swords of the innate spirit treasure level collided above the blue sky.

Just as the leader of Styx was fighting with the Emperor of Heaven, a great witch appeared in the real body of the Wu Clan and charged at the Emperor of Heaven with a huge axe on his shoulder.

As soon as the avatar of the sorcerer clan appeared, some immortals who had experienced the battle of the lich took a breath of cold air.

And this is the result of the great witch Xingtian not fully unfolding the real body of the great witch. Once the great witch Xingtian completely reappears the real body of the witch clan between the heaven and the earth, it may take thousands of miles.

"Great Wu Xingtian, then that ax is supposed to be the godly axe."

The old minister of the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu in the past, looked at the dry Qishen axe, and fell into memory.

In the past, the great witch, Xingtian, relied on the Qianqi God ax in his hand, and with the power of a great witch, he forcibly blocked it, and the entire demon emperor's guards.

Several demon gods from the realm of Daluo Jinxian led thousands of demons from the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and in the end they were slaughtered to death by a witch named Xingtian.

When they saw this Qian Qi Shen ax again, some demon clan and immortal families who came from afar looked at the great witch Xing Tian outside the Nantian Gate under the blue sky with murderous intent.

"Emperor, do you dare to fight?"

Xing Tian waved the axe of Qianqi, and smashed it at the Emperor of Heaven one after another. The Emperor of Heaven held the sword of Emperor of Heaven, and kept swinging the ax of God of Qiqi away.

The Heavenly Emperor Sword and the Heavenly God Axe's Dao Law are also constantly colliding. In the end, even the extremely stable time and space have many tiny cracks under the battle between the two innate spiritual treasures.

As soon as this rift appeared, the gods under the realm of Da Luo Jinxian all retreated, for fear of being affected by the rift in time and space.


Houtu looked at the Heavenly Emperor who was fighting back and forth with the great witch Xingtian, and asked the Styx Master who was beside him, "Senior brother, can you see something? I remember that our junior brother should not be so weak."

When he was in Zixiao Palace in the past, the Heavenly Emperor, who was still a boy of the ancestor of Hongjun, had already stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Now that countless eras have changed, and after countless worlds have been born and died, this Heavenly Emperor, at this very moment, will be killed by a great witch. It is very unreasonable to be suppressed and beaten.

Styx Master Styx looked at those innate spirit treasures still acting in the sea of ​​blood, and said, "Junior Sister's words reminded me that our Heavenly Emperor is indeed a little weak now."

Ever since he became a Heavenly Emperor, there has never been a Heavenly Emperor with such a weak cultivation level, but Master Styx knew very well that their junior brother's cultivation level should not be so weak.

In his opinion, although Xing Tian is strong, he is far from being the match of the Emperor of Heaven.

Houtu asked suspiciously: "Could it be that this is just a clone of the three corpses. The real body has already been reincarnated, but the six realms of reincarnation have never seen our junior reincarnated."

A reincarnation of a cultivator who is about to reach the realm of Hunyuan, the Daluo Jinxian realm, no matter how careful he is, he can't hide from the investigation of the Lord of Reincarnation.

After all, she has long been a practitioner of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation is her home field.

Master Styx laughed at himself, and said: "There is another possibility, that is, our junior brother, before the birth of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he had already reincarnated his real body. Vitality, opening the back door to gain connections, there are countless people who want to have a good future, our junior brother, we may not know whose relationship was left at the beginning."

Not to mention their junior brother, even he has sent countless blood **** sons to reincarnate As the master of the way of Asura, he is already ahead of the curve in this regard.

Hearing the words of Styx Sect Leader, Houtu seemed to have remembered that when the Underworld was first established, the great witch of the Houtu tribe received a lot of gifts from the fairy family for the continuation of the Wu clan. man!

"What's the point?" Houtu said: "Even if you don't go through the six reincarnations and want to go through hundreds of millions of calamities to practice, you will always alarm the underworld. Wangxiangtai, Naihe Bridge, and Huangquan can always find some clues. How come he has been reincarnated so many times and has not been discovered yet."

The leader of Styx looked at Xing Tian, ​​who was gradually gaining the upper hand, and said: "That's unknown, but the position of Emperor of Heaven is a very, very big position, which belongs to the divine way and not to the immortal way. At the beginning, the emperor relied on the sun and the sun. , plus the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and many of our immortal families have suppressed the divine way, so it is called the Heavenly Court, but in fact, the seat of the Emperor of Heaven must be secure for many calamities."

You must know that their junior brother does not have the strength of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.



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