Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Heavenly Emperor Reincarnated

It has been three hundred years since Xingtian was sealed in Changyang Mountain by his body. The Majesty above the thirty-three heavens has never been to the Lingxiao Palace since he was severely injured by the **** axe.

But fortunately, the gods in the heavens are in full bloom, so there is no major disturbance in the heavens and the world, and the Netherworld is also very stable. In the past hundred years, there has been no inexplicable surprise from the **** who is loyal to the emperor of heaven. Go to Taishan Mansion Lord.

Lord Taishan is the oldest living **** in the heavens and worlds, but he is not the most capable **** in the heavens and worlds. The few who are the most capable have long since died in the battle between the gods and the mysteries.

In the battle of the gods and mysteries that year, it ended in the victory of the Xuanmen, and the Taoism of the Xuanmen has naturally become authentic.

The ancient gods back then either switched to the Taoism of Taoism, or they were transformed into prehistoric times, or they were like the Lord of Mount Tai, with tasks that were difficult to deal with in the Taoism of Taoism.

Immortals who lost their physical bodies and were on the list of gods naturally don't have to die, but the gods canonized by the emperor of heaven will still die. After death, they will go to the **** where the Lord of Mount Tai is located to be judged, and then reincarnated.

The reincarnation of the gods is different from the reincarnation of the six realms of reincarnation, but they still belong to the six realms of reincarnation, but the Netherworld and the Lord of Taishan have always been the same as the well water.

However, Houtu wanted to invite with the system of yin and virtue, and the Lord of Mount Tai would naturally not refuse, so it is normal for the gods of the heavens to fall from time to time.

But this day, it was very different.

It was raining in most of the worlds of the Heavens and Myriad Realms on this day, and for a long period of time, those great worlds ruled by the heavenly realms in the All Heavens and Myriad Realms have been shrouded in the hazy rainy season.

This rain has been falling for a long time. In the historical records of the heavens and myriad worlds, there has never been a rain that lasted for such a long time. Even if the Xian family tried to stop the rain, it would be of no avail.

Because this rain can't be stopped at all, if it can be stopped, the practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm would have stopped this heavy rain with the aura of the five declines of heaven and man.

The rain kept falling like this, and even practitioners didn't get any benefits from this rain.


The world, Hangu!

The pouring rain was still pouring, and in the extremely narrow and long 80,000-mile Han Valley, a big river appeared, a big river that gathered rainwater.

Su Xuan, who was standing by the big river, looked at the rain that was about to overflow his ankles, and said: "This rain came strangely. It is similar to the old saint's anger, and the heavens change color, but I haven't heard of it either." A Primordial Saint, he got angry recently!"

His Uncle Tongtian and his Uncle Yuanshi were still arguing every day, but it didn't go to this level!

If those two Western sects were angry, they would have been angry long ago, so why wait until now?

Mo Shanshan walked over holding an umbrella, and she said, "Could it be Uncle Nuwa? After all, Uncle Nuwa is a Hunyuan Immortal who is the most qualified to be angry."

Su Xuan waved his hands and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. If Uncle Nuwa gets angry, it won't rain so easily. Which Hunyuan immortal family will be the master of this, who is so angry?"

Just when Su Xuan couldn't figure it out, a rainbow light flew in the distance, and waited until the rainbow light dissipated.

Long Ji's figure had already appeared in Hangu, Long Ji looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan, saluted and said: "The disciple has met the teacher and the teacher's wife!"

Then Longji said sadly: "My father, the emperor, and my mother, the queen, have reincarnated. Now I don't know where they have gone, and I don't know when they will meet again. Today, the world is about to elect a new master." The person, Nuwa empress specially asked me to come and deliver the letter."

Speaking of which, Long Ji handed a letter to Su Xuan. After receiving the letter, Su Xuan sighed and said, "Don't worry, your father and mother are just going to go through tribulations, and they will come back sometime. During the period when your father and mother did not come back, you should stay in Youjian Taoist Temple, after all, you are the first heir of the heavens."

Some things can't be changed after all, just like the Heavenly Emperor and Yaochi have gone through calamities, they will come back after all, so the Queen Mother of the West will only temporarily act for hundreds of thousands of years at most.

But even if the Queen Mother of the West doesn't care about Longji, some emperors who are not in a hurry with the eunuchs will make random moves, so staying in Youjian Taoist Temple is the best way.

Long Ji bowed and saluted, "Disciple will abide by the decree of the law."

Then Longji Huahong returned to Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple.

Mo Shanshan looked at Longji who was going away, and said: "Even if there are immortals who are not open-eyed, they probably wouldn't dare to go to Feilai Mountain, and some Taoist temples will find fault."

Su Xuan nodded and said: "If there are really some people who are not open-eyed, then we can only mourn in silence for those people who are not open-eyed."

Not to mention Zhao Gongming Cihang and other immortal families, but Patriarch Bodhi would not watch some people make trouble in Feilai Mountain.

Mo Shanshan put away her umbrella and frowned as she looked at the rain pouring down from the blue sky above her head. She looked at the washed-out farmland and said, "I don't know when this rain will stop. Go on, I'm afraid the world will not be able to bear it."

The Heavenly Emperor fell, and all the heavens mourned together.

This rain is for the Emperor of Heaven, but this rain has destroyed countless living beings.

Su Xuan stood in the wind and rain, and said: "The rain is so heavy, that His Majesty will have to pay some historical responsibilities after all, and the divine way is such that the majesty of the gods is like a prison, so that the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven can be displayed."

Too much of anything is not good, just like the rain that has lasted for decades, just what he has seen and heard, the whole world has been plunged into turmoil for a long time because of this rain.

Zhou Tianzi suppressed the troubles of the princes for many years, and he couldn't suppress it anymore. Except for some people under the Yuanshen and a very few practitioners in the Yuanshen realm, no one came to help Zhou Tianzi.


On the West Kunlun Mountains.

The heavy rain all over the sky stopped abruptly in West Kunlun.

This is not only because the West Kunlun is next to the East Kunlun, but also because of the identity of the Queen Mother of the West Kunlun.

The head of the female immortals in the has become the most honorable handful of immortals in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The Queen Mother of the West looked at the blue bird not far away, and said, "Go and send a letter to Su Xuan, the former master of Youjian Taoist Temple who flew to the mountain, how can such a big event be neglected by the former master of Youjian Taoist Temple? "

A letter flew to Qingniao's hand, and Qingniao looked at the letter in his hand, and had no choice but to turn it into a rainbow and leave.

Her master was really scared.

But for some reason, Qingniao vaguely felt that her master might be tricked again this time.

Not long after a rainbow light came out of West Kunlun and headed towards Hangu in the human world, and got the blue bird of the Chidao system built by the Queen Mother of the West when she was in charge of the fairy in the past, and played a thousand times faster than before.

Not long after, he came to the world and found the boundary of Hangu.



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