Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 437: At the beginning, the card is big

Thirty-three layers of heaven.

In the great red sky.

The Golden Horn and Silver Horn who traveled to the heavens and worlds in the past, and Qingniu are now honestly staying in the Great Chitian, although the Taiqing sage has gone to the long river of time and space to explore the unknown.

But the three corpse clones of the Elder Master are still in the heavens and the world, which is undoubtedly a torture for the few people who have been crazy for hundreds of years, not to mention that the Elder Master's good corpse clone also punished his apprentice Su Xuanna The means, I have learned ten to ten.

Qingniu looked at the golden bridge across the sky and knew it, and hurriedly woke up Jinjiao and Yinjiao who were drunk, "Jinjiao and Yinjiao, you two wake up soon, the old man is back, if you sleep again, you will be black." House, copy the Huang Ting Jing."

He is very good at copying scriptures, but Su Xuan usually asks him to copy Tao Te Ching, but Huang Ting Jing is so difficult to copy, and he is still copying in a place that has been excluded from the space-time avenue. sad time.

When Jinjiao and Yinjiao stood up in bewilderment, the golden bridge in the distance had already landed, and Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan walked down from the golden bridge together with Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun looked at the drunken Jinjiaoyinjiao, and with a wave of his hand, he locked up the two of them and Qingniu.

After entering the Tushita Palace.

Taishang Laojun picked up the two innate fans that were thrown away by Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao on the ground, handed them to Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan, and said: "You have reached the end of the cultivation level of Jin Xian. But the realm of Daluo Jinxian is not an idle realm, if you can achieve it, you can achieve it, if you can't achieve it, you can't achieve it."

In the past during the Shenxuan battle, there were many existences in the Xuanmen who walked faster than these people now, but if they failed to achieve the state of Da Luo, they would still be the ashes of catastrophe, and it was difficult to escape.

Su Xuan fanned his fan and asked: "Teacher, my family and I practiced in the mountains and mountains for a short period of time. Although there is only a thin layer of separation from the Daluo realm, it is like a moat in the sky, which is difficult to overcome."

Although the realm of Da Luo Jinxian is within his reach, he has never been so confused as he is now. In other words, his current confusion has been planted since the first time he traveled in a long boat.

Cultivation is not about treating guests to dinner. If you are not careful, you will die, and the Tao will be transformed into the heavens and the world.

Taishang Laojun looked at Su Xuan and his wife and asked, "Then what do you think is the realm of Daluo Jinxian?"

"All time and space are eternal, so he is the Daluo Jinxian." Mo Shanshan replied after thinking for a moment.

"There is an innate indestructible aura in the body, which will not be extinguished after ten thousand kalpas, and will not be immortal." Su Xuan replied as usual.

Taishang Laojun nodded and said: "You two are right, and at the same time, you are also wrong. The realm of Daluo Jinxian is indescribable, and if you say it, it is wrong or right.

The heavens and myriad worlds are not real numbers. How vast is the Great Thousand World? If a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm does not rely on innate spiritual treasures or the avenue of space, even if it takes tens of thousands of years, he will not be able to make a single Great Thousand World. walk around. "

"But the realm of Daluo Jinxian is different. You can go to any realm in the heavens and worlds with a single thought. It can be called a Taoist ancestor, so to become a Daluo Jinxian, you have to go to time and space to take a look at some hidden truths, and cultivate the innate immortality."

And in the vast world of the prehistoric series, only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be called the ancestor of Taoism, and this is the difference.

Su Xuan looked at his teacher, and asked: "The river of time and space is vast and indistinct, how to get there, please give me some pointers from the teacher."

Although he and his family can perceive the long river of time and space, they are not allowed to enter. If they can't even enter, how should they cultivate?

Taishang Laojun looked at the two and said with a smile: "It's okay, I will send you there as a teacher."

In the great red sky, the sky suddenly changed, and it could be seen from a distance, another phantom of a vast and long river manifested.

In this vast and long river, the rolling river flows forward and backward, and in every wave, there is a vast world that fluctuates.

The Taishang Laojun waved his sleeves, sent Su Xuan and his wife into it, and muttered to himself: "A moment of ten thousand years, a moment of ten thousand years, does time really exist for practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian?" ?”

His little apprentice is different from Xuandu, Xuandu has the ability to find the long river of time and space by himself, but his little apprentice found it, but he didn't know that he had found it, and he had to help him in the end.


Everything that happened in Da Chitian was also seen by many Hunyuan immortals, because it meant that there would be two Da Luo Jinxian practitioners in the heavens and worlds.

In the Netherworld.

Meng Po, who was distributing Meng Po soup in Six Paths of Samsara, fed a certain two people thousands of times of Meng Po soup.

Granny Meng looked at the souls who had already lined up, and said indifferently: "There will be no soup today, let's all go back!"

When there is no heaven and nether world, it is very difficult to achieve the Da Luo Jinxian, because the Da Luo Jinxian realm requires long-term training.

Therefore, in the ancient times, it was hard work for a practitioner to achieve the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but now as long as there are seniors to help open the long river of time and space, the six paths of reincarnation will be accomplished for tens of millions of lives.

Time and space go forward and backward, but the backward time and space are guarded by Hunyuan Xianjia.

Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Inside the Moon Palace.

Many fairy families in Youjian Taoist Temple have already watched Yuelao firmly.

Yun Xiao held the Hunyuan Jindou and said: "My junior brother Su and younger sister Mo have been reincarnated for thousands of lives. If something goes wrong in one life, my junior brother Su will be blamed for all the mistakes made by my junior brother Su in a fit of anger. Old head, so you have to think about whether you can bear the cause and effect."

There will be two Da Luo Jinxian practitioners in Xuanmen General again, but some of them will inevitably use some disgusting methods, so they need to watch Yuelao here.

Cihang said with a smile: "This is also what Yuxu meant."

Qingniu sneered and said: "This is also the meaning of the Eight Scenes."

Ma Mian said with a smile: "My mother, I don't want the business to surge."


Hearing this, only Yuelao, who was in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, said tremblingly: "Guanzhu Su and Zhenren Mo are the disciples of the Taoist ancestor, even if you give the little **** eight hundred courages, he would not dare to do this!"

Not to mention that no one came to him, even if someone came to him, he would not dare!

It's not like he hasn't seen Why didn't the previous Yue Lao disappear? Was it because when he was in a Taoist fairy family and achieved the Daluo Jinxian realm, he mistakenly led the marriage and broke up the couple? Taoist?


at the same time.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm.

The heavenly demons who were clamoring to block the way on weekdays all stopped at this moment.

Master Yuanshi Tianmo came to the decree, who dares to block Su Xuan, kill without pardon!

Seal him as an undercover agent of Xiandao.

For a heavenly demon, this is a great shame, and it is also an endless murderous opportunity.



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