Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 444: Turn Hu into Buddha!

The western boundary, Mount Sumeru.

Since breaking away from the Taoist sect and establishing itself as a side sect, the vigorous and vigorous suppression campaigns that have been carried out in the vast world under the Xuanmen Xianjia have not ended until now.

The entire western land has become more barren than before, but fortunately, there are two sect masters of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm in Mount Sumeru.

Otherwise, this huge western territory will really fall apart.

In the depths of Mount Sumeru.

In front of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

Zhunti looked at the sinking pool water with a distressed expression, and he was in a bad mood. Over the past few days, countless disciples from the other sects had come out of the Eight Treasures Merit Platform.

However, in just a thousand years, the consumption was even more than they had spent in countless tens of thousands of years, reaching an astonishing 80%.

"Senior Brother, we can't go on like this anymore. If we let the disciples of the Three Religions go on like this, I'm afraid our few innate spiritual treasures will be destroyed!"

The water in the Eight Treasures Merit Pond relies on innate spirits, but since they were brothers and established their own sects, except for his senior brother who was able to step into the long river of time and space for a short time through the Dream Dao.

Once he wants to step into the long river of time and space now, he will be crushed and beaten by the Immortal Four Swords, so that several branches of the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand have been broken.

Taoist Jieying, who was dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes, and Daoist Jieying gave a sad smile, and said, "Junior brother, don't worry so much, big brother is here, our 800 sects are going to split after all. "

He should have expected today's events long ago, his senior brother, after all, is still their senior senior brother, a senior senior senior brother who can do everything without doing anything.

Just as he was about to mention everything, he suddenly froze in place, and said tremblingly, "Why now? We are all so miserable now, why is Senior Brother Taishang pressing on so hard?"

Since they broke away from the Taoist sect, their Western sects, subordinate sects in the heavens and myriad realms, have been eradicated one by one, even the Befu of him and his senior brother has not been spared.

The disciples of the Western religion who died were also resurrected through the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, but these disciples who have not undergone the cleansing of the six realms of reincarnation have already broken the Buddha's heart, and it is extremely difficult to restore their former cultivation base.

Jieyin looked at the Western disciples on Mount Sumeru, got up from the futon, and said, "So what can I do?"

Then he took a step forward and came to the outside of the gate of Mount Sumeru, where he saw the Supreme Daode Tianzun who came from afar, and Duobao Daoist, the great disciple of Jiejiao who stood respectfully behind Dao Daode Tianzun.

Lao Tzu looked at the sad-faced Master Jieyin, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time, friend Jieyin, how have you been recently?"

small book booth

Jieyin's face became more and more depressed, and he said: "It's not good recently."

The honest person received guidance, did not accommodate the Supreme Moral Heavenly Venerable, but told the truth straightforwardly, because the Western religion has indeed been very bad recently.

"Haha!" Lao Tzu laughed, "That's why the old Taoist is here, for the sake of the Western Sect."

These two fellow Taoists of the Western religion left the Taoist sect and set up 800 sects on their own. This is already digging the foundation of the Taoist sect, so they must be punished, otherwise will the Taoist sect still be the Taoist sect in the long run?

Mount Sumeru, outside the mountain gate.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

But in the end Jieyin was the first to lose, and Jieyin sighed: "Elder brother, do you have to do this?"

Lao Tzu glanced at Master Duobao behind him, and said: "Since my nephew is here, I naturally have no intention of leaving. Besides, my nephew has learned all four teachings, so it's all right to be the master of eight hundred sects in the West." , I don’t know how to guide the younger brother’s wishes?”

Since the lead played the emotional card with him, he would naturally also play a dozen.

Jie Yin looked behind the Taishang, the real Duobao, who was originally the eldest disciple of Jiejiao, said: "Jiejiao's direct disciple! He is still the direct disciple who is expected to intercept the leader of the sect in the future, but now he is coming to my remote place Are you really willing to be the leader, Nephew Duobao?"

To be honest, he didn't want Duobao, the great disciple of the Jiejiao, to be the sect leader and split up the sects that the Western sect had gathered with great difficulty.

They teach in the West, and it's not that they don't have direct disciples.

Duobao looked at Jieying, and recited in his mouth: "Uncle Jieying, I am the leader of the sect, but I am willing to do my part for the sect, and I hope that Uncle Jieying will allow me. , all disciples of the sect can travel to the heavens and myriad worlds, and don't have to worry about the recurrence of past events."

This is a countermeasure discussed by many Xuanmen immortals. Facing the increasing number of eight hundred disciples, Xuanmen chose to mix sand and then pick peaches.

Among the sects subordinate to the Three Religions, many disciples have gone to the heavens and worlds for various reasons to create side sects affiliated to Xuanmen.

There are also Xuanmen immortals who are proficient in Western teachings, and spontaneously adjust their cultivation methods for their disciples, taking the essence and discarding the dross of Western teaching cultivation methods, integrating them with Taoist cultivation methods, and issuing them down. .

So he, the master of the sect, is not only the master of the sect of the Western religion, but also the master of the sect of Taoism.

Hearing Duobao's words, Jieyin looked at the Supreme Master again, and finally said helplessly: "Taobao Daoist is the master of eight hundred sects. For Buddhism, Dabao Daoist is invited to be the master of Buddhism, the Tathagata Buddha."

Since those of his senior brothers have all invested their money, why doesn't he just use his tactics? The Western religion plus eight hundred other sects, although not comparable to the Taoist sect, is indeed much stronger than other sects in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The position of the leader is touching, and no one in the fairy family who sat in that seat wanted to go down. He wanted to see if this treasure could resist the temptation of the position of the leader.

Lao Tzu smiled calmly and said: "Young brother is easy to calculate, but if you change Western religion to Buddhism and hand it over to my nephew, aren't you afraid that you will fall out with those direct disciples that your senior brother must mention?"

It can be seen that the introduction was indeed extremely decisive, but he chose to believe in! "

Jieyin proclaimed the Buddha's name and said: "For the future of Western religion and the eight hundred sects, the poor monk believes that they will understand the poor monk's approach."

Then he received the quotation and said: "Tathagata Buddha, please enter Mount Sumeru and take up the position of Buddha."

At this moment, Duobao's figure changed and turned into a Buddha, and followed Jieyin into Mount Sumeru.

Lao Tzu looked at Mount Sumeru in the distance, and said, "Turning a beard into a Buddha, turning a beard into a Buddha, do you really think it's a simple matter of turning a beard into a Buddha?"

He and the pre-judgment, the quasi-prompt and the reception, the pre-judgment of his pre-judgment.

Then Lao Tzu melted into a rainbow and went away to the next Hangu.

Go west out of Hangu!



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