Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 446: big dream 0 autumn


The dull thunder fell from the blue sky.

With the speed of lightning and flint, it hit the Heaven-Mending Divine Stone.

The stone monkey, who was about to break out of the rock, was born ahead of schedule by the power of the thunder, and came to this wonderful world.

The stone monkey pulled away the gravel around him, raised his head and opened his eyes, looking at the blue sky.

Immediately, two rays of divine light swept across the cloud head where Wen Zhong was, and Wen Zhong, who was swept by the divine light suddenly, was also shocked. The divine light came so fast, if he hadn't become a **** in the flesh, he might not be able to avoid it in time .

Yu Qing looked at the strangely screaming stone monkey on the top of Huaguo Mountain, and said, "Teacher, it turned out to be a stone monkey, but this stone monkey has the cultivation level of the primordial spirit since it was born, which is rare nowadays. !"

It is a rare thing for a stone monkey in the realm of one soul to pop out of a stone with no reputation and no background.

After hearing what his disciple said, Wen Zhong said calmly: "If you hit this monkey with a few more thunderstorms, it will be regarded as some punishment for this stone monkey."

Just now, his behavior at that time was very rude. Looking at other fairy families with divine eyes is a rude thing in itself. If it weren't for the nature of this stone monkey, he might have to be severely punished.

"Receive the decree."

Yu Qing replied in response.

Afterwards, several thunderbolts descended from the cloud-shrouded blue sky and smashed towards the stone monkey.

The stone monkey jumped left and right, as if it had a premonition of danger, and wanted to avoid the punishment of the thunder, but the thunder that fell from the blue sky seemed to have eyes, and it kept chasing the stone monkey.

It didn't stop until several thunderbolts smashed the stone monkey until it spit out black smoke.

"Why is the thunder chasing after me? Could it be that I offended someone?"

After the stone monkey spit out another burst of black smoke, he said with a deep heart.

He has only just been born, and he is really unlucky to face such a catastrophe!

Fly to the mountains.

The Patriarch stood on the edge of the mountain, looked at his future apprentice, the stone monkey, and said with a dark face: "Guanzhu Su, this monkey is probably not easy to teach! The stone monkey who is born with knowledge does not have the kind of Taoist heart." will remain stable.”

Monkeys want to move. Although stone monkeys are not classified as monkeys, they still carry the word monkey after all. How can they be calm?

Su Xuan looked at Patriarch Bodhi who was backing away, and said with a smile: "Senior, it's done. Now that the raw rice is cooked, can you turn back? Unless you want to go through fire and water in the cauldron of heaven and earth, senior."


Maybe Patriarch Bodhi is gone now, and there will be another Xuanmen fairy family who is proficient in the Western way to take over Patriarch Bodhi, but he knows very well that once Patriarch Bodhi runs away, he must give Empress Nuwa an explanation.

It just so happened that Patriarch Bodhi couldn't give Empress Nuwa this explanation at all, so Patriarch Bodhi could only go through fire and water in the cauldron of heaven and earth like the demon **** of the Daluo Jinxian realm who deceived Empress Nuwa in ancient times.

When Patriarch Bodhi heard the words of going through fire and water, he seemed to be reminded of the misery of a certain demon **** in the Daluo Jinxian realm in the past, so he quickly waved his hands and said: "It's better to teach monkeys, the old way can't afford to go through fire and water."

Going through fire and water in the Qiankun Dingli is comparable to the existence of refining in the Taishang Bagua Furnace.

The Qiankun Ding is also extremely high among many innate spiritual treasures. Even if a practitioner of the Da Luo Jinxian realm enters, at least half of the innate spiritual treasures have to be refined.

Patriarch Bodhi arrived at Huaguo Mountain in an instant, hiding in the dark and watching every move of the stone monkey, for fear that something wrong with the stone monkey would hurt his old bones.


Fly to the mountains.

Zhuang Zhou, who had been dreaming for so many years, also woke up and turned around. He looked at the stone monkey on Huaguo Mountain and asked Su Xuan beside him, "Junior Brother Su, do you mean to make up a big dream for this monkey?"

He is really good at sleeping and dreaming, so that until now he still can't tell whether it was Zhuang Zhou who dreamed of a butterfly, or the butterfly dreamed of Zhuang Zhou.

Su Xuan looked at Zhuang Zhou who was still unwilling to wake up, and said calmly: "The big dream lasts for thousands of years, I don't know what year it is. This stone monkey needs a big dream to find the heart hidden in the stone." .”

If you find it, you will find it, and this stone monkey will naturally be able to withstand the existence of the catastrophe of the heavens and the world, but if you can't find it, you will naturally not find it. Start looking for that heart.

"Then there is only Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai." Zhuang Zhou spread his hands and asked, "That fellow Bodhi Taoist is very suitable to teach that stone monkey in his dream."

The dream he created was true, and everything in the dream was also real, and there was no falsehood at all, but when the stone monkey woke up, the dream naturally woke up too.

Su Xuan looked at the bouncing stone monkeys on Huaguo Mountain, and said with a smile: "In that case, let's start!"

"Good, great good."

Zhuang Zhou looked at Huaguo Mountain, and saw that Zhuang Zhou waved one hand, and suddenly there was a strong wind on Huaguo Mountain, covering the stone monkey.

The stone monkey that had already run to the side of the Jianshui, wanted to avoid the gust of wind, but it was difficult to move any more.

"I'm so dizzy!"

"This wind is really strange!"

The next moment, the stone monkey disappeared on Huaguo Mountain, and there was no trace of this stone monkey in the world.

Patriarch Bodhi smiled wryly and said, "The big dream is thousands of years old! I still have to go through it, but I don't know how many years it will take for the stone monkey to come out."

If he can get out, his task will be over. If the stone monkey can't get out of his old age, then he will naturally have to dream with him.

That stone monkey is in a dream without knowing it, but he is in a dream and knows it!

The next moment, Patriarch Bodhi also disappeared on Huaguo Mountain, and then the entire Huaguo Mountain disappeared.


Even the country of Aolai disappeared between heaven and earth, as if the country of Aolai and Huaguo Mountain had never appeared in this world.

At this time, Zhuang Zhou, who flew to the mountain, was also drowsy. For Zhuang Zhou, he was either sleeping or on the way to sleep.


Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Inside Lingxiao Hall.

Wen who was reporting about Tiandi Huaguo Mountain was suddenly stunned. He frowned and said, "Huaguo Mountain is gone."

Many gods in the hall were talking about it.

Except for the immortal gods in the Daluo Jinxian Realm, no immortal family knows the cause and effect of this incident.

The Queen Mother of the West, dressed in a splendid attire, seemed to be looking at the disappearing Huaguo Mountain, saw the stone monkey, and saw the Bodhi Patriarch in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai.

After a long time, the Queen Mother of the West smiled and said: "It's okay, I know about Huaguo Mountain, so I don't need to worry too much, but the elimination of the demonic way must be put on the agenda, and the pursuit and interception must be blocked."

According to the final decision of Xuanmen, practitioners of the magic way must be chased and intercepted to a certain boundary.

Wen Zhong and the gods immediately bowed and saluted and shouted in unison: "We will abide by the decree of the law."



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