Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 458: The deal is done, the war is over

"Because the great witch of the Wu clan, after waiting for so many years, it's time to make his debut."

Before Su Xuan finished speaking, the situation of the battle had changed again.

I saw that amidst the evil spirit, a great witch from the Wu clan came out of the nether world and came to this wonderful world.

The great witch of the Wu clan raised his head, looked at the still disgusting sun above his head, and said with a sneer, "It's been a long time, Donghuang Taiyi, it's been a long time, this is a great river and mountain."

As soon as the great witch appeared, he killed through the weak line of defense formed by those practitioners who escaped from the Great Wall with an unstoppable posture.

The Xian family hiding in the dark gasped when they saw the great witch. Some of the Xian family who knew the inside story, at this moment, couldn't see clearly the development of the situation.

It is true that the Wu clan supports the Great Qin Dynasty, but it is really against the rules to let the great witch who was able to compete with Xuanyuan Huangdi in the past appear in the battle outside Xianyang City.

"Junior brother, make a decision early."

The Queen Mother of the West, holding Hongjun's decree, once again persuaded her obviously persistent junior.

Zhang Bairen, who kept dodging the Great Qin Emperor's offensive, suppressed the constant anger in his heart, and said: "Senior sister really chose a good time. Since senior sister intends to do this, then junior brother should help."

"After I ascended to the heavens again, I will enshrine my senior sister as the head of the female immortals in the world. Among the heavens and my world, all female cultivators who have ascended to the heavens must first go to West Kunlun to pay homage to my senior sister. Senior sister can be in charge of the heavens and myriad realms." The female fairy's fairy book is in charge of more than 1,600 worlds in the heavens and ten thousand worlds for the Western Emperor."

After the Queen Mother of the West nodded slightly, she said with a smile: "Junior Brother's kindness, it seems that Senior Sister and I are disrespectful. After all, I can't throw away the kindness of Junior Brother."

Then Queen Mother Xi pointed to the carriage that came from the blue sky, and said: "Thirty-three heavens have come to pick you up. As for this battle, whether you live or die depends on your brother."

"The decree of Hongjun ordered Zhang Bairen to be the lord of the thirty-three layers of heaven, commanding all the heavens and all realms, ordering all the heavens and all realms to obey the Taoist immortals."

Hongjun's decree, however eloquent and eloquent, has already determined the ownership of the heavens and myriad realms.

Probably, apart from the former demon ancestor Luohu, there will never be any unscrupulous immortal family who will go back and question Hongjun's edict.

In the Realm of Conferred Gods, bursts of celestial music resounded, and the Heavenly Emperor's carriage came to the periphery of the battlefield in good time.

After hearing Hongjun's decree, the gods who chased out from Nantianmen, no matter how unwilling they were, had no choice but to connect with the Emperor of Heaven and stay away from this place of crisis.

As for the gods who were directly descended from His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the past, they were already ecstatic that their Majesty had finally returned, and it was time for them to stand up.


I saw that the Great Qin Emperor was in front, and Chi You, the great witch of the Wu Clan, was behind. He had already killed through the intercepted celestial gods.

Chi You jumped over the Great Qin Emperor in the lead, and with the tiger knife in his hand carrying the Law of Strength, he slashed at His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who was sitting on the chariot.

As a bloodline descendant of Pan Gu, the Dao of Power has long been integrated into the bloodline of every Wu clan citizen.

In the old days when liches were fighting, with a tiger soul sword in hand, Chi You used the law of the avenue of strength to fight from the south gate to the north gate. If it hadn't been for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who used the bell to fix the law of the avenue of strength, I am afraid that the demon clan in the past The façade will be torn down by Chi You.

Zhang Bairen looked at the Tiger Soul Knife that was already on his body, felt the Dao of Power on the Tiger Soul Knife, and said with a sneer: "This is an old trick many years ago, and this Emperor is not one of those idiots who want to use this hand to hold Qiankun , is simply fantastic.”

The brilliant way of heaven, the way of the emperor of heaven.

At this moment, it truly appeared in the heavens and worlds, and the unimaginable coercion swept across the entire Conferred God Realm just between birth and death.

Practitioners whose cultivation level is below that of the Golden Immortal, faced with this coercion, all bowed to the place where the Emperor of Heaven was.

Even practitioners above the Golden Immortal had to use all their strengths to resist the coercion of the Way of the Heavenly Emperor.

On the flying boat.

Su Xuan felt the Dao law that had been replaced by tens of thousands of miles around, and said: "I didn't expect the Dao of the Emperor of Heaven to really appear. Then the victory and defeat are already divided, and there is no need to watch the battle here."

The Heavenly Emperor, who has entered the half-step Hunyuan, is obviously not the former Heavenly Emperor, and no fairy family is willing to face Zhang Bairen, the Heavenly Emperor who has just re-entered the Heavenly Realm again.

Mo Shanshan asked: "Then where are we now? Are we going back to Feilai Mountain or to our home in the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm?"

Su Xuan smiled and hugged the waist of her family's mountains, and said: "I won't go back to Feilai Mountain, now that our little uncle has re-entered the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, then the Pantao Festival will be very interesting. Wouldn’t it be boring if you didn’t take a look?”

Now the thirty-three layers of heaven are already a pool of muddy water. The fairy families of the Fengshen department, the fairy families of the West Kunlun system, plus the gods who were originally loyal to the emperor of heaven, and many fairy families of the neutral sect, have made the world more and more popular. The thirty-three layers of heaven became a huge vortex.

Mo Shanshan said calmly: "Maybe will fight again at that time."


But said there.

The battle is raging.

Even so, it was difficult for Chi You to kill His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and as the gods of the Conferred God series continued to join the battle, in just half an hour, it was already a change of form.

Chi You looked at the Great Qin Emperor in the distance, and said: "You can't do anything! Hongjun's decree has come, and our plan this time is no longer possible. Why don't we go to the heavens and worlds in accordance with the method of Lady Pingxin. Cultivate well, and then plan other things."

The Great Qin Emperor, who escaped the siege of many gods in the Daluo Jinxian Realm, said: "The plan for hundreds of millions of years has failed because of a grand decree. I am still a little bit unwilling."

In the past, when he made the plan for today, there was still a way out. He still kept several great thousand worlds outside the heavens and worlds, and now he had no choice but to ask the help of the Pingxin empress to send them there.

Then I saw Chi You, with the supernatural power of the witch clan, directly opened the Huangquan Road, and located the Great Thousand Worlds of the Great Qin Emperor.


Outside the Pingxin Palace.

Ping Xin, who was dressed in pale yellow heavenly clothes, behind him the six phantoms of reincarnation slowly circulated, and a road stretching across the heavens and worlds slowly extended from it.

"What a Great Qin Emperor, it's a pity that he took the things from the Realm of Conferred Gods. How can it be so easy to walk, but he doesn't know that Huangquan Road is really Huangquan Road."

The Wu Clan has passages leading to the heavens and worlds, and the Underworld naturally also has them. She is very angry now, and the consequences are very serious.

Her promise is still valid, but there will be some changes.



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