Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Conversation with Lord Taishan

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The head of the Five Mountains in the Realm of Conferred Gods, since the catastrophe of Conferred Gods, Mount Tai has been the residence of Huang Feihu, the land of Dongyue Taishan.

Of course, it is only a nominal residence.

After all, Huang Feihu had never been an official in the thirty-three heavens, and Taishan had the effect of communicating between the thirty-three heavens and the human world, and even the heavens and myriad worlds.

In the ancient years, many immortal families were attracted to live there, and even before the demon clan's heaven, there were immortal families who settled down again, and many of them were practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm.

Even when the Yaozu Tianting was ruling the world, they never came to drive them away, even if they were as powerful as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, they didn't dare to drive them away, so the current Emperor of Heaven naturally didn't dare to touch Mount Tai.

Therefore, Huang Feihu can hardly move an inch in Mount Tai, and no one obeys his decree except the temple.

Not to mention the Taishan Mansion Lord who is still in the world, as the oldest **** in the heavens and worlds, the Taishan Mansion Lord has been living in Mount Tai since the Shenxuan War.

And Xuanmen also acquiesced to this ancient god. After all, no one would want to compete with an ancient **** that has existed since the beginning of the world.

Ordinary people have to go to the netherworld after their life span is up. Of course, practitioners are not exempt from the vulgarity. Under the Daluo, they have to enter the six circles of reincarnation.

As for whether or not to add water to the Mengpo soup, and how much water to add, it depends on the close relationship with the witch clan. Anyway, the monster clan goes through the six reincarnations. Give enough.

But the gods are different. When the gods die, they will go to the place of the Lord Taishan. This is true for the ancient gods who died, and it is the same for the gods who were born and raised today, especially for the incense gods.

Deep in Mount Tai, somewhere at the entrance of the Great Thousand World.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mo Shanshan asked, "Is this the death of the gods, the real core of Mount Tai?"

Compared with the very luxurious **** temples, the real core of Mount Tai is actually so simple.

Su Xuan looked at the mountain gate that was first built with ordinary wood, and said with a smile: "One emperor and one courtier, although I don't know how many emperors have passed, but the Lord Taishan is still so low-key."

Being low-key isn't a bad thing.

Just ask those ancient gods who oppressed the prehistoric world in the past, except for this Lord Taishan, they can still live in the world in the form of ancient gods, other ancient gods are either Taoist or converted to Taoism.

"Is the road to simplicity?"

"The ancient gods in the past didn't pay attention to this, but now I pay attention to this."

A voice came from behind Su Xuan, which surprised him who was always vigilant. At that time, there was an old man wearing plain clothes, clothes that were extremely plain.

"Dare to ask, is Senior the Lord of Mount Tai?"

Su Xuan asked.

The old man smiled calmly and said: "If the Lord Taishan you mentioned is the old Lord Taishan, I think I should be."

There is no doubt that Su Xuan is a very interesting Daluo Jinxian, but he doesn't think that a person who teaches the direct line will come to see him in his spare time.

It seems that there is no relative in Su Xuan's family who has achieved the position of god.

Su Xuan looked at the old man in front of him, bowed and said, "I've seen Senior Taishan Mansion, and I came here today to ask Senior for a favor."

He didn't beat around the bush, but directly stated why he came, after all, the ancient gods back then didn't like those twists and turns.

Lord Taishan smiled faintly, and said: "I thought you would say those twists and turns, but I didn't expect you to be so direct, but I'm still very curious about an ancient man like me who is about to be swept into the long river of time and space. God, where can I help a Taoist Da Luo Jinxian practitioner."

He is indeed the Lord of Mount Tai, but today is different. In the past when the ancient gods ruled the world, there was an endless stream of gods who came to visit him. I'm afraid that boy who followed behind him in the past is going to attack Taishan.

Times are changing and rules are changing.

After more than half of the power of reincarnation was divided by Houtu's Netherland, there was nothing left except for being able to seduce the gods.

Su Xuan said: "I want to ask senior to help me hook my soul."

Lord Taishan asked back: "Whose soul to hook, let's talk first! Don't come to me if the background is too hard, I still want to live a few more days in Mount Tai?"

Once the Emperor of Heaven and one of his courtiers, there is a God of Mount Tai in every dynasty, that is, his name as the Lord of Mount Tai is resounding enough, otherwise the current authority would have changed hands long ago.

"It's not difficult, and the background isn't too hard." Su Xuan said, "It's just a naturally raised stone monkey in Huaguo Mountain."

Lord Taishan said: "As a cultivator of the Daluo Jinxian realm, can't you even do such a simple thing as ecstasy?"

This is simply making fun of him!

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, once certified forever, follow you to the practitioners who have pushed you to the realm of being born from silence, cannot do this.

Su Xuan said with a smile: "Senior, there are too many practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Once you move, you will move your whole body, so you can only ask for it from the senior, and once the senior gets the soul, then It means that the creature has truly died from the long river of time and space, and if the senior does not let him go, even if the practitioners of the Golden Immortal Realm of the Hunyuan Continent personally take action, they may not be able to find it back."

There has never been any unreasonable preference, some are just because the cultivation realm is too strong, no one can do anything to others, and no one can bear the price of war.

This is the real Lord Taishan.

Lord Taishan smiled and said, "I know that monkey you mentioned is the sky-replenishing stone in Nuwa's hands. I can't afford to offend Nuwa for your sake."

"I have to pay more!"

Su Xuan nodded and said: "Good!"

"Great goodness!"

Then Su Xuan handed the jade box that Mo Shanshan was holding in his arms to Lord Taishan, and he said, "Is it enough for seniors to personally seduce the soul in exchange for these caves and blessed places?"

Lord Taishan looked at the title deed in the jade box, and said, "Relax Su, the monkey's soul has been settled by me, let alone Nuwa, even if Donghuang Taiyi comes, I can't stop it." Then I will thank you seniors, and the juniors will leave first."

Then Su Xuan pulled Mo Shanshan and left together with Huahong.

After Su Xuan and his wife left.

Nu Wa just appeared not far from Lord Taishan, she looked at Lord Taishan, and said, "Senior Lord Taishan, your price is too high, why don't I do it for you and **** the monkey's soul? "

Mr. Taishan had a clever idea in his heart, and said immediately: "Ms. Nuwa is joking, it's just a small business. How can you think so?"

If it weren't for the coercion of Empress Nuwa, he really didn't want to get involved in this matter. He can survive from the ancient gods ruling the world to the present, relying on a word of caution.



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