Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Su Zhenren fanning the fire

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Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Eat the weather, and take the rate outside the palace.

The Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace became more and more vigorous, even Jinjiao and Yinjiao couldn't bear it, and the Sanguang Divine Water left by their senior sister Cihang had already been exhausted.

Even if Qingniu kept arousing the law of the great way, it would be difficult to lower the temperature of the gossip furnace for a while.

Even the Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace has the meaning of overflowing.

This really frightened Qingniu.

Qing Niu looked at the Eight Diagrams Furnace and said: "It's over, it's over, why don't you start the furnace now for the gold and silver horns! Don't blow up the furnace in a while, then it's all over."

The Liuding Shenhuo of the Bagua Furnace is obviously about to go out of their control. If the Bagua Furnace is out of control, it may overturn the entire Tushita Palace.

Once the Tushita palace is overthrown, will there be any good fruit for them?

Jin Jiao stopped the fan in his hand, and said: "Sun Wukong's body has been reunited with his soul, but the temperature of Liuding Shenhuo is still not enough. I guess the master asked Senior Brother Su to light the fire."

Jin Jiao already knew that the power of Liuding Shenhuo was limited, and the fire he and Yinjiao had fanned for so long was a slow fire.

With slow fire, martial fire is naturally needed, but obviously neither he nor Yinjiao has the ability to burn martial fire.

"Brother Su, you're already here."

Yinjiao pointed to Su Xuan in the distance and said.

Qingniu looked in the direction of Yinjiao's finger, and also found Su Xuan who was drinking the immortal wine while walking.

at this time.

Jin Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Su Xuan who had already come to the gossip furnace, and said, "Senior Brother Su, now it's up to you to show off your skills. Let us take a step ahead."

This gossip furnace will definitely explode in the end, he doesn't want to stay here and suffer the explosion, his small body can't bear it.


"Go find a place to hide first. I'll just watch here alone. It's just a master monkey. It can't turn the sky upside down, nor can it overturn the ground."

Su Xuan picked up the palm leaf fan dropped by Jin Jiao, and slammed the fan fiercely at the Eight Diagrams Stove, and the fire of Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Stove suddenly rose.

The Liuding Divine Fire in the Bagua Furnace also overflows along the fire viewing hole of the Bagua Furnace, and the Bagua Furnace is instantly wrapped by the Liuding Divine Fire.

Even Qingniu and his party, who had run a long distance, couldn't help being shocked when they saw the Bagua furnace wrapped in Liuding's divine fire. spread to.

After several hours.

Outside the entire Great Chitian Tushita Palace, a fiery red Liuding Divine Fire rose up.

The temperature of the entire thirty-three layers of heaven has risen a lot because of this, and some immortal officials who have not yet reached the realm of the immortal family feel like they are in a furnace.

But when it was discovered that the cause came from the Tushita Palace, many gods also thought of their own ways to avoid the scorching heat.


The big red sky is outside the Tushi Palace.

Su Xuan kept fanning. He looked at Lao Tzu who was not far away, and said, "Teacher, this monkey is really too smart. Now it has hid in the Xun position. There is no fire in the Xun position, but there is smoke and wind. It's a good way to hide here, but this hide has taken away Da Luo's chance, this monkey is still too smart."

How to say that, if you are a monkey spirit, you can hide from the Liuding Divine Fire by hiding in the Xun position, but it will be even more difficult if you want to enter the cultivation realm of Daluo Jinxian in the future.

Lao Tzu looked at Sun Wukong who was hiding in the gossip furnace, and said calmly: "It's okay, this is the monkey's own choice, everything today is due to fate, there has never been anything destined by heaven, and there is no such thing God's will, everything is a choice in the game."

Just like the choice of Sun Wukong now, and just like the choice of their teacher Hongjun Patriarch back then, it is precisely because he has not seen the battles of the past that he is sure of God's will.

At this time, the story book that Su Xuan put on the ground suddenly flipped automatically without wind, and it happened to be the page where Monkey King had a sharp eye.

After seeing that page, Su Xuan smiled calmly and said, "I would like to come like this, but it's just a pity that Uncle Nuwa expects from the monkey."

If this monkey is counted carefully, he can also be regarded as a disciple of his Nuwa master Shuwa's palace, but the relationship is a little superficial.

But this does not mean that his uncle Nuwa is not sad about the monkey's cultivation level. If his uncle Nuwa didn't stop him, Patriarch Bodhi would have run away long ago.

I really thought that Su's face was so big that he could stop Patriarch Bodhi.

Lao Tzu said: "Okay, it's time to fry the stove next, and we should also retreat farther away, so as not to be accidentally injured."

Looking at the Eight Diagrams Furnace that had turned into a ball of Liuding Shenhuo, Lao Tzu led his apprentice back to the edge of Tushita Palace.

at the same time.

Cihang, who was waiting on the edge of the great red sky, also poured the astigmatism divine water in the mutton fat jade bottle in his hand onto the eight trigrams furnace covered by the Liuding divine fire.

When the blazing Liuding Divine Fire met Cihang's Sanguang Divine Water, there was a sizzle immediately.

Then the lid of the Bagua furnace was kicked by Monkey King the next moment, and flew up to the sky.

Sun Wukong jumped out of the gossip furnace with a golden light in his eyes, and smashed things randomly when he saw them, and even the Tusita Palace was not spared.

Sun Wukong threw tens of thousands of sticks directly on the Bagua stove, but the Bagua stove still did not move at all. Thinking that the Bagua stove should be a good treasure, Monkey King said angrily: "What a stove, today it belongs to my grandson! "

It's a pity that the gossip furnace has not moved at all.

Monkey King overturned the entire Great Chitian, which also attracted the inspector spirit officer who inspected the thirty-three heavens.

The edge of the great red sky.

Cihang looked at Sun Wukong, who was fighting with dozens of inspectors, and said, "Master, this Sun Wukong has first gone through the civil and military fire of Liuding Shenhuo, and then cooled it with Sanguang Shenshui. Now Sun Wukong can already relax. Practitioners who defeated Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, such as today's patrol spirit officials and wild beasts, barely suppressed Sun Wukong by relying on formations. If they want to truly suppress Sun After the last step, Da Luo needs to take action .”

Lao Tzu smiled calmly and said, "Don't worry, Su Xuan has already arranged for the Immortal House to fight with Monkey King."

Cihang looked at Su Xuan, and asked, "Who did Junior Brother Su find?"

Su Xuan looked at Cihang and said, "Guan Jiangkou Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Yang Jian, the former long princess of the heavens, and Longji, the current master of Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple, if these two are not good enough, I can also go up and fight in person." one game."

Only a sword cry was heard.

The ancient sword of morality was already hanging behind him.

Cihang smiled slightly, and said: "Junior brother, it is natural that there is nothing wrong with it."



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