Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 510: 1 time emperor, 1 world emperor

The top of Mount Tai!

With the completion of the Emperor's Sacrifice Ceremony, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty finally took the seat of the Emperor.

In the Huoyun Cave, the luck of humanity poured down like a surging river, which added a bit to the majesty of the new emperor.

All the civil and military officials of the immortal dynasty of the Tang Dynasty, Qi Qishan shouted long live.

The Great Tang Immortal Dynasty will also dominate the entire world like the Great Shang Immortal Dynasty, thus embarking on the road of conquering the heavens and the world.

Most of the Immortals hiding in the dark seemed extremely annoyed, because from today onwards, there was an extra Human Sovereign on top of their heads, and it was also a Human Sovereign who liked to fight, no one would like it Bow down, so do practitioners.

However, just when Li Shimin and his wife, as well as the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty, were planning to leave.

I saw that above the blue sky on the top of Mount Tai, there was abundant purple energy, coming mightily.

Amidst this exuberant purple energy, a person came holding a seal.

This moment.

Su Xuan also showed his figure. He looked at the Taoist, bowed and said, "Welcome to the top of Mount Tai!"

Mo Shanshan followed suit and said, "Welcome to the top of Mount Tai, senior brother Fajia."

The Taoist who came from the radiant purple energy was the great disciple of the Renjiao, and the great master of Xuandu whose cultivation had long been unfathomable.

When the great mage Xuandu really came to the top of Mount Tai, the immortals hiding in the dark, whether they were the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm who lived in the nine heavens, or the ordinary practitioners of the fairyland, were all at this moment revealed his figure.

"I'm waiting to welcome Master Xuandu to the top of Mount Tai!"

"I'm waiting to welcome Master Xuandu to the top of Mount Tai!"


for a while.

This huge top of Mount Tai seems to be a third more lively than the old flat peach event.

However, the Great Master Xuandu didn't go to pay attention to those hidden fairy families, because after just saying hello, those fairy families turned into rainbow lights and left.

In an instant, tens of thousands of rainbow lights left together from the boundary of Mount Tai.

It really scared the Lord Taishan who had been hiding for a long time. After all, he had never seen such a big scene since the ancient **** ruled the world.

But the Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, who was still majestic and majestic just now, looks a little sluggish now, as if he has been frightened by something.

Master Xuandu looked at Su Xuan and his wife and said, "Junior brother Su and younger sister Mo, long time no see!"

He has met Su Xuan and his wife, but it is very likely that Su Xuan and his wife have not seen him. After all, he had secretly gone to observe carefully after he learned that his teacher had recruited another disciple, so he said it was It's been a long time, so it can't be wrong.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Xuan said: "Senior brother, it is indeed a long time no see, but if we chat a little more, senior brother, I am afraid that His Majesty the Emperor will feel unhappy."

Even now, Su Xuan has never forgotten to dig a hole for His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty. No one likes to bow and kneel, and he is still an Emperor with a reputation in vain.

If it was changed to a certain Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm Human Sovereign here, even a saint would have to be courteous.

Master Xuandu said: "Junior Brother Su and Junior Sister Mo, take a step ahead for your brother. You should really take a good look at this ceremony of the Emperor. After all, there have been countless years in the heavens and myriad worlds." , there has never been such a scene.”

"Cheated Kangxi"


After a flash, Master Xuandu had already reached the top of Mount Tai.

As for this immortal who appeared suddenly, the sages of the human race who were hidden among the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty also came out one after another, bowing to the great master Xuandu in the sky.

A sage of the human race in the era of the Five Emperors said, "Dare to ask the great mage Xuandu, but he came for the emperor?"

When this human sage asked this question, the remaining human sages, as well as the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty who knew the inside story, all held their breaths and waited quietly for Master Xuandu to speak.

Master Xuandu looked at Li Shimin, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty who was wearing the emperor's crown, and said: "I am indeed here for the Emperor. Since the emperor of Zhou has ruled the Quartet, the position of the emperor has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now the emperor of Tang has reappeared as the emperor. The Renjiao should lower the Kongtong seal to help the emperor's prestige."

I saw a small seal that was extremely simple and simple, flying out of Xuandu's hand, and landed three feet in front of the Great Tang Emperor.

This is the most precious treasure of human nature, Kongtong Seal.

Every founder of the immortal dynasty, if he can witness the emperor's position, the Renjiao will inevitably lower the Kongtong seal, helping the emperor to overwhelm the heavens and the world.

The Kongtong seal has also naturally become the standard equipment of the Emperor. A Renhuang without the Kongtong seal, although there is a human emperor, once he leaves the realm of the gods, who will recognize it?

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty looked at the small seal in front of him, bowed slightly and said, "Shimin, I would like to thank Master Xuandu here. After returning to Chang'an, the Immortal Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty will definitely establish Xuanmen as the state religion, and Master Xuandu will be appointed as the state religion." Protector of the country."

Knowing the secrets, how could he not know the benefits of tying the Xuanmen to Tang Xianchao.

No matter how you look at it, you can be a mortal and try to plot against the immortal family!

It's all a few stupid things.

Master Xuandu smiled calmly, and said: "There is no need for the Emperor, but there is one thing that needs to be known to His Majesty."

The Great Tang Renhuang asked suspiciously: "I don't know what it is?"

Master Xuandu said calmly: "Although His Majesty the Emperor changed the Son of Heaven to be the Emperor, it has only been three hundred and sixty-five years in one life. When the time has come for the position of the Emperor, it is natural to change to the position of the Son of Heaven here."

What kind of plan Huoyun Cave has, maybe his junior brother will be very concerned, but Yu Tian said, no matter what choice Huoyun Cave makes, it will not be changed in the future.

Whether it is the emperor or the emperor!

As long as the human education is still there, everything will be fine.

If one day the human religion dissipates, then the Emperor or the Son of Heaven will naturally be nothing.

Then the great mage Xuandu disappeared in front of the civil and military officials of the Great Tang Dynasty.

The Great Master Xuandu who left the top of Mount did not go to look for his junior brother for a long time, but went directly to the thirty-third heaven.

The Tang Xianchao group who stayed on the top of Mount Tai also quickly withdrew from the boundary of Mount Tai. After all, there are too many immortal families living in Mount Tai, as well as ancient gods left over from the ancient years.

For example, the Lord Taishan.

After returning to Chang'an.

Several human emperors' decrees came from Chang'an and went to the southeast and northwestern borders of the Tang Dynasty. Although there is only one chance of a human emperor, since there is such a chance, why can't the immortal dynasty of the Tang Dynasty last forever?

So the massive war began, and countless soldiers of the Tang Dynasty rushed to the battlefield with the dream of serving the country.

A protracted war has been waged with the monster race and alien races.



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