Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 515: Emperor Jun's conspiracy

In Chang'an City, there is Jianling Peak.

Following the birth of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, that unicorn son, Su Xuan was also paying close attention to the changes in this city of Chang'an.

Compared with Chang'an City a few months ago, although Chang'an City today is said to be decorated with lights and festoons, it is undercurrents surging, and the number of Da Luo Jinxian Realm practitioners hidden in it makes him feel a little startled .

Among them, with the help of the Tai Chi Diagram, he even saw the figures of the demon master and the prime minister of the demon clan, Bai Ze.

Under the flat peach tree.

Su Xuan looked at the Feijian Biography that had already been written, it was directly a real fire of samadhi, and burned it completely. He looked at Changxi who was drinking alone with the moon not far away, and said: "Fairy Changxi , who will be the monster who can dispatch the demon master of the demon clan and the prime minister of the demon clan together?"

It is not difficult to guess this matter. Now, the two most important practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the Yaozu have appeared in Chang'an City.

It just so happened that the unicorn was born in the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. In the heavens and worlds, is there really such a coincidence?

Changxi said calmly: "Apart from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who passed away in a flash when Daqin was fighting Thirty-Three Heavens, there is only His Majesty Emperor Jun when the Yaozu ruled the world. According to the current saying , Emperor Jun of the Monster Clan is my brother-in-law."

At this moment, Changxi seemed to understand what her elder sister wanted to do, but compared to the reincarnation of His Majesty Emperor Jun, who was protected by many demons and gods, her elder sister was only protected by her, which seemed a little thin.

"But now that Emperor Jun has reincarnated into the human royal family with great swagger." Then Su Xuan changed his voice and said very seriously: "Fairy Changxi, I don't think that the Emperor Jun who used to rule the world of the demon clan Your Majesty, I reincarnated into the human royal family just to travel around the world of mortals."

After the Son of Heaven in the Great Tang Dynasty became the Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, there was only this incident, which was completely beyond his expectations. However, many Hunyuan did choose to be indifferent to Dijun's actions.

This couldn't help but make Su Xuan a little suspicious, did the former Emperor Jun of the Monster Race fall into a pit and count the money for others?

Changxi said with a smile: "No matter what Di Jun wants to do, it has nothing to do with my sister now. Now I just wait for my sister to come back, and I will send her to reincarnation, so that she will forget about that emperor from now on." hansome."

The most ruthless emperor's family!

Even if it was placed in the Yaozu Heavenly Court where the Yaozu ruled IV, how could there be only her sister in the Emperor's harem?

Even in order to win over other big clans, there are dozens of concubines married, but at the moment of the Lich decisive battle, except for her sister who died in the deadly battle, most of those concubines left the demon clan's Heavenly Court and go.

Su Xuan looked at Chang Xi, and said, "It's best!"

At this time, a rainbow light came from a distance, and stopped directly on Youjian Lingfeng, when the rainbow light dissipated.

Zhao Gongming's figure appeared on Youjian Lingfeng. When he saw that Su Xuan was still there, Zhao Gongming finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Su Xuan in the distance and said, "Junior Brother Su, something has happened. , Emperor Jun reincarnated in the royal family, intending to occupy the nest and replace the human race with the demon clan. Now the demon emperor's guards have all entered Chang'an City, and they have avoided the positions of the demon master Kunpeng and the demon prime minister Bai Ze. "

If it hadn't been for his teacher, Master Tongtian, who told him about this matter, he might have been kept in the dark, even though Di Jun's reincarnation in the royal family had serious problems.

But what was even more serious was that the former majesty of the Yaozu, Emperor Jun, directly bypassed the Yaozu's demon master and the Yaozu's prime minister. After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed frightening.

The Heavenly Emperor Di Jun of the Monster Race is not scary, after all, the life of the Monster Master Kunpeng and the Prime Minister of the Monster Race Bai Ze is also very good, there is no need to go crazy with Di Jun,

in an instant.

Su Xuan frowned and looked at Zhao Gongming who came from afar, and said with a smile: "This is interesting, Di Jun bypassed the demon master Kunpeng and the demon prime minister Bai Ze, it seems that the emperor of the day is more suspicious.

However, the Demon Emperor's guards all entered Chang'an City, and there was no response from Huoyun Cave. "

The demon emperor's guards, the absolutely loyal existence of the demon clan's heavenly emperor, such an existence, hidden in the imperial capital of the human race, is a huge threat no matter how you look at it.

Zhao Gongming shook his head and said, "The Huoyun Cave didn't react at all. It seems that the demonic thoughts gathered by humanity exploded again. I'm afraid that Huoyun Cave doesn't have the energy to manage Chang'an City this time."

The way of heaven is ruthless, so naturally there are no evil thoughts, even if they are suppressed by the ancestor of Xuanmen Hongjun, they all disappear invisibly.

As for the tunnel, Empress Pingxin and the Wu clan sit in town. Although there are occasional turmoil, they are quickly suppressed, and now there is another dizang who is working under Empress Pingxin to seek shelter.

Only the evil thoughts of the human world, but because of the development of the human world, continue to grow stronger. When the emperor is in charge of the human world, he can use the position of the emperor to continuously weaken it, but now!

The evil thoughts of humanity have grown so strong that they are comparable to the existence of practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but fortunately, the sages of the human race are still there, and they can still suppress them.

Su Xuan said: "Then it is necessary for us to meet with the demon master Kunpeng and the prime minister of the demon clan Bai Ze. After all, if the former emperor of the demon clan really wants to stir up trouble in Chang'an City, then we must let him The Yaozu knows that if they do something irreparable, they will naturally have to pay a heavy price, and the Yaozu Kunpeng and the Yaozu Prime Minister Bai Ze may not be willing to bear the consequences."

In the past, the emperor of the demon clan, Emperor Jun, dared to bypass the important ministers of the monster clan, so Di Jun must do some extremely dangerous actions. After all, some heavenly emperors bypassed their own important ministers, which in itself shows that Di Jun is in some things. In fact, I don't believe in the current demon master Kunpeng, and the prime minister of the demon clan Bai Ze.

Zhao Gongming nodded and said: "Junior Brother Su, what you said is reasonable, let's go now without Delay can't be delayed!

Su Xuan said: "Okay! I'll go and explain a few words to my family, Senior Brother Zhao can go first, and I'll go later."

Afterwards, Su Xuan walked directly towards the main hall, while Zhao Gongming turned the rainbow first and went straight to the restaurant where the demon master Kunpeng and the demon prime minister Bai Ze were located.

Changxi looked at Zhao Gongming who was going away, and sighed helplessly: "Oh! The matter has come to this point, it seems that I have to go there too, and I don't know how to face my sister after she is reincarnated?"

Then there was another rainbow light, and it went away from Youjian Lingfeng.

This day is destined to be recorded in the annals of the heavens and the world, and the history of the heavens and the world will also be divided into two parts because of the reincarnation of the former demon clan emperor Jun.



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