Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 536: The wind rises, Che Chiguo

Fly to the mountains.

The clouds are calm and the wind is light.

After Zhao Gongming also rushed to Che Chi Country, the Youjian Taoist Temple seemed quite empty, and the bustle of the past was no longer there.

However, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan are extremely partial and enjoy the hard-won tranquility.

By the cliff.

On the mirror-like terrace, there is a sapphire-colored, three-foot-square small table. On the table, 30 million-year-old peach blossom wine is being boiled in a copper furnace, and several pieces of flat peach pulp fluctuate in the copper furnace.

The overflowing aroma of wine collided with the breeze, making me drunk almost half of the West Sea.

On the shore of the West Sea, I don't know how many practitioners of the Aquarium were drunk floating on the rough surface of the West Sea, which angered the old Dragon King of the West Sea.

But when he thought of the identity of that person, no matter how angry he was, he had to pretend that nothing happened.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan sat facing each other, and drank each other. After a few cups of immortal wine, when they did not deliberately resist the alcohol of this immortal wine, a little fleeting drunkenness appeared on the faces of the two of them.

"Three catties of Sanguang Shenshui, one hundred catties of nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches, carefully brewed for thirty million years in the immortal family, just one cup can intoxicate the whole world."

At this moment, he is in the world, and the smell of wine alone can intoxicate half of the West Sea, and if a glass of wine turns into rain, it can naturally intoxicate the whole world.

Su Xuan held a white jade-colored wine glass, stood by the cliff, and said, "This glass of wine is a toast to the world!"

Afterwards, the immortal wine in the cup left the wine cup in Su Xuan's hand, turned into a Taotao Tianhe with hundreds of thousands of feet, and went straight to the realm of the human world.

Practitioners in the world only see the Milky Way rushing by, but smell the aroma of wine.

Immediately afterwards, the Tianhe River passed across the world, turning into rain curtains and falling into the world.

Since then, this glass of wine has really drunk the whole world.

Then the whole world began to rain, and the rain fell very heavily. In this heavy rain, there were countless people who were addicted to drinking, as if they were intoxicated or infatuated, like dreams or illusions.

In the records of the human kingdoms in the Conferred God Realm, there has never been such a situation, and the heavy rain also brought turmoil.

There is a spirited scholar who was imprisoned unjustly. After drinking the rainwater, he realized his practice and entered the realm of Yuanshen within a day, killing through the capital of a certain human kingdom.

There are practitioners who face the five declines of heaven and man, get drunk, and enter the realm of the fairy family after a big dream.


Flying to the mountain, it was peaceful.

Occasionally, white cranes would come and go to Qingming, and the copper furnace by the cliff was exhausted of immortal wine, but Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan were still drunk.

Mo Shanshan looked at the cloud mirror not far away, and said: "The three monsters in Chechi Kingdom have already started their fight, and this rain is indeed timely."

In the original script, there was a competition to ask for rain, but now it seems that it is still necessary to ask for rain no matter how heavy the rain is.

Su Xuan said with a smile: "We should have a competition, who can stop the rain."

But it is a pity that no practitioner under Da Luo can stop the rain he brought to the human world, Sun Wukong can't stop it, and Tiger Power can't stop it.

"So when it comes to the competition of stopping the rain, it should naturally be a draw, and only a draw can start a big battle and trigger the ancient gods who have been silent for thousands of years."

Mo Shanshan said thoughtfully.

The ancient gods are indeed not the opponents of the Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners, but there is always an ancient **** who can easily defeat the Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners. Now who is ruling the world or two.

Su Xuan nodded and said: "Well, there must be such a match, if not such a match, probably no one will be convinced."

The level of cultivation base and realm can only be seen in the hands of the real chapter, without the real chapter, naturally it cannot be convinced.


Che Chiguo, capital city

In the royal palace, in the imperial garden.

Tang Sanzang and his party were at odds with Che Chiguo and the three masters of the state, and no one liked the other.

Had it not been for Sanxiao, who has a Taoist sect, and the Madonna of Wudang to hold the battle here, the pharmacist from Mount Sumeru in the west would have wiped out the three demons of Che Chi Kingdom long ago.

(This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 536 The Wind Rises, Che Chi Country

This ancient divine way fruit is a very precious existence. If these three demons hadn't taken the opportunity to make trouble, the eight hundred sects of the Western religion would have already taken away the ancient divine way fruit from Chechi Kingdom from ancient times to the present.

The king of Chechi Kingdom, after seeing that the first game of guessing was tied, looked at the falling rain and the drunken soldiers around him, and said: "The three national teachers, and Master Sanzang, would you like to send fine wine today? For the sake of the rain, how about this next competition and see who can stop the rain?"

The precious cabinet handed down by his family could not be guessed by a practitioner in the realm of the primordial spirit back then, but now, whether it is the three national teachers or Master Sanzang, they have seen the precious cabinet clearly, which is enough to prove that, These few must be above the primordial spirit realm.

As for the affairs of the Xian family, it is not something that a person of his status can get involved in, even if he is the king of the Che Chi country.

Sun Wukong smiled and said, "It's better than stopping the rain. My grandson and the Dragon King of the Four Seas are old acquaintances. It's just stopping the rain. What's the problem?"

Not to mention his old acquaintances, even if he uses his own supernatural powers, it is enough to stop the rain, but I don't know which idiot is so extravagant~ actually put so much fairy wine, Get out of this car Chi Guozhong.

"Compare, compare, whoever is afraid of whom."

"Yes, it's like stopping the rain."

"My three brothers, when we were studying Taoism in Zhongnan Mountain, we learned this magic power of praying for rain. How difficult is it to stop the rain?"

The three of Huli were also not to be outdone.

This time they have the help of Taoist seniors, so there is no need to be afraid of this monkey.

Then before Huli flew to the Dharma altar, even if he was an immortal, if he wanted to stop the rain in Chiguo, he had to write a letter to it first. Take a team.

But this time, I'm afraid it was expedited.

Hu Li muttered a few words, and went straight to the thirty-three layers of heaven above the blue sky.

On the other hand, Sun Wukong sneered again and again, he said with a smile: "I dare to come out to buy such small things."

Then Sun Wukong went straight to the Nantianmen. Since he is the so-called one who should be robbed, the thirty-three heavens must stop the rain.

But when Sun Wukong came to the Nantianmen beyond the thirty-three heavens, he was stunned on the spot. He saw that the Nantianmen was closed tightly, and even the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the gate were gone.

No matter how much Sun Wukong yelled, the generals inside the door did not say a word, because the door really cannot be opened, this is the decree from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, Queen Mother of the West, and Tushita Palace.

Anyone who dares to open the door for this monkey will have to go to Zhanxiantai.



Chapter 536 The Wind Rises, Che Chi Country


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