Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 559: Xuandu arrives, Nuwa decides the universe with one word

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The situation changes and changes again.

Filled with anger, Di Jun urged the Donghuang Bell with all his strength, and the bell rang ten thousand times in an instant. This bell, which did not distinguish between enemy and friend, caused many Da Luo demon gods to be seriously injured.

Many cultivators of the Da Luo Jinxian Realm of the Taoist sect saw the opportunity and gave those Da Luo demon gods a ruthless blow, and the Da Luo demon **** showed its decline for a while.

The faces of Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan on the golden bridge transformed by the innate yin-yang and Tai Chi diagrams also changed suddenly, and then the Qiankun diagram spread out, and the laws of the Qiankun Avenue were vertical and horizontal, blocking the chime of the Eastern Emperor Bell from ancient times to the present.

But even so, Su Xuan was still pale, and he said: "What a monstrous Heavenly Emperor Jun, what a Donghuang Bell, what a cultivator in the Da Luo Jinxian Realm who can sit on the seat of the Heavenly Emperor without distinguishing between the enemy and the emperor. Extremely poisonous!"

Fangcai Dijun held the Eastern Emperor Bell, under the attack regardless of enemy or friend, at least three Da Luo demon gods were seriously injured and fled the battlefield.

Among them was a Da Luo demon **** who, under the siege of several Xuanmen Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners, turned into a congenital spirit treasure.

Di Jun said loudly: "For the future of the monster clan, they deserve to die. How long can you hold off the Eastern Emperor Bell, Master Su?"

A little Su Xuan, but he dared to act presumptuously in front of him because of his innate yin and yang and Taiji diagram, but if he couldn't even deal with a junior who had just entered the Daluo Jinxian realm, then he would still be the coercive one. The Heavenly Emperor of the 3,600 realms of the Heavenly Myriad Realm?

Just when Su Xuan didn't know how to answer, he saw an exquisite pagoda hanging down from the blue sky and landed on the piece of blue sky above Su Xuan's head.

The air of black and yellow hangs down, protecting the past and present of Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan.

Master Xuandu also landed lightly from the clouds on the golden bridge transformed by the innate yin and yang Taiji diagram. Xuandu looked at Dijun and said with a smile: "Your Majesty Dijun, why are you so angry? Since you have been reincarnated as If he has lost the human race, then why bother to obsess over the identity of the demon clan emperor?

If you can break this pagoda of mysterious yellow and exquisite merit today, I will not go and say anything about what your monster race wants to do. Realize the benefits of being a human being. "

The battlefield came to a strange standstill, whether it was the Da Luo demon gods of the Yaozu, or the practitioners of the Taoist Da Luo Jinxian realm, they all stopped their hands by coincidence.

After all, the Heavenly Emperor Xuanhuang Linglong Merit Pagoda has already arrived, so naturally there is no need to fight, because from the moment the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Merit Pagoda came here, the outcome has already been decided.

Di Jun snorted coldly: "What? Xuandu, do you really think that Master Donghuang Zhong in my hands is a vegetarian?"

It's not that he has never seen the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Gongde Linglong Pagoda, and it's not that he has never fought before. Although the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Gongde Pagoda was invincible when it was in the hands of the Taishang in the past.

But if it was Tai Shang who came today, then he would turn his head and leave, but it is Xuandu who came today!

You can give it a try!

"Clang, clang, clang"

At the moment when the Donghuang Bell was enough to suppress the bells of the heavens and the world, Nu Wa, who hurried back from the red dust of the heavens and the world, also came here quite in time.

Nu Wa, with her eyebrows full of evil, just waved her sleeves, and the Donghuang Bell, which was ringing non-stop, fell directly into Nu Wa's hands.

Seeing this situation, Di Jun couldn't believe it. He looked at Nuwa and questioned, "Dare to ask Empress Nuwa, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that Empress Nuwa, you also want to intervene in this matter?"

When Xuandu came, Di Jun already had the idea of ​​retreating, and now Nuwa came again, the current Di Jun can be described as riding a tiger, but Di Jun has to hold on to his face, otherwise he, the former emperor of heaven, will become laughing stock.

Nuwa looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan who were hiding under the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Gongde Pagoda, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I am not here in the name of a Hunyuan sage today, but in the name of the Supreme Elder of Youjian Taoist Temple." Come to the identity, the Supreme Elder Nuwa of Youjian Dao Temple rescued him reasonably and reasonably, how did the former master of Youjian Dao Temple become meddling in this matter when His Majesty the Emperor said it?"

Now that the demon clan's Heavenly Court has been destroyed, and the demon clan's rule of the world has come to an end, wouldn't it be good to imitate the demon master Kunpeng in the land of Beiming?

You have to come out to stir up the wind and rain.

Then Nuwa looked at the practitioners in the Xuanmen Daluo Jinxian realm who had stopped and the Daluo demon **** of the monster clan, and said: "Where the monster clan belongs to, just go back to where it came from immediately, a group of monsters Daluo demon **** of the clan, who helped a prince of the Tang Dynasty make such a big move, have you all lived on pigs all these years?"

Then Nuwa took out a seal, and when she saw that seal, the Da Luo demon gods of the demon clan who were unwilling to leave also left one after another in twos and threes.

For this sake, they are already worthy of His Majesty Di Jun, and even His Majesty Di Jun is helpless in the face of such a situation?

So why should they stay here and add to the chaos?

After the big Luo demon gods of the Yaozu left, the cultivators of the Taoist Da Luo Jinxian realm also left in a hurry after exchanging a few words with Su Xuan and others.

After all, Empress Nuwa is here, and it is not a good thing for them to stay here.

"Hmph, what a Nuwa empress, when will she be able to make a decree for me, the demon emperor?"

Di Jun said angrily: "Then, Empress Nuwa, are you going to deprive me of my title as the former Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Race? Do I have to hand over the Supreme Treasure of the Monster Race?"

After sighing, Nuwa said: "This is a natural thing. The rule of the emperor's monster clan has come to an end. Those Da Luo demon gods are not your efforts. You should give those Da Luo demon gods freedom instead of holding on to that treasure. She will not let go even if she dies in her Since she has come here today, she will not allow Di Jun to kill most of the Da Luo demon gods in the entire demon clan with one word.

"Nuwa, Emperor Wa, this emperor fell into your hands today."

Thinking about when he was the Emperor of Heaven, how could he ever be so aggrieved like today, but he knows very well that if he loses this time, it must be a real defeat, and there will be no chance of turning over.

At this time, Nuwa asked: "Nephew Xuandu, since His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor wants to be a man so much, then follow the elder brother's wishes!"

Today's Yaozu is no longer the Yaozu of the past, and the current Yaozu can no longer bear Di Jun's torture.

Xuandu nodded slightly, and said: "It's just that His Majesty Dijun's cultivation level is a bit high, so he really needs the help of Uncle Nuwa."

His teacher is very good at embarrassing him, how could he seal the former demon clan emperor by himself?

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