Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Xuandu Zhige, the prestige of human teaching, how prosperous it is!

The western boundary, beyond Mount Sumeru.

After many days of killing, the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect finally repeated the same mistakes, but this time it was not the demon ancestor Luohu who came, and they did not know **** Mount Sumeru.

Therefore, the current situation of the eight hundred sects of Western religion is not so bad that it cannot be controlled, but it is not too good either.

The coalition forces formed by Lingxiao Tianjie and Jiejiao have already surrounded the mountain gate of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, and the coalition forces have also used a lot of photo-taking methods.

Conquer the decline of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, and try to make the sects ruled by the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect among the heavens and myriad worlds, take a look at the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. No day.

But Duobao and others are naturally very clear that the thoughts of the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm and the Jiejiao Allied Forces can be under the full suppression of the Wudang Virgin and the Tiandi couple, and the Western Sect has 800 sects. It can't compare to the Allied Forces at all.

On Mount Sumeru.

Duobao looked coldly at the army waiting outside Mount Sumeru, and said flatly: "Besiege and not attack, it seems that Lingxiao Tianjie and Jiejiao should wait. If these people have the courage, I am afraid they should come to attack now." gone."

The Hunyuan saint is like the pinnacle of Dinghai. Although he is not on Mount Sumeru, he is enough to suppress the coalition forces of Lingxiao Tianjie and Jiejiao from acting rashly.

Maitreya, who was at the side, said coldly: "Don't forget that it is the Jiejiao. The Jiejiao has always been very courageous. Even a saint may not be able to restrain the disciples of the Jiejiao. Therefore, the leader should not speak nonsense."

He knew very well what the disciples of Jiejiao had done during the catastrophe of conferring gods back then, so he knew exactly how courageous Jiejiao was.

In his opinion, Yuanshi Tianzun may not be able to subdue these Jiejiao disciples, let alone their good-natured saint who welcomes them?

Although Jieying Saint is not a good old man like Hongyun, but anyway, Jieying Saint has never bullied the small with big ones.

How can he deter those always courageous Jiejiao disciples?

Duobao's complexion gradually turned livid. These former high-ranking disciples of the Western Sect are indeed a little rampant now. You must know that he is also the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, and he will be so contradicted.

If the current situation is not so good, he must let Maitreya know that among the eight hundred sects of Western religion, who should have the final say.

On the other hand, Bao Guang said: "Brother Maitreya, the leader, the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm and the Jujiao coalition forces are eyeing each other. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past!"

He really didn't understand why the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect insisted on being led by the great disciple of the Jie Sect in the past. Since Duobao took over as the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, many of his fellow disciples had left this place. There are eight hundred sects taught in the West.

Corresponding to this is the frenzied influx of Jiejiao disciples, the disciples who are not even wanted by the Jiejiao, but the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect greeted them happily.

Could it be that the eight hundred sects of the Western religion have fallen so far?

Perhaps after this catastrophe, he should stay away from the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. The current eight hundred sects of the Western Sect is not a place to stay for a long time!

The pharmacist on the side smiled helplessly. Although he didn't want to compete with Duobao for power and profit, some things were not as simple as he thought. Sometimes the disciples below had already quietly helped him handle things.

If you are in its position, you must seek its own government.

The pharmacist said calmly: "In my opinion, Mount Sumeru must be guarded, otherwise the mountain gates of the eight hundred sects of our Western Sect will be breached twice in succession, and the impact will not be that simple."

After all, in the past few years of their expansion, the eight hundred sects of the Western Church have not done well in some aspects, and they have also put a lot of grass in. Once the eight hundred sects of the Western Church have a slight decline, then the wind will The grass that falls on the wall will naturally fall to the Xuanmen and the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm.

At this time, Duobao said: "Don't worry, everyone, if you have Ben sitting on Mount Sumeru, you can rest easy on Mount Sumeru."

He didn't have the confidence to counterattack, but relying on the formation arranged by the leading sage, it was not a problem to block the Lingxiao Heaven Realm and the Jujiao coalition forces.

Maitreya sneered and said: "Only us, even counting, those Intercepting disciples who have come to seek refuge and have not escaped, once there is a loophole in the formation, what can we do to resist, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is not a simple thing."

In the previous catastrophes, he knew very well how disgusting the continuous small actions of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor were. In his opinion, Duobao has become a little overblown since he became the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. up.


After Duobao snorted coldly, he stopped talking.

Maitreya walked directly towards Sumeru. No matter what the outcome of this battle was, he didn't plan to stay here any longer. The eight hundred sects of the Western Sect should not be like this, at least the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect were not like this.

Although life was very hard at that time, there were not so many intrigues now, and there was no constant trouble from the immortal family who stopped teaching and took refuge.

And at the foot of Mount Sumeru.

The Holy Mother of Wudang, the acting leader of Jiejiao, looked at the formation covering the entire Mount Sumeru in front of her eyes, and said: "Your Majesty, we are already approaching the foot of Mount Sumeru. Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven does not want to take down Mount Sumeru so that Do the heavens and the worlds know the majesty of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm?"

The voice of the Holy Mother of Wudang is very deceptive. If it were someone else, I am afraid that they would really want to mobilize troops to take down Mount Sumeru. But how shrewd is the Emperor of Heaven, how could he be bewitched by the Virgin of Wudang to head-on to Mount Sumeru? ?

We must know that the Demon Ancestor Luohu was able to take down Mount Sumeru all because of the Demon Ancestor Luohu, but what about now?

Without the help of practitioners in the golden fairy realm of Hunyuan Daluo, it would be difficult for them to take down Mount Sumeru.

Besides, even if they take this Mount Sumeru, so what? Once the guiding sage came back, wouldn't they retreat in despair? It's better to take this opportunity to publicize the majesty of the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, and then exit with dignity.

The Emperor of Heaven said indifferently: "Is the leader of Wudang just joking? This joke is not funny. After all, this is the battlefield for receiving and guiding Zhunti. Once this Mount Sumeru is taken, it is equivalent to fighting with two Hunyuan saints. I Ling Xiaotian Realm doesn’t have this strength, could it be that Brother Tongtian has returned to Shangqing Heaven Realm, and he wants to come here to help?”

The Holy Mother of Wudang at the side said: "My teacher traveled in the long river of time and space, and his whereabouts are uncertain. Even I can't get in touch now, but since we have arrived at Mount Sumeru, we must not return empty-handed!

You must know that the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect back then pressed the face of the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm to the ground and rubbed it against the ground. Doesn't His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven want to get back one or two? "

They came here this time, not only to clear the suspicion of their interception, but also to try their best to test the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, and to test what their former big brother Duobao really wanted.

In the past, when her teacher was around, he could let him go, but now that she has taken over the position of the leader of Jiejiao, it is natural to think about the future of Jiejiao.

After all, her teacher is really a bit unreliable.

But the Emperor of Heaven, who was sitting on top of the imperial court, was still unmoved, and the old **** of the Emperor of Heaven often said: "Wu is the leader, the heavens and worlds are not as simple as fighting and killing. Among them, the most important thing is human sophistication.”

How can it be so simple to take down Mount Meru? Even if the Holy Mother of Wudang just wants to test the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, they can only watch the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect hide in Mount Meru, safe and sound. Read scriptures steadily.

Unless there are practitioners from the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm to help, but is this possible?

Wudang was still thinking about what to say, but looking at the misty rainbow light in the sky, the face of Wudang's Virgin Mary turned livid in an instant. She really didn't expect that the uncle who had always practiced the way of inaction would actually send I invited the Great Master Xuandu to come over, but I don't know what the Great Master Xuandu intends to do here.

And many immortals also noticed the rainbow light, and soon after the rainbow light dissipated, the figure of the great mage Xuandu walked out of the ethereal rainbow light.

Many immortal families saluted one after another, and Xuandu went to visit His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor just after meeting with many immortal families.

But His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, looking at the Great Master Xuandu who came from afar, said with great joy: "It's been a long time since the Great Master Xuandu, but it's just that the Great Master Xuandu doesn't sit peacefully in the Great Chitian, how come he came to this western place?" Bitter cold place."

He also really wanted to know the reason why this Great Master of Xuandu came to Mount Sumeru. After all, his elder brother is not like a nosy person.

Xuan Du looked at His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven in front of him, and said calmly: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, my teacher thinks that this war should end, and if it continues like this, it will be nothing but the result of losing both sides. My teacher is not willing to see that all these In the world of heaven and earth, the battle of Hunyuan is once again set off."

This is the obvious thing, who can be more satisfied with the little thought of Jiejiao?

He is such a good-for-nothing junior sister!

Obviously, they wanted to let out a bad breath by testing the eight hundred sects of Western religion, but they still underestimated Empress Nuwa, did they really think that Empress Nuwa had no temper?

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the Wudang Madonna who looked rather ugly, and said with a smile: "What the Great Master Xuandu said is exactly what I want, but I don't know if the Wudang leader still wants to continue this war."

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Listening to his elder brother is definitely right, after all, whoever really does not listen to the decree of the first elder brother of Xuanmen will be truly lawless, even if he is the emperor who commands the heavens and worlds, facing him Even a senior brother, he also has to give three points of courtesy and five points of respect.

Xuandu also looked at Wudang Holy Mother when he heard the words, and said: "Junior Sister Wudang, now that Jiejiao has got what he wants, there is no need to continue this war, this war will continue, I'm afraid it's time for the guiding saint to come forward."

Although he didn't know how his Uncle Nuwa and the guiding sage ended the past karma, but he knew very well that the current guiding sage had no worries at all.

The bottom line of the guiding saint is this Mount Sumeru. Once Mount Sumeru is broken, the Holy Mother of Wudang and the others will definitely confront the guiding saint directly.

That's not what his teacher wants to see. If it's just that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor conquered the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, how could his teacher call him to come?

After Wudang heard this, he said helplessly: "The disciple respectfully abides by the decree of Master Uncle!"

Where is her teacher floating in the long river of time and space? So naturally she can only follow the law, and even if his teacher is here, she can only bring the disciples back to the Shangqing Heaven Realm.

heard the words.

Xuan Du said: "Junior Sister Wudang, it's best for you to think so, the saint who guides you is coming back quickly, you go away first!

I still have some things that I want to talk to the leader of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion. "

Then I saw Master Xuandu turning into a ray of rainbow light and going straight to Mount Sumeru. The great formation protecting the top of Mount Sumeru seemed to have failed at this moment, allowing Master Xuandu to gallop.

Seeing this astonishing scene, many immortals were shocked to the heavens, and then even praised, the Great Master Xuandu deserves to be the number one existence under the saints.

Even the formation that made it difficult for them to move forward was like paper in front of Master Xuandu.

Wudang looked at the brother Xuandu who showed his supernatural power, and couldn't help admiring: "If we have such a cultivation level, why don't we worry about taking down Mount Sumeru, the mountain gate of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect."

As for the safety of her senior brother Xuandu, she is not worried at all. In her opinion, if her senior brother Xuandu thinks about it, he can take down the entire Western Sect with 800 sects in a short period of time. .

After a moment of effort.

Under the decree of the Holy Mother of Wudang, the disciples were intercepted and fled in twos and threes towards the position of the Nine Heavens.

And His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor still needs to have a good discussion with the leading saint about the issue of compensation. After all, his Soaring Heaven Realm suffered heavy losses in the planning of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, even if UU Reading It's a Hunyuan sage, so I have to give an explanation, don't I?

However, in order to prevent the leading saint from getting angry, the army of Lingxiao Heaven also retreated to set up camp outside the boundary of Mount Sumeru, quietly waiting for the coming of the leading saint.

And on Mount Sumeru.

Duobao couldn't help being surprised when he saw the Xuandu Master who suddenly appeared. The formation of Hunyuan series failed to stop the Xuandu Master.

Duobao looked at Master Xuandu and said, "I don't know why Master Xuandu broke into Mount Sumeru?"

Listening to Duobao's questioning, Master Xuandu said calmly: "Master Duobao, I came here this time just to advise Master Duobao not to act so recklessly in the future. After all, Lingxiao Heaven belongs to Xuanmen, I think there are 800 sects taught in the West, so they probably don't want to start a war with Xuanmen!"

Duobao's behavior has deviated from the original, his family's elders explained, he will naturally come to restrain him.

Besides, this time, Duobao did a little too much.

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