Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 721: Interrogation of Mr. Chen by Netherworld

Journey to the Heavens from Evernight Chapter 721 Interrogation of Mr. Chen in the Underworld

For the immortal families of the heavens and myriad worlds, although this massive strike was a failure, it was undefeated and defeated.

But no matter whether it was the Yaozu who dominated the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, or the Wuzu who led the Tianshensha formation and finally picked the peaches, they had nothing to lose.

But with the son of destiny in the next ancient era, some photo stones scattered around, and the two clans of liches fueled the flames.

The army of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm, who had never been to the front line, indeed became the instigator of this massive attack.

The instigator has no successors!

All of a sudden, in the heavens and worlds, the son of destiny in the next Pangu era also began to send martial arts practitioners, and began to continuously attack the sects of the Xuanmen Xianjia.

The many dharma lines and sects of Xuanmen in the heavens and worlds also suffered heavy losses in this targeted attack.

And in the Nether Underworld, many great witches of the witch clan also intensified their interrogation of that Mr. Chen.

This should be an extremely simple matter. Even a practitioner in the realm of the Golden Immortal can search Mr. Chen's soul cleanly.

But even practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can't look back in time. Where did this Mr. Chen's realm come from.

Outside the Houtu Palace.

Hou Tu calmly looked at Mr. Chen who was locked up, and said: "Mr. Chen, it is meaningless for you to do this. This is the prosperous world of Taoism. You can't get things done with some tricks. Although you The Son of Destiny that you are following has caused a lot of waves in the heavens and myriad worlds, but the one you are following should not have reached the level of rivaling the Hunyuan Xianjia, but can Mr. Chen explain, Why can't even I find out about your past and future."

This is the biggest problem, but as a living being, as long as it appears in the heavens and worlds, it can naturally know its past and future, but a weak practitioner like Mr. Chen has no past and future.

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can jump out of the long river of time and space without being detected by interested people, but there are still some clues after all, but she has not found any clues about this Mr. Chen.

Could it be that the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era can already compete with their teacher? If the situation is like this, then that Son of Destiny can just stand up, why bother to hide like this?

The ancestor Wu Xuanming also looked at this Mr. Chen coldly. What happened to this Mr. Chen gave them a lot of trouble for the witch clan.

No matter at what time, the underworld owned by the witch clan is an extremely critical existence. Don't you see that the king's flag on the top of the city of the Lingxiao Heaven Realm changes one after another.

But only their nether world, in the countless years of the immortal family, is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Therefore, if the next Pangu Era wants to compete with Xuanmen, it must first win this Netherworld, otherwise the damage caused by the next Pangu Era to Xuanmen cannot be called damage at all.

The injury gradually improved, but Mr. Chen, who was still pale, had a vague smile on his face. After all, in his time, the Underworld had already become a rumor.

That's right, it's a rumor, only heard, but no one can see it.

If it weren't for a coincidence, he would not have come to such a world of great controversy. Mr. Chen said calmly: "The victory and defeat have already been decided. If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want. I shouldn't exist, but I was invited out. This is my fate and my ending. Barren hills and lonely tombs. In the coming year, three taels of paper money and a glass of dirty wine."

He is just an insignificant little person, how can he get in touch with the core?

It would be really strange if he could get in touch with the Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era.

Houtu said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you should explain it well. Xuanmen has already made sufficient preparations in this world of great truth. You think that there is a little disturbance in the so-called world of the end of the law, and you will occupy it." advantage?

Have you ever known what will happen to you if the so-called Dharma-ending world ends and the heavens and worlds recover once Taoism ends? "

Now that she thinks about it carefully, she finally understands why her elder brother's teaching has spared no effort to promote the end of the Dharma.

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

Let go of the heavens and worlds first, and then the end of the Dharma, the Xuanmen Xianjia will be like a mighty river of heaven, cleansing the entire heavens and worlds. All plans will be futile.

If you do nothing, you can do everything!

Mr. Chen said freely: "No matter what the ending is, I have done everything I can do. It is enough to save that side of Zhongqian World with my own death."

It is very happy to die well.

Hou Tu ordered: "Chi You, send this Mr. Chen to Tushii Palace. I'd like to see if this Mr. Chen can withstand the Liuding Divine Fire of my senior brother."

She couldn't help this matter. As the core of the Wu Clan, the Nether Underworld couldn't tolerate any mistakes. You must know that her junior brother Minghe tried her best to prove the Hunyuan.

Styx, who has followed the way of killing, is very likely to raise the son of destiny in the next ancient era, after all, even if he cannot kill the son of destiny in the next ancient era.

Her junior brother Minghe can still become a respected ancestor in the next Pangu Era, but at most, he will have a bad reputation and will be often hunted down by martial arts practitioners.

But it was obvious that the Destiny's Sons of the next Pangu Era would not let their witch clan occupy this Netherworld, so she had no choice but to invite this Mr. Chen, but took a tour of the palace.

Chi You hurriedly led a few witch practitioners to drag this Mr. Chen down, but he still couldn't figure it out, is it necessary for an ordinary martial arts practitioner to mobilize so many people?

Xuan Ming looked at Chi You who was about to leave the Houtu Palace, and said coldly: "Chi You, if you fail this errand, then don't come back, go and stay in the alchemy furnace in Tushita Palace by yourself!"

The Mr. Chen who was captured by their witch clan is obviously not that simple, and a simple character can't survive now.

After Chi You left.

Houtu sighed and said: "Xuanming, our elder brother will not be able to recover until the next Pangu Era, so you should be clear that there are some things we have to do!"

It is obvious that the Yaozu's plan was very successful. Although the Yaozu was indeed miserable back then, at least they returned quickly enough.

However, the Wu Clan lost a lot in that battle. Until now, the remaining ten ancestor witches have not shown signs of recovery, and even their bodies have not been found.

Xuan Ming frowned, and she said: "When I saw this Mr. Chen today, I guessed a little bit that he could hide from the prying eyes of the Hunyuan sage. In addition to the ancestor Hongjun, there are also our two elder brothers. The avenue of space is enough to open a hole in the long river of time and space, but I still can't figure out, even if we can't find the bodies of our brothers, why the son of destiny in the next ancient era can be found."

There is no doubt that this is an extremely absurd guess.

Or it is simply nonsense.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Houtu said: "Xuanming, what you said is indeed possible, but if there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense, otherwise it will be known by interested people, and it is not a good thing.

Why don't you go and check it yourself to see if the son of destiny in the next ancient era is using our elder brother's body to make a fuss? It is also necessary to crush his bones and ashes, and demote his soul to the netherworld, so that he will never be reborn forever. "

This is a great shame to the Wu Clan. If this matter is true, she will have no choice but to go to Feilai Mountain in Juntian Realm.

The Acting Master of Xuanmen usually does not accept anything, but now the Acting Master of Xuanmen is enough to do a lot of things.

Xuan Ming nodded and said: "I'll go right away, I want to see what these people are planning behind their backs."

The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,.】

Afterwards, Xuanming hurriedly left the Houtu Palace, left the Nether Underworld, and went straight to the front line.

After Xuanming left.

Looking back at the empty hall in the distance, he said with a sneer: "Junior Sister Nuwa, you really have time to spare. Junior sister doesn't care about so many things about the Yaozu. Why do you like to come to my Pingxin Palace, Senior Sister, to listen to the wall?"

In a moment.

The plaque of the Houtu Palace became the Pingxin Palace.

next moment.

Nuwa's figure appeared outside the Pingxin Palace. Nuwa looked at the three worms and birds in the Pingxin Palace, and said calmly: "Junior Sister Pingxin was joking, why did you change the plaque when you saw Senior Sister? What are you afraid of, sister?"

If not, she would not want to come to Houtu Palace, but who made the demon master Kunpeng ineffective?

When the military order is issued, it is full of momentum, but what is the use?

The only subordinate of the Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era was snatched away by the Wu Clan, and it is estimated that she should be sent to her elder brother soon.

Houtu said indifferently: "Junior Sister Nuwa, why did you come to my remote village? I think you have seen it, Mr. Chen. I think Mr. Chen is almost here. If you want to know something, you can go to the Great Chitian Tushita Palace."

It's not speculative, half a sentence is too much.

Maybe when the ancient gods ruled the world, the relationship between them was pretty good, but now the relationship between them is not that good, and besides, she, the nuwa junior sister, has never been able to afford to leave.

Nuwa said calmly: "Whether the fate of the next Pangu Era is life or death has nothing to do with this palace, Junior Sister Houtu, don't you think that the demon master Kunpeng went to the front line at my command? !"

She has great merits in the human race. Even in the next ancient era, would those who practice martial arts dare to chase and kill her?

But who wants to live in hiding in the next Pangu Era?

Even her Martial Nephew Su is working hard now, how can she, as a Martial Uncle, fall behind?

Houtu calmly said at this moment: "I believe that you have seen, sister Nuwa, that the so-called Mr. Chen has no past and no future, and he can't find a home in the long river of time and space, so sister Nuwa thinks that this Who is behind it?"

After hearing this, Nuwa replied: "No matter who is behind this, according to the current arrangement of Xuanmen on this matter, the son of destiny in the next ancient era may not be able to survive. After all, we still have Senior Brother Tongtian. Intercept For a chance of life, who can compare to killing and killing, how about our Senior Brother Tongtian?"

Many senior brothers dare not do it, but their senior brother Tongtian has no worries. If the son of destiny in the next ancient era really jumped in front of her senior brother Tongtian, the end would be extremely miserable.

Houtu snorted coldly and said: "Junior Sister Nuwa has a good plan, but my Wu Clan is no match for the Monster Clan, and I don't want to be united with your Monster Clan. The memory of the blood feud is still fresh, but it is impossible to forget it." .”

The previous temptations belonged to the bottom line of their Wu Clan. As for the union endorsed by someone, their Wu Clan would never agree to this matter.

Nu Wa said coldly: "Junior Sister Hou Tu thinks too much, if I really want to borrow someone, it would be bad for me to go to that Nephew Su, why don't I have to come to this Netherworld to be a practitioner of the Wu Clan?

I came here this time to take advantage of the six realms of reincarnation. With my Qiankun cauldron and the six realms of reincarnation of Junior Sister Houtu, it is enough to create a character like Mr. Chen. UU reading As for what happened next, I don't think I need to say more! "

In her opinion, the methods of many immortal families in Xuanmen are still too reckless. You must know that this is a war with the son of destiny in the next ancient era. It is not such a simple matter.

Hou Tu smiled, and said calmly: "As expected of Junior Sister Nuwa, she was so intelligent back then, and she is still like this now, but why did Junior Sister Nuwa insist on making mistakes again and again?" Then Houtu's voice changed , looked at Nuwa, and said: "Sister Nuwa, the senior sister can agree to you, but in this plan, I also need a few places. After all, as a member of the Xuanmen, I should contribute to the Xuanmen." It is."

How could he not be missing such things as sending undercover agents?

From the point of view of Mr. Chen, the son of destiny in the next Pangu Era is very likely to be relying on a certain treasure to attract people at a certain point in the future.

It is only necessary to place the undercover at the farthest position in the long river of time and space.

Nuwa smiled at this time and said: "But there may not be too many places to give up. After all, this matter needs to be controlled by the Conferred God Platform, and we need the help of our Senior Brother Yuanshi."

The key to this Zhuang's plan is that her senior brother Yuanshi didn't have the Conferred God List to control these undercover agents. What if they were instigated against them? Things, performed so vividly.

Hou Tu said with a smile: "It is naturally best to have Senior Brother Yuanshi participate. After all, Senior Brother Yuanshi is also very scheming. In this matter, Sister Nuwa, you must not make the same mistakes."

She doesn't worry about anything now, but in the end, she will be tricked by Nuwa again.



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