Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 733: The truth gradually emerging (2)

Journey to the Heavens Beginning at Evernight Chapter 733 The Truth Gradually Surfaces (2)

Chaos Void!

Outside the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

Bai Ze couldn't help being taken aback when he heard what the Holy Mother of Wudang said, the eight hundred apostles of the Western religion were too deeply involved with the Destined Son of the next ancient era.

I'm afraid this is not a joke!

You must know that if the son of destiny in the next Pangu Era becomes popular, I am afraid that the eight hundred sects of Western religion will be the first to suffer.

Martial arts practitioners who do not cultivate the primordial spirit cannot stop those methods of demagoguery, so naturally they can only be banned and killed.

But since the old lady who had been the acting leader of the church for a while in the past mentioned this matter, Bai Ze can only follow this topic. After all, Bai Ze has nothing to do with the eight hundred sects of the Western Church Good impression.

Bai Zepi smiled and said: "Wu being a Taoist friend, this is not a small matter. If the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect really have something on their minds, then the disciples of the Intercepting Sect who are still in the Great Thousand World will be in danger." gone."

But is it possible?

Duobao also needs to use the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect to achieve the Hunyuan Daoguo, and to receive and follow Zhunti, so that the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect can bear the monstrous karma owed.

Unless Jie Yin is crazy, it is impossible to make peace with the eight hundred sects of Western religion.

Wudang looked at the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which was full of sword energy, and said, "Fellow Daoist Bai Ze, I hope your news is not wrong. You need to know that in this vast world, there is my teacher sitting in command. What are you thinking, everyone under the Immortal Execution Sword Formation has become ashamed!"

When the Zhuxian sword formation is presided over by the Hunyuan saint, it can already be indestructible without the four saints.

Immortals under Hunyuan, as many as they entered died.

Bai Ze was arguing about the direction of Nuwa Palace, cupped his hands, and said, "Hey, fellow Taoist, I can understand that you don't believe me, but can you still not trust Empress Nuwa? Empress Nuwa has already confirmed this news, and even Ping Xin Niangniang is also on the way here, I will only say one thing as a fellow Taoist, something happened!"

He couldn't understand why the Master Tongtian insisted on doing this, and how could a Hunyuan saint be so unwise?

It's not the one of them, but it's the Nuwa Empress who came out.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so the Master Tongtian may use this time to make some big noise.

A little smile appeared on the face of the Wudang Holy Mother, she looked at the rainbow lights in the distance, and said with a smile: "The news confirmed by Uncle Nuwa is naturally not false, but I don't know that there are so many mysterious people. Senior Men, is it useful?"

Among the elders of Xuanmen, there are indeed some immortals with high cultivation bases, but most of them were picked up for nothing by following behind the ancestor Hongjun when Xuanmen was fighting against the ancient gods. title.

Bai Ze shook his head and said with a smile: "The Hunyuan Dao Fruit is really tempting. There should be nine Hunyuan Saints in this Pangu Era, and naturally there should be nine Hunyuan Saints in the next Pangu Era. Go out to prove Pangu's status and detachment." And the Hongjun ancestor who went there, that is to say, what is left for me is only the seat of the three Hunyuan sages, if I don’t jump in and get beaten to death, how can I give up?”

After all, once this kind of thing happens, in most cases, they will think that I can do it, but they don't know that the fisherman is still on the shore, watching the swimming fish frantically fighting for the bait.

He doesn't intend to compete for the position of the Hunyuan Saint, and sometimes by taking advantage of the change of the Pangu era, wouldn't it be good to prove a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

The most is to stay away from the Hunyuan Saint. After all, the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm is not favored by the Dao of Heaven. To be precise, it is not favored by the Hunyuan Saint.

Wudang snorted softly and said, "This is really interesting, so many seniors have come to this place of death and life, how many of them can escape?"

If any of the sons of destiny in the next ancient era really has the power of Hunyuan, then these Taoist elders are appointed to play the game of self-exploding Xiantian Lingbao again.

Anyway, the era has changed, and there is no need to conceive and raise immortals for thousands of years to slowly recover, just wait until the next ancient era comes, and seize the opportunity to enter the game with Xiantian Lingbao.

Write one's own dao fruit into the next Pan Gu era, even if the martial arts are great, they can't help these Taoist elders.

At most, it is self-styled.

But such a choice, the Hunyuan Sect would not choose it, nor would the older generation of Da Luo Jinxian practitioners.

Some roads, once you go up and want to retreat, it is tantamount to dreaming.

Just before the two of them talked, many elders of the Xuanmen had already held the Xiantian Lingbao, and sealed off the outside of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Regardless of the combat power of these elders of the Xuanmen, but in the battle of the wind, the elders of the Xuanmen have never had the lake.

"There should be more people there, otherwise the martial arts practitioners really ran out, and trying to catch them would be like finding a needle in a haystack."

Patriarch Qiankun ordered the elders of Xuanmen to fill in the loopholes.

The ancestor of Qiankun has naturally seen the Zhuxian sword array, and even experienced it in person, so that the Qiankun tripod was picked up by Nuwa. Hunyuan Saint.

The Qiankun Ding naturally has no fate with him.

He didn't think that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation could really stop all martial arts practitioners. The Demon Ancestor Luohu back then didn't dare to boast of such a feat.

Not to mention anything else, back then Hongjun relied on the fragments of the chaotic spirit treasure to make good fortune, and brought their living generals, the demon ancestor Luohu, with great difficulty, organized the army that came, and smashed it alive.

Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not an all-in-one enemy for Good Fortune Jade Plate.

The ancestor Yinyang looked at the Zhuxian sword formation in front of him, and he was full of hatred. Everyone was besieging Luo Hu back then, but why did Luo Hu only beat him?

Patriarch Yin Yang calmly said: "We can work together this time, remember not to learn from the past, otherwise we will repeat the mistakes of the past."

He became enlightened before the ancient gods ruled the world. That era was the real barbarity. At that time, the human race was still called the golden human race, and it was no worse than the ancient gods.

But it is a pity that in order to rule the world, the ancient gods fought against all injustices, and the methods of the ancient gods were indeed much more violent back then.

Otherwise, after the ancient gods ruled the world and became lonely, the ancient gods would not be difficult to survive. Of course, this was due to the transformation of the prehistoric world into the heavens and worlds, but more of it was indeed due to the methods of the ancient gods back then.

After living for a long time, he will naturally see more. From the shadows of these martial arts practitioners, he can see the ancient gods of the past, and the ancient gods also controlled the fragments of the good fortune jade disc.

He never thought that a small son of destiny in the next Pangu Era could turn the world before this Pangu Era is over.

Unless there is an ancient **** to help!

The ancestor Qiankun looked at the Zhuxian sword formation in front of him, and said calmly: "The lesson learned by many immortal families from the previous Pangu era is that many immortal families never learned anything from the previous Pangu era. lesson.

It's like encircling and suppressing the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era. It seems that the so-called Son of Destiny is stirring up the wind and rain, but in fact it is the ancient gods who plan behind it. "

Those fellows from the last Pangu Era were old and ruthless, and it was all thanks to Hongjun and Sanqing, who had inherited the legacy of Pangu, who led them to run together, and only then got rid of the pursuers with the help of Pangu's luck.

It can be said that their Pan Gu Era is the culmination of countless previous Pan Gu Eras, and they have today's heavens and worlds.

Patriarch Yin Yang seemed to have thought of something, so he said with a smile: "Let's not mention the past, let's talk about how to prevent that ancient **** from becoming enlightened!"

In the beginning of ancient times, God and Tao were the same!

It's just a pity that when the ancient **** ruled the world for ninety-six billion years, the ancient **** who was the **** emperor at that time allowed the ancient **** to create newborn creatures, and since then the ancient **** has ruled the world and began to decline.

In the end, after another 790 billion years of the immortal family, it completely declined, and after another 9673 trillion years of the immortal family, the Dragon and Han catastrophe broke out!

Patriarch Qiankun smiled helplessly, and said: "Apart from us old fellows, how many immortals know about these things? Hongjun is already preparing to prove Pangu's position, so naturally he won't bother with these things, otherwise such a good It's not our turn."

Patriarch Yin Yang snorted coldly and said: "Come on! Qiankun, you really believed Hongjun's nonsense, he is afraid of the change of Pangu's era, when he proves Pangu's position and supports the world, let's trip him up Son, no matter how capable Hongjun is, he is not as good as Pan Gu, and there may be many practitioners who have attained the position of Pan Gu, but there is only one Pan Gu."

In addition to catastrophe, there is also catastrophe!

Great God Pan Gu sat quietly at the end of the time and space, watching them perform to their heart's content in the heavens and worlds.

Back when the Great God Pan Gu supported the heaven and the earth, there were people from the last Pan Gu era who went to destroy, but without exception, they all became the souls of the Great God Pan Gu who fell under the ax of the Great God Pan Gu.

Or do you really think that the old guy who has survived several Pan Gu eras will be cheated to death by their juniors?

Qiankun Patriarch could only smile without saying a word, after all, this matter cannot be faked!


In the vast world shrouded by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, there is already another scene.

The eyes of the Destiny Child of the next ancient era who was hidden in the black robe in the past are still dim.

I saw a divine man shrouded in divine light, playing with the fragments of the good fortune jade plate in his hand, and said with a sneer: "Boy, all the gifts on the Dao of Destiny have already been priced in the dark, otherwise you really think, You can use the means of Da Luo, don't forget that you are the son of destiny in the next ancient era, the son of destiny in the next ancient era, how can you cultivate the way of Da Luo?

This is a world of great controversy, and this is a gift from the Great God Pangu. You want to use this jade plate of good fortune to scoop up people from the long river of time and space, but you don't know that while you scoop up people, you also scoop up the gods. "

The ancient **** will not die, even if the ancient god's Dao fruit is devoured, there is still a chance to return, as long as the Tao is still there, then the **** is still there.

It's a pity that he ruined the entire ancient god's rule of the world with a single thought back then. This is his sin, and he should naturally pay for it.

The sky is full of divine light!

The army under the command of the Son of Destiny of the next Pangu Era knelt down one after another and shouted: "Welcome to His Majesty the God Emperor, come back to the mountains and seas, and rule the wilderness!"

The Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era was grabbed by the God Emperor and thrown into the long river of time and space.

Anyway, he is also the son of destiny in the next Pangu Era, and he can still cause some troubles for these Xuanmen immortal families.

And those Jiejiao disciples were oppressed by the divine light all over the sky, so they retreated again and again!

Deep in the void of chaos!

In a cave, a white-haired old man came out, looked at the great world, and said to himself: "This god! It's just trouble, I have been a veteran for so many years, and I still come out now." Shaking, I'm not afraid that that bad old man Hongjun will tear all your bones apart."

Maybe I slept for a long time.

After a while, the old man laughed wantonly and said, "So Hongjun, you can't move! In this world of great controversy, it's time for this **** to be born!"

Naturally, he is also an ancient god, and he naturally knows the ancient **** who has reappeared. If it weren't for this guy, he should be sitting on six real dragons at the level of a big Luo now, instead of hiding like this xz , panic all day long.

for a while.

Many ancient gods were born one after another, which also let many Xuanmen immortals know that there are so many ancient gods lurking around them.

And in Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun, who was playing chess with the ancestor Yangmei, was not at all, he said with a smile: "The Emperor Chongkong who ordered the creation of the acquired creatures, the high priest of the ancient gods in the There are so many old friends here.

The next ancient era is approaching, so it saves me to find them one by one. "

In order for Xuanmen to continue to prosper in the next ancient era, he let Su Xuan go to a broken world, and let Su Xuan meet his eldest disciple, and sent a letter to that boy Chunyang.

He asked Tongtian to send Duobao to the west to teach eight hundred sects, he made Jiejiao fall apart, he made the Emperor of Heaven a mascot, and he made the Son of Destiny of the next ancient era appear in advance.

Just for today!

The certificate is the position of Pangu, and no mistakes can be tolerated!

The ancestor Yangmei smiled calmly: "Besides the catastrophe, there are still catastrophes. You just jumped out of this catastrophe and went to another catastrophe. Are you so happy?"

He would rather retire among the countless Pan Gu yuan than to prove Pan Gu's position. Is that position so easy to prove?

Hongjun looked at his old friend and said with a smile: "Of course I'm not so happy to take the position of Pangu, but I'm really happy to see you struggling in countless Pangu eras."

The majesty is broken, and chaos is born, and the great **** Pangu breaks the chaos, and the land of the chaos is born.

Great God Pangu has immeasurable merit!

The ancestor Yangmei smiled and said: "You have proved that Pangu has hidden away completely, but the son of destiny who will go to the next Pangu era has already gone to the end of this Pangu era. Don't you want to stop it?"

Hongjun said calmly: "That's the business of the younger generation, so it's possible that I, a teacher, have to work hard?"

It seems that whether it is the prehistoric, or the catastrophes in the heavens and worlds after the prehistoric is broken, they are one after another.

But actually!

These catastrophes were all brought about by their own sect!



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