Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 751: In a world of great contention, Styx's ultimate move!

Journey to the Heavens from Jiangye Chapter 751 A World of Controversy, Styx's ultimate move!

Zhou Tian's star array remains the same.

In that vast world, the Dagan Wu Dynasty can suppress almost all dissatisfaction.

But today, with the arrival of those two killing swords, everything will become a thing of the past.

No matter how many brilliant things you do, you will end up talking and laughing.

The patriarch Minghe stood proudly, looking at the extremely decorated capital city, no matter how beautiful the decoration is, what's the use of it, after all, it's just a piece of paper, if you push it lightly, it will fall apart.

"Chen Chun, don't hide. As the son of destiny in the next ancient era, since you dare to come out and make trouble, you should have expected such a day. Now is the time for you to go back."

The opportunity of Hunyuan and the achievements of the Dao are all today.

Inside the Dagan Forbidden Palace.

A figure, in an instant, came to the ancestor of Minghe.

It is the one who has cultivated the immortal family for thousands of years, Chen Chun, the son of destiny in the next Pangu era.

Chen Chun said calmly: "Since Fellow Daoist Minghe wants to ask for a fight, then let's fight. How about a fight in the past and present?"

Old Ancestor Ming He said with a smile: "You are in such a hurry to die, if I don't respond, wouldn't it be a little unreasonable."

The upper and lower quarters are called Zhiyu!

From ancient times to the present, it is called the universe!

This together is the long river of time and space, so a battle in time represents a battle to the death. Unless one party dies, it is absolutely impossible to withdraw.

in an instant.

The two figures collided straight into time, and an unprecedented battle broke out.

This battle may last for a short moment, or it may last for countless thousands of years.

It is unknown whether the years of the Wannian Xianjia will be transformed into a moment, or the years of a moment will be transformed into the years of the Wannian Xianjia.

And outside this Great Thousand World, the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Grand Formation was launched immediately under the auspices of Bai Ze.

Regardless of whether Patriarch Styx wins the Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era or not, their monster clan will not hold back. Winning the army under the Son of Destiny in the next Pangu Era is the most important thing.

Within the Zhou Tian Star Dou array.

Bai Ze looked at the scenes above the cloud mirror, and said calmly: "The decisive battle level, if we lose this battle, I will wait until the next Pangu Era, and I will have no right to speak."

This is what really makes them unbearable. No fairy family would like to live in humiliation under the power of the son of destiny in the Pan Gu era.

Kunpeng said coldly: "Styx will get rid of that Chen Chun. Although Chen Chun is the son of destiny in the next ancient era, I am afraid that Minghe has already made preparations to welcome the son of destiny in the next ancient era."

No one should underestimate the Patriarch Styx who followed the Hunyuan Saint everywhere.

Back then when Hongyun was in ambush, Patriarch Styx sent a blood **** son!

Now no one knows where Patriarch Styx's true self is hidden, and Styx, who has become the Lord of Asura Dao, has become more and more invisible to people.

Bai Ze asked suspiciously: "Styx has the ability to lift tables?"

He was extremely puzzled at this point, how could a practitioner in the Daluo Jinxian realm have the ability to lift the table.

If you want to overturn the table of the heavens and the world, you must at least have the cultivation base of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm.

Practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm are still a little short.

Kunpeng said with a solemn expression: "Don't forget the land of the sea of ​​blood. The land of the sea of ​​blood back then was not as small as it is now. The Netherworld prefecture occupied most of the sea of ​​blood. If there is no gap between the Wu clan and the ancestors of Minghe." What deal, do you believe it or not?"


Their Nuwa Empress stayed in Wa Palace with her to deter other Hunyuan immortal families.

Entering the game in person, their Nuwa empress is far inferior to the Pingxin empress from the Netherworld.

Bai Ze smiled mysteriously, and then said: "Now it's the turn of the Tongtian Sage to cast a trap. When he was in charge of the Taoist sect, the land of the sea of ​​blood disappeared. This is really a big deal!"

Undoubtedly, Patriarch Styx was betting on this matter, but it was a pity that Master Tongtian did not dare to take such a huge cut off to gamble with Patriarch Styx.

But how much did it cost to achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in this way?

Kunpeng said calmly: "It is indeed a big matter, but it has nothing to do with us. It is better to quickly solve the remaining evils in this great world."

Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will give birth again!

From ancient times to the present.

Chen Chun, the son of destiny in the next Pangu Era, fought with Patriarch Styx in the vast time of the heavens and worlds.

Except for the time when Pan Gu was in charge, there were these two figures at other times.

But it was obvious that Chen Chun, who set foot here for the first time, was not as proficient as the ancestor Minghe, but he had already fallen into a disadvantage after only a short time of effort.

This battle that unfolded within a short period of time also broke the hearts of many Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners.

Patriarch Styx had a great fight with the Son of Destiny in the next ancient era, but the aftermath depends on them, otherwise the time will not be beaten to pieces by these two.

In an instant, there were only a few small fragments left in the time Chen Chun was in.

Once these few smiling clips are cleared, then Chen Chun will disappear, in a real sense.

Ancestor Minghe stepped on the twelfth-grade fire red lotus, and said calmly: "This is the end of the matter, Chen Chun, if you have any last words to say, say them all together. If you don't say anything else, you may not have this opportunity."

Although this battle lasted for a short time, from the perspective of time, it lasted a full 70,000 years of the immortal family.

Chen Chun said full of vicissitudes: "It seems that I am going to die, but I should not have appeared in this time period. I am the future me and cannot represent the past me, so fellow Daoist Minghe, thank you for sending me away." go back!"

He is a man of the future, and in a sense he has not yet been born.

If he has always existed in the present, then he in the past will always be restricted and unable to reach the real Dao realm.

Only by truly disappearing into time, will his future have infinite possibilities.

Patriarch Minghe sneered and said, "Then send you home!"

Yuan Tu and A Bi, carrying the Law of Infinite Dao, shot away.

The only remaining fragments of time for that son of destiny in the next ancient era suddenly dissipated.

Then Patriarch Styx turned around and headed straight for Netherworld.

Although Patriarch Minghe already has the ability to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But Patriarch Styx still had a sad face. Is it really a good thing to send this son of destiny back in the next Pangu Era?

But fortunately, he already has the opportunity to take that last step, only in the next countless tens of thousands of years.

The karmic fire red lotus that has always been with him is about to fall into silence, and I don't know how long it will take to recover.

Coupled with the karma promised earlier, why did he faintly feel as if he was tricked by someone.

The Son of Destiny of the next Pangu Era died, completely dead.

It can be said that the heavens were shaking, and I don't know how many immortals who were hidden behind, began to step up to the stage majestically.

A certain ancestor of the dragon clan also publicly declared that he had left the Taoism, and seemed to be brewing something hidden.

But neither the elders of the Taoist sect nor the elders of the immortal family of the Taoist sect paid any attention to this matter.

This is the beginning of a world of great struggle.

That side is beyond the world.

The two Liches also parted ways.

Ping Xin, who was about to leave Nuwa, said: "The person who shouldn't appear has finally died, and it's time to clean up the serious illness. When we meet again, it will probably be the end of the era."

This was indeed beyond her expectations. It was unreasonable that her teacher did not stand up to obstruct her.

Even if her second senior brother, Yuanshi Tianzun, has great abilities, she shouldn't let her teacher, Patriarch Hongjun, keep silent!

Pingxin said with a smile: "This is the real world of great controversy, and it is time for these younger generations of immortals to experience what is the real world of great controversy."

With the death of a son of destiny in the next ancient era, this world of vigor and great contention started.

It can be regarded as the final conclusion for this ancient era, but I don't know the next era, without their teacher, how many people will be kings and ancestors?

The two Lich clans left separately!

Under another chaotic void.

Lord Taishan, who had been entangled with the leader of Tongtian, also pulled away at this moment.

Now that the overall situation is over, if you don't get out at this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave in a while.

Master Tongtian looked at the Prince Taishan who was going away, and didn't say much. The Patriarch Minghe fought so hard that Yehuo Honglian didn't want it, and seized the opportunity. No matter how angry he was, Duobao's Hunyuan position would never come back. up.

Now the only choice is to let Duobao kill the God Emperor. As for his teacher, he can only say sorry.

"Little brother, who can blame this?"

"I can only blame Styx for attacking too quickly, and yourself for being too slow."

Afterwards, the Master Tongtian went straight to the Great Thousand World, and the Immortal Execution Sword Formation unfolded.

Duobao carried the Qingping Sword alone, entered the Great Thousand World, and beheaded His Majesty the God Emperor of the ancient **** clan.

And His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, who was still trapped in the chaotic void, was still hiding in the formation at this moment.

On the flying boat.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked at the withdrawn Taiji diagram on the cloud mirror, and also withdrew the formation, and then she said: "Heavenly Emperor, that Su Zhenren and Xuanming ancestor witch have already retreated, should you continue to go? Or should you withdraw?" go."

The son of destiny in the next ancient era was beheaded by Patriarch Minghe, which was already a matter that was put on the bright side.

Obviously, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, even with the plan of the ancestor Hongjun, still failed to seize any opportunities.

On the throne, the Heavenly Emperor looked livid.

Many immortal families are also taciturn, for fear of offending His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor at this time.

Endure the calm for a while, so that you won't be put on little shoes in the near future!

The Emperor of Heaven said indifferently: "Minghe beheaded the Son of Destiny of the Ancient Era, and fellow Daoist Tongtian also seized the opportunity. In such a situation, even if this Emperor has the means to reach the sky, what can I do?"

"Retire temporarily, return to Lingxiao Heavenly Realm and make plans."

What if I don't return it? Are you going to compete with the leader of Tongtian?

If you don't become a Hunyuan, you will be an ant in the end. Even he, the emperor of heaven, is nothing more than a large ant.



Many immortal families finally breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor would not be able to think about it, so he just followed the example of the Wu Clan and went straight and reckless.

In other words, Mang used to be very simple, but the difficulty is how to leave with dignity, so not going is the best solution.

Being able to return to the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, under the protection of the Lingxiao Heavenly Realm, is the most important thing to avoid the next catastrophe.

If they really want to go out to fight, their small bodies are really not enough.

Juntian Realm, flying to the mountain.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan watched the end of the Destiny Son of the next Pangu Era.

Su Xuan said calmly: "That's it, the catastrophe is over, the war is over, and this Pangu Era can finally transition to the next Pangu Era in a stable manner."

The change of the Pangu Era may still have disasters of one kind or another, but at least the most severe hurdle has passed after all.

Mo Shanshan looked at the ups and downs of the chaotic void above the cloud mirror, and said sadly: "But the change of the Pangu era has already begun, and the gears of fate have already fluctuated. According to reliable news, that Jiang Ziya has returned."

She knew very well how much Jiang Ziya used to cover up when he went to the long river of time and space.

But no matter how you cover it up, you can't cover up, their second has plans for the next ancient era.

Jiang Ziya is back, so their second uncle's plan has obviously been very successful.

Su Xuan said: "Take the altar of conferring gods, and Jiang Ziya, who is at the end of the time and space of this Pangu era, has returned, which means that this Pangu era should also end."

The years of struggle between countless immortal families will be settled at this last juncture.

All causes and effects will be cleaned up. This is the end of the old era and the beginning of a new era.

Mo Shanshan said calmly: "It's time to end, but it doesn't have much to do with us."

With their teacher around, the Human Education can naturally transition to the next Pangu Era without incident.

It's just that in the next Pangu Era, the Renjiao will have to change its name, and Xuanmen probably will have to change its name as well.

Su Xuan was silent, and after a long time, he said: "I believe that the next Pangu era will be an idyllic era that many immortal families dream of."

The former predecessor of the heavens and worlds was also the pastoral era that many immortals dreamed of.

It's just a pity that the war at that time was far more tyrannical than it is now, so that in the end the wilderness was broken.

Afterwards, fragments were added upon fragments, and the heavens and myriad realms became just now.

Shortly after!

Compared with those immortal families who came on stage one after another and planned to make some big disturbances, Juntian Realm is straightforward and closed.

With Taishang sitting in the Chitian, naturally no one would dare to trouble the Juntian Realm.

After all, although the Human Sect has few disciples, its combat power is surprisingly tyrannical, and the Human Sect believes in inaction!

The Taishang, the head of all saints, believes in inaction, which is terrifying.

No one wants to see when that supreme sage is promising.



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