Somewhere in a far-off distant realm…

"Video log AB1009"

"I wonder if you can see me. This camera has been malfunctioning for days."

"Anyway, as long as you can hear my voice that's all that matters."

As you all know the human race has been in constant war for the past decade. My name is Fredrick. Dr. Fredrick Alfheim. I've been in this research facility since the beginning.

The goal of my research is to create a serum that allows human cells to absorb radiation to strengthen our bodies, so that we might have a chance to fight back against this horde.

All command has been dismantled; the organized alliance is no more. I am all out of material and have no more test subjects. The only option left is to test it on myself…

"Test Subject 15009B: Dr. Fredrick Alfheim"

"After this last experiment, this will be my last video diary. I have no more power to survive down here any longer."

"If this is a success, I will do everything in my power…to save humanity"

Third person POV…

Dr. Alfheim took a step back from his desk, stood tall and took a deep breath. If you the camera could zoom in, you would be able to see his hands slightly shake and the perspiration roll down his forehead. However, that did not stop him from completing him task.

In one quick motion the needle entered his vein and he injected every last CC of serum in the syringe.

His eyes slowly turned red as his blood vessel began to burst, then his knees buckled, and he collapsed. Convulsing on the floor the brave doctor could be seen slowly dying.

Everything stopped. And in that instant his body relaxed, and his hair began to fall out. All the background radiation in the lab proceeded to converge around the doctor and his body started to refine itself.

His bones, blood, organs, muscles, skin, everything down to the last molecule was saturated in radiation that didn't kill the body but, made it strong. Dr. Fredrick Alfheim had succeeded in his research. He had single handedly created the next step in human evolution so, that humanity could finally combat the demon horde.

The serum was so effective that it had kept his body in peak vitality. But it was only an empty vessel without conciseness.

During the time of Dr. Alfheim' s death: Central region of the African continent...

Sounds of gun fire could be heard in the distance as allied soldiers made there way to an alleged safe Zone that demons have left untouched since the start of the war. This place was located in Central Africa and surrounded by the demon horde

The allied forces team had started off with 200 men and woman as decoys while a 10-man team infiltrated the territory under the cover of chaos. However, the mission ended up with the entire stealth team dead while 112 people from the decoy made it to the safe zone

"Stop!! You people are not welcomed here! Return to wherever you come from!"-Unknown

"We need your help. We have been overrun by the horde, the allied forces have fallen, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. They said this might be humanities last haven"- Soldier

"They lied to you! We survive because we fight to protect our ancestral lands blessed by the Gods. And we kill any demon who dares trespass and we will do the same to you! You now go back to your own lands!"-Unknown

During this time most of the soldiers were confused. Looking at the warriors of this land without fire arms but, armed with melee weapons and bow and arrows. They wondered how these people could be kill demons, when it took dozens of well-placed bullets to put down just one of those things.

One female in the soldier's forces spoke up amongst the tension

"please we've been fighting for days, At least allow us to rest for a day or two. If you send us back now, we will all die" Soldier #2

"let them in but, take away their weapons. They can get them back when they leave"-Village Chief

"Yes Chief!" the guards replied in unison

Sometime later, the soldiers could be seen washing and resting, while others were eating

In a Tall grand building made from African Pearwood, the team leader of the soldiers sat in front of the Chief silently waiting to be spoken to in order to avoid any disrespect.

"Why have you come to my land?"-Chief

"I am Captain Zhang, and my team was ordered to attack as a decoy force so a smaller team could sneak pass the horde to recon this area"-Captain

"And what is it that your people wish to find?"-Chief

"how to survive and repel an overbearing demonic horde"- Captain

The Chief thought for moment silently thinking, many thoughts revolved in his head.

"I am not a stupid man. I went to college and I am well educated unlike some of my people. But that is why I am chief, to help them where they cannot help themselves.

However, I still believe in the Gods and it is not superstition and the blessing that are showered unto or weapons help kill the demons. Come"- The Chief got up and walked away as if he didn't care if the captain followed or not

About 100 meters away from the chief's hall stood a blacksmiths workshop.

"Take a look at the power that courses through the ore, ore only found in my lands, that used to course all through the African continent until they African people began to forsake the old gods and slowly the blessed ore began to fade. We have the last deposit in all of Africa as we are the last believers"-Chief

The captain looked onto the metal in awe. He was Christian and the demons that attacked was a biblical entity

"These are biblical demons, your." the captain was cut off before he could finish

"You are wrong. Those demons are just like us. Creatures of this earth. Just like lions, tigers, and bears. There are humans, demons, Gods, and so much more. And once you know this truth you and your people could will the power of gods once again" -Chief

2 years after that moment Humanity began to forge weapons from that metal and belief in the old golds began to rise again but, it still was not enough, they had weapons but lacked the true power to properly wield them.

Until, A couple with an expedition force, to reclaim an old allied force compound that had fallen, strayed of route to relieve a little tension and stumbled upon an entrance to an old research facility, after notifying command they were granted permission with the rest of the force to search the facility.

There they found a 2-year-old dead corpse full of vitality as if the man was asleep and not dead at all.

The body was brought back to Headquarters along with the video diaries. Dr. Alfheim's work was then restarted. After 6 months the team had finally found the problem. And Dr. Alfheim was celebrated as a hero, His evolutionary body enhancing serum coupled with the Demon slaying metal won many battles for humanity and as years went on Dr. Alfheim Praise along with Chief of the African tribe underwent changes. From heroes, to god emissaries, to demigods, to actual gods themselves and during those years many lives were saved, and even more lifesaving science was created.

The blessed ore of the Congo and the Biological science recorded by Dr. Alfheim became the foundation of all Biological science of the future (Considering most knowledge was destroyed in the war).

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