Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 11 - Unity or Death

In front of the Hokage office…

Seiichi could be seen shaking Fugaku' s hand. Planning a visit to the Uchiha clan in the immediate future. Little did Fugaku know a mind linking seal was placed on him.

'Careful Fugaku, With Sarutobi in power your clan is still at the sharp end of a blade.'

Fugaku quickly looked around and activated his sharingan to locate the voice. Sadly, it never accord to him that he was tagged with a sealing jutsu

"Lord Hiashi, we should have the match next full moon, to finish our 'business deal', what do you say?"-Seiichi

"I look forward to it Lord Seiichi"-Hiashi

Sometime later…

"Give me a report about your encounter with the Uzumaki's"-Hokage

"Only I can give a report about the red head girl sir. After Brown haired shinobi and Daichi lost their battles. I stepped in , in an attempt to place them in a genjutsu. it should have been over…"- Itachi

"What happened after that son?"-Fugaku

"Her..Her eyes. They were different. it was like she stripped my secrets bȧrė and in my own genjutsu. Taking control and just shattered it…"-Itachi

The clan heads looked at each other trying to figure out just what this new dojustu was capable of.

"What about the Uzu? The ones without the red hair. And that white-haired boy?"-Hiashi

"The white-haired boy never moved Sir" said Daichi " I moved against, who we know know as Kaiya Uzu and before I could make my next move her father had already cut my kunai in half and began his ȧssault against me. He as just as, if not more adept in the body flick techniques than I was, using nothing but Taijutsu. he forced me to use Sharingan…"

"What happened next?"

"The white-haired boy, Lord Seiichi. He gave a command and Lord Saito suddenly became faster than my sharingan could track. After that it was black"- Daichi

"as far Brown-haired shinobi's fight, it was an utter failure they had him on the ropes from the jump and . And the teamwork those siblings displayed was unbelievable. The girls jutsu, I saw it perfectly however I just can't figure out how it worked. It's like it specifically design for a team attack"-Itachi

Fugaku left after hearing the teams report about fighting the Uzumaki and Uzu clan members. With their arrival Fugaku felt it was time to put plans in motion that he had long put off since the Kyuubi attack…

"This is where we will rebuild our clan."-Akira

"Yes, it is, but we can't build it alone. We will need more clansmen and more money"-Saito

"Of course, but the ȧssets we have now should be more than enough to get use started"-Akira

Looking at the people he spent two years year with, Seiichi took on a soft and satisfied smile.

Although the foundation of what got them there, was created based on lies. everything they worked for and acquired on the way was more than real. Seiichi had put in a lot of work just to get this far.

"The rest of the clan will be here soon. This will be a great day for our clan. We have no place to go except the top" Said Seiichi taking in a deep breath, tilting his head back he released a slow steady exhale "They are here"

And like that bodies began to flicker, and men, women, and children appeared from thin air . around 30 people with varying shades of crimson red hair appeared. Follow buy Kasumi, Yuri, and Santoshi with their bands of followers.

On Santoshi's back, was a young blonde-haired boy around the age of 5 years. He had whisker on his face and a smile from ear to ear.

"Haha Santoshi Onii-san, let's do it again...hahaha"-Naruto

'So that's the little brat, he doesn't look that bad' Seiichi thought to himself

"Stop Naruto, now's not the time to play around"-Santoshi

Putting Naruto on the ground Kasumi, Yuri and Santoshi Flicker to Seiichi's side, kneeling at his side and facing the ground the remained silent until spoken to.

"Lady Akira, Go meet your new son. Naruto Uzumaki, please take care of him"- Seiichi spoke in a low voice

"Of course, lord Seiichi, look at him he's so cuuutee! Eeehh" Said Akira as she ran to Naruto picking him up in her arms and smothering him in her brėȧst.

"Haha good, good. Now. As for all of you gathered here today. Im Lord Seiichi Uzu. And I will rebuild the Uzumaki clan. For all of here today regardless of your blood line strength , from this day forward you all become part of the main family"-Seiichi

Many Uzumaki clansman . swelled up with joy. However, a couple of elders thought Seiichi's words to be outrageous.

"Bullshit, we will never follow you. You impersonate the Royal, steal clan secrets, and now you shame the Uzumaki clan by declaring just anyone members of the main family!? The royal Family! We will not have it"- Old Uzumaki elder


Putting Naruto down and walking back to Seiichi's side. Akira stood tall with pride and for the first time in their lives the Uzumaki felt something that no shinobi had felt since the time of the direct Otsutsuki descendants.

"Look at me! Your Empress, your Uzushiokage, your matriarch. I, Akira Uzumaki!" boom the Uzumaki clansmen blood began to heat up as the feel to their knees

"In this clan the purest of blood rules and I am the purest since the first Uzumaki , who dares challenge my seat as matriarch?"

The elders remained silent. Not because they wanted to but because they could not speak. And their bodies pressed against the ground

Releasing the pressure, Akira summoned her white chains and her sage eyes began rotating and Her chakra exploded, and the reaper death god appeared behind her.

"For the crimes of treason, Death." And like that, Akira's chain shot forward and speared the three elders. Holding them in the air. She pulled out the reaper death blade severed their souls from their bodies.


Without hesitation the reaper death god swallowed the souls of the three elder and their bodies dropped to the floor. Seiichi sent mental message to Saito and he collect their bodies.

"There will only be unity is this clan!" said Akira as she finished Seiichi formed a hand seal and slapped his palm against the ground

"Reverse Summoning Jutsu: Myriad Miles, Rivers, and Mountains!"-Seiichi

In Seiichi's in world . the newly formed Uzumaki clan looked around in awe. The land was a beauty.

"We will sleep her tonight, and tomorrow we plan our future"- Seiichi

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