Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 24 - Land of Bears: Pandas and an S-Ranked Mission

"I need an update before I leave, Akira. Sending messages on a mission is too risky" Seiichi sat in the war room with his closest lieutenants, excluding Saito, who was still in the Capital City.

"The Kurama clan has been taken. The heiress of the clan Yakumo Kurama, she has a demon sealed inside of her. The power of their Kekkei Genkei is so strong, a part of their power creates a second personality within them"

'Dream demons' was the only thing that Seiichi could think of. He always had a hunch, but now that he was in the world himself, he could confirm it.

"Redo the seal and make sure it's iron tight, What about the rest of her clan?" Seiichi inquired. Everyone at the table looked at Kasumi

"Forgive me, Lord Seiichi. I had to kill the uncle. He was proving to be difficult. All that remains, is the branch family that do not bȧrė the name Kurama" Kasumi carefully explained

"Did you take them anyway, Kasumi?" Seiichi showed no sign of disappoint on his stone face

"Yes Sir" She replied "Then you did good, on to the next" Seiichi didn't have time dwell on small matters

"The bodies of the Chinoike have been recovered, and we finally got or first lead on the Sannin Orochimaru. According to the teams' report, Orochimaru engaged in battle with them. Losing more than half of the team, the self-destruction scroll was used, and the remaining members fled to the Myriad realms." Santoshi reported this time

"How many Uzu and how many Uzumaki?"

"3 Uzu and 2 Uzumaki. The rest were all Syndicate mercenaries, completely expendable"

"Good, next."

"The Rinha and nature using clan, have yet to be located"

"Hmm, well keep going and take your time, you have permission to use the documents retrieved from the Kiri research Facility" Seiichi left the room soon after


Land was dark and chilly in the early morning, the rising sun peaked over the horizon setting the sky a blaze with vibrant colors of orange, yellow, and red. There was soft breeze that blew about. Near the front gate of the hidden leaf village. Five shadows stood waiting with packs on their backs for a long journey.

After a short while of waiting, one more shadow appeared. "What took you so long, kid?"

Asuma asked, even in the early morning he smoked a cigarette. The smell of Tabaco choked the air. It confused Seiichi how Asuma was such a successful ninja with the smell of overbearing tobacco constantly permeating from him.

"Clan business, but I'm ready now. So, what's the mission?" Seiichi asked in an excited tone

"We have to take this guy, to Panda Forest in the Land of the Bear. He needs help catching Panda's for his circus" Ino answered for Asuma. She was exited for the mission. In the Panda Forest, their grew a rare flower the Panda's loved to eat.

"Once the mission is over, Asuma Sensei promised that we could look for Black Amethyst Lotus" Ino was could contain her excitement about the fruits this mission would bear. Her mother would be beyond excited if she could bring such a rare jewel back to the flower shop.

Shikamaru and Choji were just ready for the mission to be over with, " This is a C Ranked mission, just a tad bit more dangerous than catching missing cats. Though, we need the whole team because we will be traveling outside of the Land of Fire." Asuma explained "Well, let's get to it"

Team Ten set out on their journey to the Land of Bears. It was a slow journey, the man that requested the mission drove a large cage wagon. He went by the name of Diamond. Diamond owned a small traveling circus business. He arrived in the hidden leaf village for the upcoming circus. It was to be held during this year's Chunin exam. Having a flare for the dramatics, Diamond had a brilliant idea to incorporate pandas and refused to tell Team Ten, what else the surprise event would consist of.

The journey was an easy one, besides a few bandit here and there, Team ten had an easy ride. Through the lands of rain and stone, they traveled. It took a total of 3 days for them to arrive at the border of the Land of Bears. After a day of rest, the team carried out their mission and begun to collect Pandas.

The Panda Forest consisted of nothing, but Bamboo and a large creak ran through the middle of it. They collected a total of six with ease. Choji wrestled them to the ground giving Shikamaru time to use his Shadow possession Jutsu to walk them into the caged wagon. Ino stepped in when Shikamaru ran out of chakra and used her Mind Transfer Jutsu to take over the bodies of three remaining pandas to finish the mission.

"Ahh! Finally finished" Choji plopped on the ground and pulled out a bag of chips to replenish his strength.

"Haha good teamwork you three" Asuma chuckled

"Anyone hurt?" Seiichi asked, Ino rolled her eyes. She couldn't understand why a Ninja like Seiichi would settle for becoming a medical ninja.

"We're all fine. Asuma Sensei, can we look for the Black Amethyst Lotus …" Before Ino could finish, Asuma Seiichi appeared behind her and put a hand over her mouth.

Asuma's lip twitched and began to look around. Making a few hand gestures, Asuma signaled for his team to get in a protective formation around Diamond. Leaves began to fall in the bamboo forest and Team ten was ready to fight.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Three shinobi appeared in front of Asuma, one of them carried a blooded and battered teammate.

"Asuma…" the leaf shinobi called out. Laying the body on the ground. The leaf shinobi tossed a scroll to Asuma.

Seiichi flashed over to the injured shinobi to heal him. "You have to get that back to the village and take Taka with you. We have a band of rouges on our tail. We'll hold them off, but you need to leave fast. This an S ranked mission"


Asuma's heart shook, he had to get diamond back to the village and he also had to protect his students from an S ranked threat. Seiichi began to rack his mind around what was happening. Nothing about this was in the canon, not diamond, Team Ten's mission, and not an important S ranked secret either. But the only way to find out what the fuss was about, was to complete the mission.

"Asuma Sensei…You have to take the scroll back by yourself. We can get Diamond back to the village by ourselves" Seiichi spoke

"Huh?" Shikamaru and Choji was snapped out of the shocked state. First injured leaf shinobi, then a S-rank mission hand off, and now Seiichi wanted to solo a mission with enemy shinobi in the area. But, the look on Seiichi's face projected utter seriousness.

Asuma knew the shinobi in front of him. There was no way the Hokage, his father, would have sent the shinobi in front of him on an S-Rank mission. He could feel something was beyond wrong.

Turning to look at his student, Asuma couldn't help but sigh at the reality of what it meant to work in the Shinobi world. "Work as a team and never hesitate, or it would be the last thing you three do" Asuma vanished after his last words. He had sprinted of in the direction of the village.

"Head towards land of wind and avoid the land of earth. We'll by you as much time as we can. Take care of Taka and kill any Iwa Shinobi you come in contact with" The leaf Shinobi in his squad sprinted back in the direction they came.

Putting the injured Taka on the wagon with Diamond, Team Ten set off towards the land of wind, unaware of how difficult their return journey had just become.

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