Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 29 - Demonic Arts and The Dragon Incarnate

The next day. Seiichi trained his illusions, Unlike genjutsu. Once Seiichi understood the chakra nature and the way it operated. He found it easier to utilize his illusion power without hand seal. Gathering Yin nature chakra, Seiichi warped the myriad realm. Over and over again. With a good understanding of genjutsu, it didn't take him long to get the hang of his abilities. From that point on, Seiichi slowly integrated demonic energy with his yin nature. Seiichi had realized that demonic energy in the Naruto world is nothing, but chakra nature twisted with malice.

Seiichi spent the whole day cultivating demonic chakra. When the sun fell in the moon rose. The worlds Yin energy become abundant. Soaking up as much as he could. Seiichi experimented on the village. Dream walking and manipulating the masses. Feeding off of hope, despair, angry, ŀust, envy. Many died in their sleep, some were tricked into suicided or murdering their family. Days went by like this. When Seiichi wasn't working on himself, he was working on Yakumo. She trained everyday according to Seiichi's instruction and at night, Seiichi had found a way to cultivate the extreme yin nature in her body. To warp it into something demonic to help Seiichi's cultivation in the future.

Seiichi had a way of taming the demonic side of Yakumo. But he was still curious of how a shinobi clan had the blood of dream demon in them. Because of curiosity. Seiichi sent a team back to Uzushiogakure to collect all of the Oni mask. While other teams searched the lands for any Uzumaki Temples. If anyone in the land knew of demons. It would be the Uzumaki priests.

Towards the end of June. Seiichi had begun to take Yakumo out of the village to hunt vɨrġɨn women. Harvesting their primordial yin strengthened her hers, while intensifying her demonic chakra.

"Yakumo, what do you know of your clan's history?" Seiichi asked as they stalk a middle age women on the outskirts of a small village

"Nothing really, we all have the power to create powerful genjutsu. But only those in the main family create Idos when they awaken their Kekkei Genkai. I do know, the Kurama Clan wasn't always called the Kurama Clan. We also originated from the land of Swamps" Yakumo explained, though she never took her eyes off of the middle-aged woman.

"What was your clan name when you lived in the Land of Swamps?"

"Don't know, clan secret. You probably find out if you visit the Land of Swamps", she replied

Pushing of from a tree, Yakumo leaped on to the middle-aged woman and stuck her hand into her gut. This was the way that Yakumo harvested the primordial yin. Draining the woman dry. Yakumo pulled her hand out, holding small yin nature sphere. Putting it in a special container, the duo returned to the myriad realm.

2 days before the Chunin Finals…

"Lord Seiichi, everything is in order."

"Good, we will handle everything in one fell swoop. What's the status?"

"Ino Yamanaka, defeat Sakura Haruno and made it to the final. Hinata Hyuga, defeated a sound shinobi. The Crowned Prince, Defeated Kiba Inuzuka. Sasuke Uchiha is under the influence of the cursed mark and Naruto is under the tutelage of the Sannin Jiraiya. My Lord, he has summoned the ancient Lion Turtle"

"Hmm, good. How about the Gaara boy and Iwa?" Seiichi calmly sipped his tea. The messenger however was beyond nervous. Seiichi was moving around monsters like pawns. Not only was each one of the young shinobi volatile, but their potential was frightening.

"Gaara of the sand. His Jinchuriki seal can break at any minute. He nearly killed the Rock Lee boy. And the Iwa are ready to move at a moment notice."

"Is she leading them?"

"Yes, Lord Seiichi"

"Send a message this Message to Might Guy. Then return to your post"

When the messenger departed, Seiichi continued to sip his tea, with a smile on his face. From the dark corner of the room. Yakumo appeared and sat in Seiichi's ŀȧp.

"My Lord, Can I finally play with him?" She asked with pouting attitude

"Yes, you can. I want Orochimaru' s influence suppressed, and I want you to take control. Slowly push him to the edge. You know what to do"

Yakumo dawned a sinister smile and vanished like into nothingness, leaving Seiichi alone with his thoughts.

1 day before the finals…

"Dr.Watanabe, it's a pŀėȧsurė to met you. But I would like to know, just how you intend to help this boy" Tsunade questioned the disguised Seiichi

"I plan to tap into his inner power, and he will heal himself. He is the Martial Dragon, Lee Jun-fan " Dr.Watanabe(Seiichi) explained. His words confused many people. A voice soon spoke out behind him

"That's impossible, Lee Jun-fan, is the Lee clan Founder and his Taijutsu was lost ages ago, in a place far from here. You shouldn't know about him." everyone in the hospital room looked to the door and saw a man that strongly resembled Rock Lee and Might Guy

Guy squinted, "Pac Lee… Everyone, this is Rock Lee's father, Pac Lee. Head of the Lee Clan"

Pac Lee bowed "Thank you for taking care of my son, Guy."

"It's the least I could do, Pac Lee" Guy replied with sincerity. Turning to face Dr. Watanabe. Pac Lee observed him with scrutinizing eyes.

"I would like to speak with the doctor alone" Pac told the room. With everyone gone. Pac took a step closer to the disguised Seiichi, "Do you really believe, that Lee Jun-fa is in there? In my boy?"

"Yes, I do. Can't you feel energy around the boy. His might is being suppressed"

Pac took a long look at his son the nodded his head, "Awaken the Dragon". Seiichi nodded in return. Now next to a sleeping Rock Lee. Seiichi inserted acupuncture needles in to 100 chakra points. Using his chakra, Seiichi circulated it through the main twelve meridians. Rock Lee had horribly damaged meridians and blocked chakra points. Using his chakra and acupuncture needles to force a pathway. Seiichi entered Rock Lee's Soul.

In the soul realm, all Seiichi could see was Rock Lee vigorously training. Rock Lee was truly a martial genius. Looking around his soul realm, Seiichi decided to dive deeper. In the deepest part of Lee's soul. A green and gold dragon was trapped in chains. Approaching it and ready to set it free. Seiichi was stopped by a familiar voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"Hagoromo, what are you doing here?"

"Lee Jun-fan was just like you, a world traveler. Wielded chakra before the world even knew it existed. His martial prowess was so deadly, he wielded an energy unknown to this world"

"Martial intent…"

"You know of this energy?"

"Yes, I do. So, what happened to him?"

"My mother killed him and crippled his reincarnation cycle. It's why she was weak enough for my brother and I to seal her away."

"So why shouldn't I awaken him?"

"Because if you do, Zetsu will find out about you. And stop you before you can beat him."

"Then what should I do, Hagoromo?"

"Repair his meridians and chakra points, so that he can use chakra again. And give his Martial techniques back" Hagoromo pressed two fingers against Seiichi forehead and all of Lee Jun-fan's techniques were place into his mind.

"Is this a power of the Sharingan?"

"When completely mastered, yes"

Seiichi was intrigued " I can heal him, but I do not have the materials here."

"haha, I will give you the location of a garden nurtured by Nature energy. Seeing that pill that you gave Naruto, I'm sure you must be adept in the art alchemy" Hagoromo pressed his fingers against Seiichi's forehead once again, then kicked him out of Rock Lee's Soul realm.

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