Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 3 - And So, The Journey Begins

[System-Host Merger….25%...75%...100%]

[booting System…...configuration….]

[System status…100% functional]

[Choose Initial landing spot]

….3 hours later

[Host choose initial landing spot before universe entry]

[entry countdown activated…...8Hrs. 12Min. 52Sec.]

.... [3Hrs...]

Arrgghh... What the fuċk. He didn't tell me this shit would be so painful. It is what it is, I guess. System are you functional yet.

[Yes, Host. I am 100% functional. However, you must choose an initial landing spot before universe entry or risk landing in this world's abyss]

Shit, okay. How much time do I have and what Universe are we entering?

[Host has 2Hrs. 43Mins. 36Secs. Universe Unknown, I am where you are and If it is not related to the system than I am ignorant on such matters. However, here is a map]

Good answer, thankfully you're not an AI all I need you to be is functional, no feelings. Call me Sir from now own until I can think of a new name

[Yes, Sir]

Now for my landing spot, put me in that thick forest, just in case people come looking after the crash.

3rd Pov

"What the fuċk is that thing"-universe Guardian

"That is not for you to know" Escanor' s voice rang deep in the ear of the all-powerful universe guardian that was only unrivaled in this universe alone

Hearing the words of Escanor and feeling the power the radiated from the sigils on Fredrick's body. The guardian was shaken to the core and did not dare purse the unknown entity. Once all will to fight was gone. A special storm began to roll in and the tribulations of the 33 heavens had converged to kill the foreign entity. And when bolts of lightning were sent forth the sigils on Fredrick's sigils fully activated and floated around his body as they protected him from the kill shot the universal laws sent to kill him. Each lightning strike became stronger and stronger

Filled with anger and spite the heavens release their frustration in one last attack that propelled Fredrick through the mortal world directly into a large thick forest near an obscure village.

Fredrick's impact had echoed through the land with a boom and cause energy to ripple waking everyone they could feel it or sense it.

One of those experts that was awaken by the disturbance was a man with long midnight black hair, that ran down his back, and pupiless purple eyes and he wore a long white Kimono.

"Byakugan" He mutters. The veins around his eyes bulge with intensity, and his eyebrows contorted as he looked around for what cause the disturbance. Not able to find any trace of an attack, his tense shoulder began to relax. Until he spotted three shinobi invading his clan near his daughters' room.

"Hinata." he said, frantic the man disappeared into thin are and reappeared in front of the three-unknown shinobi.

"What business do Kumo shinobi have near my daughter's quarters?" The man asked

"Hiashi Hyuga…step aside or die" -Kumo shinobi

"Haha and let you have my daughter? Byakugan!"- Hiashi then took a martial stance that he would recognize as standard Ba Gua Zhang stance.

Seeing this one Kumo shinobi shoot forward to grab haishi's attention while his comrade jumped in opposite directions to establish a flanking ȧssault. However, before they could gain the flank two massive air palms were hurled in their direction.

"The raikage has a lot of nerve pulling a stunt like this. And I'll make sure he pays" voice came from a man who was 100% identical to Hiashi if not for the fact that he had large X tattoo on his forehead.

"But for now, Death to any shinobi who moves against the Hyuga clan" this time an older man spoke out.

And in a matter of second the three Kumo ninja were put down. However, they were still breathing.

Sometime after the incident the shinobi leader of the village, the Hokage. Could be seen discussing the next course of actions with the Hyuga clan elders.

Not that far a nȧkėd Fredrick could be seen standing over dead Kuma shinobi.

[The shock wave must have killed him Sir]

"I can see that and based on this scroll, he's a Kumo ninja with very disturbing orders. We must be in the Naruto verse. This is a ninja that caused the Hyuga affair in 53 ME. So, I'm in the land of fire and if I go there know they'll have me executed."

[why is that sir?]

"Because I look like a citizen of Kumagakure. Show me that map, now that I know where I am, I can probably make sense of it and plan my next steps accordingly."


"There, the land of grass kusagakure, we'll go there. That's our ticket into Kohnagakure. System? Do I have access to the blood strengthen pills yet?"

[Yes sir, however blood must be paid in blood]

"Slaughter points? How many do I need for two pills?"

[2,000 SP. The more you buy the higher a single pill will cost]

"I understand, Map the safest course to Kusagakure and scan for anything heading in my direction."

[Yes sir]

After Fredrick finished his conversation with the system and had his route mapped out, he took off with amazing speed. Over the course of three days a nȧkėd man sprinted nonstop through the land until he finally arrived at medium scale city. With no time to think Fredrick sprinted all through the village avoiding detection with the help of his system.

On the outskirt of the village, he finally saw a small 3 or 4-year-old girl playing whilst her mother washed clothes in a basin of water.

Appearing behind the mother silently . Fredrick gently tapped her shoulder and spoke out with a gentle voice, taking care not to spook her

Turning around to see the man behind her, she was stopped

"Don't turn around I'm nȧkėd and in need of clothing" Fredrick said

"Um I guess you take what you want off the clothing line but, there are no men who live her" she replied

"These are more than enough for now" Taking a long cloth, Fredrick wrapped it around his waist and then wrapped a sash around it to hold. He then pulled a ribbon to hold his hair.

"Im finished, you may turn around now." Fredrick called out

"Who are you?" She asked while turn to look at the man. She was shocked to see such a man. Standing at 6'3 with a strong muscular build. Silver white hair hung down his back, his golden amber eyes radiated as they stood out due to his dark olive brown skin.

The woman never expected to see such a man, she swallowed the saliva in her mouth in order to regain her composure however, her emotional state was clearly observed by Fredrick.

"My name Seiichi Uzu, Patriarch of the vassal Uzu clan from Uzushiogakure. You are an Uzumaki are you not?" Said Seiichi(Fredrick)

" Yes... I am an Uzumaki. My daughter and me. We ran after the village was attacked and have been hiding ever since. We have nowhere to go…why, why are you here?" The young Uzumaki woman

"I'm here for the two of you. Kushina Uzumaki is dead. Here son can hardly be called an Uzumaki. I want you to bȧrė the royal seal, so that we can rebuild the clan. Do this and you will be safe"- Seiichi

"I'll do anything to keep my daughter safe but how will the seal recognize us as royalty, Karin's father was not an Uzumaki and neither was my mother or grandfather. Even before the fall of Uzushiogakure, if it was not for our healing ability, Karin wouldn't even be worthy to marry another Uzumaki."

"I'll take care of everything, but first take everything you need out here, inside the house and I'll put you in a Fuinjutsu seal that was made to protect the royal family" Seiichi

" Thank you so much, Lord Seiichi. And my name is Akira Uzumaki and that's my daughter Karin. Please take care of us." Akira

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