Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 41 - Three Faces of Self, Dark Thirty Pt.1

"Seiichi, what's wrong?" Hinata asked

"The war has begun. You all need to go back to your teams. Izumi and Yakumo, you stay next to me" Seiichi replied, and their girls moved to action

"What are we going to do?'" Izumi asked

"To finish what I started."

Forming a hand sign, Seiichi ended all of his shadow clones and collected the fruits of their labors. Pleased with what they had accomplished. Especially the clone who took over the research duties. Seiichi was all fired up.


Appearing in the hidden leaf village with Izumi and Yakumo, the small group walked to the Hokage's office, Seiichi observed the chaotic atmosphere of war and the fights between the allied shinobi, Amegakure and mercenaries.

"Aaahhhh" allied shinobi, rain Shinobi and Mercenary alike leaped towards Seiichi in an attempt to kill him. Forming a chakra blade, Seiichi gave a horizantal swing an bisected them all.

"Yakumo, calm the village and Kill the hidden rain and mercenaries. " Seiichi ordered, Yakumo nodded in understanding. Pushing her chakra to the max, Yakumo created a grand genjutsu. Pulling everyone into a blood read world, a massacre followed. Virgins' primordial yin was harvest and every one not of the allied shinobis were killed. In a moment, Yakumo rewrote the hidden leaf villages reality.

"Search their minds, take them back to the moment before the fighting. and get rid of the bodies. nothing ever happened her." Seiichi relaxed while Yakumo did her work. The Kurama clan held unimaginable power once tapped into their potential. Yakumo shape reality itself. turning it into a genjutsu, altering it and then morphing back into reality with her changes present. It was truly a frightening ability to have in such a low verse. but then again allot of Kekkei Genkai was outrageous. even the Sharingan could alter reality.

When Yakumo finished her task she was beyond tiered. Seiichi gave her an energy resoration pill and told Izumi to look after her, while he continued on to the Hokage's office. Seiichi took his time hopping to run into Rock Lee along the way. Although he never did, Seiichi did see Kirito and Tenten. Tenten was leaving to go on a mission and Kirito had to get back to the Capital City. Seiichi soon ran into Kaiya and Sakura next. It was quit an odd site, but to Seiichi's surprise. Kaiya and Sakura had become close.

When it came to Kaiya, Seiichi treated her a bit different. Nurturing, and he was still deciding if he wanted to take Kaiya or not. Right now, he was collecting people with potential to have world shaking abilities. And even though Kaiya was mastering the sword arts given to her, she had yet to cultivate any sword intent or touch on any laws of the sword. After Hagoromo told him about Lee Jun-Fan's Martial intent. Seiichi was sure sword intent was possible. Seiichi tried to keep his incubus seal reserved for those he intened on taking to the higher realm. Although it was necessary in some cases, like Tsunade and the Hyuga clan. Kaiya never received one.

Because of Seiichi's gifts of sword arts, Kaiya trained all of the time so much that the hospital was now part of her training regime to make sure she stayed in peak condition. Over the course of a year. Sakura and Kaiya had gotten closer during her trips to the hospital. Kaiya was also helping Sakura out of her bought of depression. Although, adamant about Sasuke's return someday. Sakura couldn't help but savior some of Kaiya's advice and started living for her own Sake.

Seiichi thought the change in Sakura was an interesting and couldn't wait to see what fruits it would bȧrė in the future.

"Seiichi! " Kaiya exclaimed when she saw him, leaping into his arms.

"Haha Hey Kaiya…It's been awhile" he replied

"Too long, really too long. But I know you've been busy. When you have time, I would really like to show what I've accomplish in my sword arts. And I'll tell you all about the mission that helped me breakthrough" Kaiya spoke in a happy tone.

Separating from Seiichi, Kaiya straightened herself. Observing Kaiya's actions, Sakura spoke up "Don't be modest, she killed and Akatsuki member Hidan. People are even calling her Sword Demoness of the Uzu." Sakura boosted her friend and Seiichi found it amusing.

"That's good to know, how about you come with me then, on a mission to go see your fathers. He thinks he found something…important. But tell me, how'd you kill Hidan?" he asked, and Kaiya tilted her head confused. When she had fought Hidan. Hinata was with Seiichi, Shino was with his father on a mission and Kiba, along with her replacement comrades were out of commission. Yet, Seiichi asked as if he knew what she had withheld from her report

"The soul severing blade. His body was indestructible. It was the only way" She answered

"When did start practicing the soul severing blade?" Seiichi inquired

"back in October." She replied. Seiichi was impressed.


After a few moments of walking, the group entered the Hokage's office. Sakura and Kaiya were also on their way to the Hokage's office, so they all decided to go together. The moment the group stepped into the office. It happened. Sasuke Uchiha had turned his head to greet the group, his bangs hung freely slightly covering one eye. His sharingan was active and he had three tomes in each eye. Sakura was paralyzed, unable to move with a mixture of emotions washing over her.

"Hey, Sakura…" Sasuke said. Sakura didn't know how to answer. But Seiichi felt something was off. The damaged, narrow minded boy's eyes suddenly had depth, his eye had a cold and cunning glean.

"Sasuke, what are you doing back? I thought you went rouge like your brother?' Seiichi questioned. Sasuke's eyes remained cold.

"Orochimaru made a deal and I'm here to deliver" he replied

"Oh, is that so? How low the Uchiha have fallen" Seiichi was waiting to see the most obivous attempt at fishing get a bite. That is until Sakura, love-struck, or so everyone thought jetted forward, but to everyone's surprise.

"Chaa!" she clobbered Sasuke "That's for knocking me out and leaving me in the village when I told you I would follow you anywhere!"

Turning to leave , Sakura grabbed Kaiya and dragged her along infuriated. "well, I wasn't expecting that" Seiichi commented. When Sakura and Kaiya closed the door behind themselves. Tsunade slapped her hands together and imprisoned Kabuto and Sasuke in a wood cage. Surprising them. It was no coincedence that Seiichi was there at the same time as Kabuto and Sauske.

Before Pain's interruption. Tsunade was going to tell Seiichi that Kabuto and Sauske had actually came to the village as proxy for Orochimaru. Receiving that bit of information. Seiichi decided to just capture Kabuto and Sasuke to knock out two birds with one stone. Take the jutsu he needed from Kabuto's mind and then kill the roach.

'Damn it! I should've been myself and killed the bitch for a move like that' Sasuke scolded him self.

Kabuto just shock his head in disappointment.

Turning towards Kabuto a beam of light shot from Seiichi's mind into Kabuto's. searching his memory without a care in the world. Countless Jutsu and research conducted of the years were picked up by Seiichi.

'Hmmm?! Who is that? Where is that place?' Seiichi had found something extremely interesting. 'There it is. I could use that. And finally, ahh there its. Reanimation Jutsu.'

When Seiichi was about to leave, something caught his eyes. In the depths of Kabuto's consciousness. Was a steel black door 50 feet high. Tilting his head to the side Seiichi's curiosity was peaked. Walking to the giant steel double doors. Seiichi added a little soul power and pushed the door. But it didn't budge, Not giving a flying fuċk if Kabuto lived or not. Seiichi used the full might of soul to kick the steel doors down.

Walking into the darkness. Seiichi continued to move his feet for what seemed like days. Suddenly a light flashed in the middle of the darkness. Sasuke was in a hospital bed unconscious. After a few moments Kabuto entered the room and placed many seals on Sasuke's body.

"Is this what I think it is?" Seiichi muttered to himself. In the next instant a flash of Orochimaru dived into Sasuke's body. consuming him from the inside out. Orochimaru was now Sasuke and Sasuke was now Orochimaru. "Damn it!" turning his palm into a fist "Perish!" Seiichi barked. In an instant he was out of Kabuto's soul and Kabuto was on the floor, an empty vessel, but his heart kept pumping and his soul was destroyed. he was brain dead. Like a flash, Seiichi reached through the wood caged and grasp Sasuke's arm, sending massive amount of demonic chakra into Sasuke. Every bit of demonic chakra that Seiichi had, left his body and imprisoned Sasuke. At that very moment. Sakura had reentered the office with Kaiya, expecting to start over with Sasuke.

"Stop it!" She screamed and was instantly held back by anbu while Tsunade struggled to maintain the wood cage. The combination of Seiichi's demonic chakra and Orochimaru's chakra was just to much for her to fight.

Slithering out of Seiichi's clutches. Orochimaru, thought he had absorbed all of Seiichi's demonic chakra.

In the background Sakura was screaming her heart out, not to hurt Sasuke and had to be knocked out by anbu. As the room prepared for battle, Seiichi raised his hand and everyone stopped. Orochimaru had broken free from the wood cage and now stood in the middle of the room., staring at Seiichi.

"did you really think that could stop me. I posses the body of a Uchi…" Orochimaru had stop speaking mid-sentence.

At the same time Seiichi was speaking to Skynet in his mind 'I thought you said the seal was unbreakable?'

[It is Seiichi. Orochimaru is one of the few shinobi in this world that excel at soul arts. His constant resurrections and body switches has refined his soul. You can let him go and when the seal takes hold in few days you can summon him to you]

'not an option, he must submit…Now'

"Demonic Illusionary Arts: World Lock"

"Demonic Illusionary Arts: Three Faces of Self, Dark Thirty!'

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