Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 46 - Sejikin Temple and The Four Dancing Dragons

1st POV

Pulling Kaiya close to my ċhėst, I had to emit a chakra field around us to travel to the under-water temple. 1000 meters deep. The visibility began to decrease the deeper we went; the water became colder and the pressure began to make itself none. In my old world, the level the ocean was referred to at the midnight Zone. And like my old world, this zone was pitch black. Or at least it used to me. Now the midnight Zone was had an entire island worth of light, illuminate the water.

Saito had put together an archeologist company and hired many people, The Uzu and Uzumaki clans were also present along with the Syndicate and Courtesans. When Saito asked me to pull resources for this big find. I couldn't help but say yes. Saito had been a loyal servant since the beginning. It was only right to trust his instincts.

Around the island was a grand sealing barrier that kept the water out, so the company could explore and make their discoveries. Stepping through the barrier, was a grand site. Once I put Kaiya down on the floor. I looked around in amazement. Never in my life had I expected the Naruto world to be so grand. In front of me is a massive civilization made of pure white stone. Structures held by erected pillars in perfect condition. The Island didn't fit the culture of the world. It was a cross between Greek and Japanese architecture. It was weird yet exquisite.

After a moment of observation, I mike my way through the lively crowds of work and find Saito mapping out the Temple. The last structure on the Island that they yet to explore. They were waiting for my arrival.

"Saito" I call for him

"Lord Seiichi…Kaiya?" he replied, then looked at his daughter in a mixture of shock and excitement.

"Hello Father" she greets him with a loving smile. I simply nod at Saito and by passes me to pull his little girl into longing embrace. While Saito and Kaiya caught up. I walked to the table surrounded by scientist to look over the plans they were putting together. Everything seemed to be in order. The temple was five levels high, and one level deep. They ȧssumed that the lower level must have been a treasury of some sort.

Putting the temple matter to the side, I begin to look over the inventory of all everything found during the companies' archaeological excavation. The more I read, the more my face muscles tightened. Temple after temple, Saito had found clues of Gods work. White Zetsu armies and tablet detailing stories of the beginning. And most importantly, the writings about the Cannibal God. The God that ate other Gods. Sejikin, killed and devoured the first Goddess, only leaving his sister Kaguya alive to rule the lands.

Saito had found references about great purges of the Sejikin descendants, finally ending with the destruction of The Great Sejikin Temple. But as far as the scientist could translate, the Arch Sage of the temple stabbed his trident into the Earth and separated his people from the mainland. And in great ocean tide Lands of Sejikin were pulled to the bottom of the ocean.

The only explanation for all of this, is that black Zetsu wanted them dead, wiped out to complete his plans. And turned the people against them. Looking over the recent finds. The company had found, worn scrolls, pills, weapons, armor, cauldrons. What surprised me the most was the garden found. A garden this deep in the ocean, meant it had had to be a sage garden feeding on Natural energy somewhere.

"Saito! Have you found any sculptures of the Sejikin?" I asked him

"No lord Seiichi, but we're ho..."

Cutting him off, I order any sculpture or depiction of the lost clan, be destroyed. But before I could finish, I could feel the seal on Naruto being banged on. There was no chance of anyone breaking it at my current level. But the attempt itself is what caught my interest. Looking through Naruto's eyes. I could see him going on a rampage in his Pseudo Kyubi form. Looking through his memories I see the fight against the six paths of pain and Fu's death.

When Naruto finally settles down. I order him to take Nagato's eyes and promise to resurrect Fu. After dealing with the Naruto Incident. I order the entire island to be cleaned out and everything transported to the Myriad Realm. After discovering the origins of the Temple, the temple became of limits. I planned to explore it on my own…

3rd POV--Iwagakure

Near Iwagakure, Orochimaru stood in front of his 'brother' Itachi. At least that's how the surrounding people saw it Since Orochimaru now owned Sasuke's body.

Behind Sasuke, was Sakura, Rock Lee, Neji, Tenten and Guy. Besides Itachi, was Kisame Hoshigaki and Deidra.

Sakura walked next to Sasuke and stood in front of Kisame. He was her mission. Until she felt a pal on her head move to the side

"No, he is mine. Sakura, you can have the guy that spits bombs" Rock Lee was ready to go, recently had reached a new height in his martial arts and needed a partner with some power to him.

Rock Lee performed a back flip and struck a martial stance "wwuuahhhh!" when he finished a green and golden chakra erupted from his body, emitting a pressure like no other.

"You can do it Lee…" Guy Sensei spoke in a low voice.


An unexpected explosion occurred, the moment Rock Lee struck his fight stance and let his chakra burst forth. Sakura moved at a high speed and sent a chakra enhanced kick at Deidra's head.

Deidra's head was reduced to blood mist and bone fragments, the force Sakura's kick continued travel, when the forced hit the ground, it exploded creating a crater.

"Well hurry, I kind of need this Kisame guy dead before I can go back to the hidden leaf village." She said walking back to the imaginary spectator line, that seem to hold everyone who wasn't fighting, back.

"Yes! If the woman of my dreams can make easy work of the Akatsuki it is my duty to live up to her standard. " Lee then disappeared in a gust of wind


Lee had appeared behind Kisame, grabbing his shoulder to bend him backwards, Lee sent a devastating knee to Kisame's back. 50 feet high in the air, Kisame was airborne. "Four Dancing Dragons!" Rick Lee launched himself into the air. Four Rock Lee's appeared in the sky. But they weren't shadow clone they were something else. Rock Lee and his three extras morphed into four dragons in the blink of an eye.

"Lee has achieved the four cardinal dragons. Kisame Hoshigaki is as good as dead" Guy comment while look up at the battle in the sky.

"what do you mean Guy sensei?" Tenten asked confused.

" Earth Dragon of the North, Wind Dragon of the East, Fire Dragon of the South, and Water Dragon of the West. Each Dragon is powered by 100 percent natural energy. And the end result is true death. The body and soul absolutely destroyed. The Lee Clan calls it True Senjutsu. Unlike like few sages in the world, Jiraiya the Sannin included. Rock Lee doesn't have to mix Natural energy with chakra. He is wielding it in its rawest form" Guy Sensei explained. Shocking everyone who heard it

High in the sky , the four dancing dragons had started their routine. Kisame attempted to use his sword to absorb the power of the technique. But was disappointed to find it was energy his sword, Samehade, couldn't absorb. In a matter of seconds, Kisame's chakra network was destroyed, his bones turned to dust, flesh and blood was incinerated, and his soul was destroyed.

The four dragons stopped in their cardinal positions once Kisame was dead and let of deafening roar accompanied by furious blasts of their elements.

"Rock Lee, My Descendant. Find the man who gave you my legacy, and one day you will have your revenge on the who crippled us and destroy the one who wronged our clan. Find him Lee and complete your duty as my inheritor. To reincarnate is to dangerous at your current strength, that mutant scum and Avatar will know I'm here. So, this will be the end of my jury. Allow me to grant you the rest of your legacy." Lee Jun-Fan had form in the middle of the elemental collision to speak with Rock Lee for the last.

During the time Rock Lee was training, and momentary ŀȧpse of consciousness, Lee Jun-Fan although bound in chain, would be able to communicate with Rock Lee. Jun-Fan had decided to instruct him after he felt Lee practicing his martial arts. Rock Lee was weary at first but after a talk with his father, Rock Lee gave in.

"I will do my best to honor our Lee Clan Ancestor" Rock Lee replied, and Lee Jun-Fan wore a satisfied smile before he destroyed him self and sent all of knowledge and experience into Rock Lee. All the lives that Lee Jun-Fan had lived. All the deaths he had experienced at the hands of the many Avatars and Black Zetsu. During his reincarnation Lee Jun-Fan would always give off an energy that Black Zetsu would recognize and the Avatar would recognize.

As Rock Lee ȧssimilated with Lee Jun-Fan. He took on a bit of personality and emotions as well. Other than that, Lee Jun-Fan was no more. Look around him Rock Lee notice that he was surrounded by the four-elemental dragon, they were all bowing their heads.

In unison the four Dragons spoke, "Dìqiú long, kōng long, huǒlóng, shuǐlóng, Greets Master!"

The four dragons were spirit beast owned by Lee Jun-Fan; they were the one beast beside the lion turtles that could grant a human the ability to bend four elements. The only difference between them and the lion turtles, the dragons were the only ones of their kind and they had to enter their host to give that power, unlike the lion turtles who could issue out that power at will.

"Please take care of me and aid me in my endeavors as you aided my Ancestor Lee Jun-Fan" Rock Lee replied, the four dragons reentered his body and Rock Lee returned to the ground. Just before Rock Lee collapsed his eyes went wide with stupor, staring at straight into Sakura's eyes, "Xiǎo yīnghuā" he muttered before falling unconscious. Team guy turned to look at Sakura confused.

Sakura stared at the unconscious Rock Lee for a moment. It was something familiar words he spoke, 'Xiǎo yīnghuā' echoed through mind.

"I'll take him to medical" Sakura spoke and grabbed an unconscious Rock Lee and the now ownerless Samehade. "Sasuke, I'm guessing you're here because of that man. If you fail, you better hope you die in the process" Those were Sakura's last words before kicking off back to Iwagakure.

"Hmm, haughty bitch" Sasuke muttered. Looking at Itachi, Sasuke feel into a Tsukuyomi.

"Haha Itachi, you can not break what is has already been broken." Sasuke release all of his chakra breaking free from the genjutsu and sprang forward to fight Itachi.


"Thank you, Sakura, bring him to the Myriad realm along with Kisame's blade."

"Yes, my Lord" She replied, then performed the reverse summoning Jutsu.

When she arrived, she stood in front of Seiichi. Holding out Samehade, Seiichi took it from her hand. "Good job, although you didn't kill Samehade, you still managed to take his sword without question and killed Deidra. I'll handle Rock Lee and when I'm finished you can take him back. "

Seiichi placed his hand on Rock Lee and put his Incubus Slave seal on him, when the seal was about to take hold, something Rock Lee's soul fought back. "Interesting" Seiichi pull Rock Lee into the, The Three Faces of Self, Dark Thirty Technique. When Seiichi was finished, the seal properly took hold.

Finished with the simple thing, Seiichi sent them on their way and went back to The Great Sejikin Temple, but before he left, he merged Nagao's Rinnegan with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, creating the Rinnesharingan with Senju blood as the catalyst. The Sharingan from Shin's clones and Shin was extracted. But Seiichi had a different plan for those eyes and didn't add them to the eyes he planned on absorbing.


Standing in front of the Sejikin Tempe, Seiichi waked. Stretching out his senses, he knew the first floor had 28 rooms , the 2nd floor held 28 rooms, 3rd floor held 20 rooms, and the 4th and 5th had 6 rooms each. The lowest level of the temple was a complete enigma, this excited Seiichi and he decide to save that one for last. Picking a sword that was found in the ruins Seiichi entered the temple.

The swords of the Sejikin were phenomenal, eons had passed, and they were still sharp and insanely durable with no signs of wearing. Skynet had analyzed it and informed Seiichi it was made from a metal not from their earth. Most likely something Kaguya and Uzushio brought with them.

Walking through the grand 10 feet temple door, as gust of cold wind bathed Seiichi's bodies. Careful not set of traps, Seiichi cleaned the first floor, taking anything, he found useful. Mostly books about the old world and weapons made of the special metal. Though, the first floor seemed to be average beside all of the pills. The second floor was pretty similar as well.

On the third flor Seiichi had discovered a room of Jutsu. On the 4th and 5th floor, Seiichi found Alchemy rooms, Array rooms, Blacksmithing rooms, and room that specialized in Senjutsu and talked about the four elemental continents in their abilities to process Natural energy better than shinobi continent. The ancient Sejikin clan referred to the humans of the Shinobi continent as inferior. Some scrolls told of experiments, the Sejikin would take people from the four elemental continent and taught them how to use chakra. But the humans of the shinobi continent could never learn how to bend the elements and use pure Natural Energy. Every other room held nothing but treasures.

However, Seiichi believed the Sejikin did view them as treasures. Furniture, sculptures and part of the temple made from gold and precious stones. Seiichi soon discovered that the Sejikin and their people used Jadeite as their form of currency.

"Skynet, search the memories of the cube elders and find out what type of currency the used in different worlds throughout their lives."

[Yes, Seiichi]

While SkyNet was working, Seiichi continued to make his way to the last and lowest floor. When Seiichi arrived at the door, there was no key and no latch that he could find. Gathering all of his power, Seiichi blew a hole in the wall revealing a staircase. Following it down to the lowest floor. Seiichi laid eyes on the last thing he wanted to deal with. A mass of super engineered White Zetsu

[Seiichi, according to the elders' mem...]

"Not now" Seiichi stopped it from talking. Stopping his breath, Seiichi stepped through the huge White Zetsu super guards to get to the only room on the floor. The Zetsus in the room were unresponsive and seemed void of life. Walking to the vault door Seiichi inspected Fuinjutsu that seemed strangely familiar.

"Naruto..." Seiichi called out, bringing Naruto to his side in an instant. Cutting Naruto's palm, Seiichi used his blood to unlock the blood seal.

"Go back now, I'll se you later." Naruto gave him a strong nod, then vanished. As the doors opened, Seiichi saw treasure room full must of the thing he found in the temple but ȧssumed it was of higher quality. In the middle of the vault was a trident laying horizontal on a stand. At the end of the Trident was a blade that looked about eight inches.

"Well this must be the trident of the Arch Sage. How net" enveloping the vault with his senses, Seiichi too everything into the Myriad Realm and Left the temple.


Amongst the rubble of a battlefield, Orochimaru in Sasuke's skin laid on his back looking at the sky. He had fought a long hard battle against Itachi, but he didn't win, nor did he lose. The two were even matched and had a death battle, Sharingan against Sharingan. In the end, Itachi's body just couldn't hold out. Plucking his eyes out, Orochimaru then took his leave to finish the transplant.

"Thank you, Itachi, for gifting me such wonderful eyes." Orochimaru placed the eyes in his sockets and heled. After a moment his vision came back to him "Yes, I can fell it…Many time better than I ever expected. Oohh the power!" Orochimaru's tongue slithered from his lips and licked them in a clockwise circle "Hahah for the master, I should burn the world with these eyes." Orochimaru was revealing in the euphoric feeling of his accomplishments. He achieved the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.


The following days in the shinobi world were all too simple. Seiichi had sent Rock Lee far away from the war, for some reason Sakura had requested to go with him. Like, that Rock Lee was sent on a bout and given a map that Seiichi had found, to the Four elemental Nations. There were ȧssigned with taking over a small village, in preparation for Seiichi's arrival. Rock Lee was also given the knowledge he needed to cultivate.

Shinobis and Kages all gathered to regroup and catch their breath. Seiichi made sure that the Daimyo palaces sent the Samurai Clans to join them. On the Akatsuki side, Obito was resurrecting his elite forces. One of the Rouge Anbu presented Madara with a pair of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, made by Seiichi from one of Shin's clones.

"My Lord wishes you the best of luck" The anbu said, his words confused Obito and cause anger and irritation to swell in black Zetsu. There was noway anyone could have seen through his plan, hell no one should even know he existed. But, if that anbu had delivered a pair of exceptional eyes as a gift, someone accounted for this very moment of Madara reanimation. and new he would be in need of better eyes.

Madara Uchiha died with the Rinnegan, however, the reanimated Rinnegan wont be enough, therefore Seiichi prepared new eyes for Madara in advance and the moment the transplant takes hold. Madara would be able to reawaken the Rinnegan with all of its abilities. The most important would be Summoning of the Ten Tails Husk.


Standing around the blood Harvesting pools, Yakumo, Pakura, and Ino waited for Seiichi to return.

"What do you think we wants?" Pakura asked

"Based on where we are, the question should be, what does he plan to do to us. And the answer is, it doesn't matter. You live to serve. He gave you live, so stop asking questions" Sakura replied and moment later Seiichi returned

"It's time for you ladies to power up, Pakura and Yakumo. You two will not participate in the war, but you will also be receiving an upgrade" in one fluid motion Seiichi took their eyes and replaced them with the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Seiichi, My vision. It's" Ino muttered

"better" Seiichi finished. Seiichi then gave the three girls Shin's DNA to help with regeneration and the transplant. "hee thank you Seiichi!" Ino jumped on him , squeezing him to show her appreciation. "But, what about Hinata?" she asked

"Well, I gave her a gift already. And when this war is over, I'll make sure all of you have whatever you could possibly want." Seiichi Kissed Ino's cheek and return the hug.

Once, the ladies left to get accustomed to their new eyes. Seiichi started to absorb all of the blood from the blood pools. This act of vampirism would later send ripples through the universe that Seiichi would have never foreseen, but gladly welcomed.

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