Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 55 - Naonus: finding a city

Naonus was one hell of a sight. Arriving near a lake side, Seiichi and his team were surrounded by mountains that kissed the heavens, Waterfalls marked the faces of the mountains and the light from the two suns gave the lake a multicolor glow. Behind the team was a tree line that marked the beginning of miles of a lush autumn colored forest. About 50 yards from Seiichi and his squad, a pack of six legged, four horned behemoths stood on the bank of the lake and ŀȧpped water.

The Naonus air had a fresh crisp smell that was easy on the lounges, though the planets gravity felt three time heavier than the planet they had originated from. "Everyone take off your gravity seals, get accustomed and then reapply them as you see fit."

Once Seiichi's words sunk in, one by one, everyone dropped their gravity seals. It felt as if a mountain was lifted from their shoulders. Stepping around like feathers on the wind, the team slowly got used to the gravity of the new planet.

"This feels great, it's been so long since we've walked around with just our own body weight!" Karin happily maneuvered at a high speed, the only way to track her and the rest of the team was by the gusts of wind left behind by their pivot points. Although it wasn't hard for them to track each other due to their visual prowess's, but, for the majority of people, the speed that Seiichi and his people displayed was something horrific.

"This is amazing! It is hard to believe a world this beautiful can survive while a world devouring clan like the Otsutsuki is one of its inhabitants." Karin spoke while using her sensory ability, Mind's Eye of the Kagura, By focusing and opening the mind's eye, Karin is able to find and track an individual's chakra over a vast distance that exceeds ten kilometres. By further focusing her chakra, she can extend this range to far greater distances, to scout the area. "There's a city about 100 Kilometers to the east. Its rather large too. Too many people to count, meaning its beaming with life and the population is vast."


The behemoths nearby were becoming agitated by the commotion the group was causing. Stealing the attention of the group, the behemoths let out a stream of air from their nostrils.

"They're intelligent, I think they want us to leave." Naruto commented on the actions of the behemoth pack

"Well, we are intruding. We should head to the city and see what life is like in a celestial city." Seiichi replied

"Hmm, are we even sure that every humanoid on this planet identifies as a celestial?" Akira voiced her skepticism causing the group to look at each other.

"We're shinobis, we should conduct ourselves as such, no matter the planet or universe were in" Seiichi's words were few but said much. Everyone in the group nodded their heads in understanding, then took off into the forest led by Karin.

Back at the Lake side, the Behemoth pack leader stood far behind the pack observing the packs actions. He was a massive beast. On all six of his paws, he stood seven feet and nine inches. On his back, were bone spikes, he had a five feet long tail with spiked hairs at its end and foot long horns on his head with blue and black fur all over. Next to the leader was a young behemoth resting against his hind legs.

"Papa, why did you allow those people to leave?" The young one asked

"They know nothing about us, and they arrived by a transmission set by an old friend of the Behemoth. Why do you think out of all of the territory that we could have had, I chose this specific area. Besides the lake and forest and all of its good qualities. I chose this place because of that transmission array, placed there so long ago." The pack leader explained to his heir.

Walking to the lake, the pack parted and made way for their chief. Bending down to drink his fill, he rose and faced his kin. "The time of uprising has come, so long I have waited. Now it is time to repay a debt, long overdue. Ashlesh Eyah, teydukin!" The chief spoke to his people with vigor and pride.

"Istah an beynose!" the tribe replied, battle intent erupted from them, "I-Yaahh-Uuuk!", the behemoth let their battle cries roll.

Drawing closer to the outskirts of the new city, Seiichi and his people began to cautiously decrease their speed. "Stop... If anyone hasn't locked on to our presence now. It would be good to go in unseen." Seiichi spoke to his squad while coming to a complete stop kilometers before the city entrance.

"I see the slums; we can enter there and work our way up to the higher-class districts." Hinata advised the group as a whole. She scanned for miles and though the difference in the living conditions of the slum residents and lower-class districts were slight. The condition of the buildings and life forces were day and night.

"Hmm" they all firmly replied and redirected themselves towards the east side of the city.

When they arrived, they stood in a street covered in muck, shit, and piss. There was a strong odor that seemed to linger in the air. To Seiichi, he couldn't help but to internally scream about its cliché appearance. Even in the celestial realm the slums was the worst place to exist. Thugs and whores loiter against shops and other buildings, roaming the streets like common dissidents. Though, Seiichi loved his miscreants, he saw no need for them in the celestial realm. His future was filled with take overs, schemes, and battles. If he could make it through the celestial world without a problem, he wouldn't mind it in the least. Yet, Seiichi would soon realize the personality of his women, brothers , and sisters just wasn't lowkey.

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