Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 57 - Naonus: The City of Avon and The Shopkeeper

"Okay our dear and ever so loving husband, what do you want us to do? It only makes sense for us to contribute to our future." Hinata put on a sweet smiled and stepped close to Seiichi leaving less than an inch between their lips.

With a settle smirk, Seiichi closed the distance and place a soft kiss on her lips and ċȧrėssed her plump ȧss. "Don't take offense, but you can stay and clean. Lee, Naruto, and I will go to the higher-class districts to purchase better fabric and supplies." Seiichi replied after he broke the kiss between Hinata and himself.

Hinata's brow knitted "And what would you do if a strong man decided to invade the shop and take advantage of your women, Women that you've put so much effort into cultivating to pluck for yourself when ripe?"

"I'll kill him and his family. But then again, you wouldn't be suppressed by any man's will in these slums unless it was willingly, and in that case, I'll kill you and him…" He replied in a flat tone.

"Of course, you would. Hurry up and return, I miss you already. And rest ȧssure, your women can take care of themselves, especially me." Hinata explained, then turned tail to make way for Akira.

Handing Seiichi a list of things that she quickly put together, she said " Everything we need to keep the clothing fresh and marketable." Before becoming the Empress of the Uzumaki Clan, Akira did nothing but heal and laundry. If anyone knew how to manage the upkeep of clothing, it was her.

On the other side of the city. Seiichi, Lee, and Naruto walked around and took in the view, arriving at a high-end tailor, The men walked with hopes of getting new clothes. "How can I help you gentlemen today?" The shop keeper asked.

"For starters. I'd like to buy my brothers and I an outfit. Only the latest fashion is acceptable. Anything less will be taken as an insult." Seiichi replied, emitting a regal air.

The shopkeeper couldn't help but think 'who the fuċk do these guys think they are?'

"Next I would like to know who's the best fabric supplier in the city?" Seiichi added as he found a seat in the shop.

"Of course, young master, but may I ask exactly who you are? Many men of notable background honor my shop with their presence but, I have never laid eyes on you or your brothers" the shopkeeper inquired with a serious tone.

"We're new to town and looking to make a name for ourselves, but first we thought it wise to purchase the finest clothes from the finest tailor in in the illustrious City of Avon." Naruto spoke this time, this gave the appearance of a unified front, an equal partnership of one mind.

"Haha, Please." The shopkeeper chuckled, " I'm but a humble tailor, lucky enough to be acknowledge for his years of hard work. Though, if the young masters, three, wish to purchase from the humble tailor. Allow me to show you my finest" The tailor added with a bow.

'it's not wise to judge a book by its cover, but if they have the gall to enter this shark tank willingly, then maybe they may have what it takes' the shopkeeper thought to himself

"Splendid, show us your finest, drinks if you have them and your company if you a moment to spare." Rock Lee made requested seamlessly.

"No offense taken, its merely a protocol of business." Seiichi spoke. The shopkeeper took this as a good sign

Clap! Clap!

The shopkeeper signaled for his most beautiful men and woman to present the shops most recent and premium works. Observing the actions of the shopkeeper, Seiichi smirked. 'a good businessman indeed' Seiichi thought.

The shopkeeper had no idea the taste of his new guest and signaled for both men and woman along with slim and loose cuts. Yet, he kept his confidence and acted as if he wasn't probing but knew exactly what Seiichi and his brothers wanted.

"What do you think?" Seiichi asked.

Naruto had his eyes on a slim cut battle garbs. It was black and orange in color. The left side had built in armor covering the hand, arm, and shoulder. The armored boots stopped just below the knees, the all black pants were tucked into the armored boots , the Orange and black coat had a long tail that covered the back of the outfit. "I like it, it's the only one I want." Naruto rose from his seat and stood in front of the feminine looking man modeling the clothes. " What material was used for the armor?" he asked

"Volcanic glass, its stronger than steel, can with stand high temperatures hotter than magma. It strong and light. And easy to dawn." The boy replied without having to take a moment to think.

"Yes, this the one I want."

Lee was the next one up, looking over a Chinese styled warrior monk outfit. It was emerald black and pink in color. "I will take this one. It calls to me" he said, moving in the direction of a well-defined woman who was modeling the outfit.

"Haha the best wine in the city, it's made by the Ye family. They have an agreement with the Alchemist Ashikaga family. They only use 1000-year-old elderberries to make their wine. And use a special fermenting process" the shopkeeper dropped some knowledge on Seiichi and continued to sip from his cup

"Mmm, it is amazing, but I want to hear more the Coty of Avon and all of its…delicacies, I'll pay of course." Seiichi sat back in his chair as a young woman present his outfit in a grand box. Seiichi didn't even turn his head to look at the woman, however, the shopkeeper was visibly pondering his offer. Because of this Seiichi indirectly offered more money.

"Put the box on the table." He to the young woman, then pulled her into his ŀȧp and began running his hand up thɨġh. The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow. "the young master seem eager to spend money today?" said the shopkeeper

"Ha-ha, yes. Just give me a reason to spend it on you." Seiichi replied and the shopkeeper nodded his head

"Well, my lord. That girl is special, so she's double the cost. If you are truly interested in the delicacies of my humble city, it would be wise to start from the top. Everything is ran by the Otsutsuki Clan and that tyrant Momoshiki Otsutsuki" The Shopkeeper explained. Seiichi sat quietly, sipping his drink and teasing the body of the girl on his ŀȧp.

The shopkeeper spoke for a while explain the hierarchy of the city. Why the Otsutsuki Clan was in charge. Below them were severely clans, every clan had their talents, and cornered the market in the area of expertise. The most important clans were the Ashikaga, Xiao, and Selkie. The Ashikaga are alchemist, the Xiao's are blacksmiths, and the Selkie are beast in human form which gives them the edge in cultivation talent. The Selkies also have deep ties to the Otsutsuki through marriage.

Though the tension in the city was beyond volatile, The Otsutsuki were beginning to become more and more over baring. Kidnapping young women with cultivation talent to be bred in hopes of creating a line with new abilities. Precious resources were being horded by them and the city taxes and tariffs are being raised multiple times a year. The slums are growing in size, the lower class is withering away, and the middle class isn't far behind them. Noble clans are now planning a revolution.

On the business side of the things, the Ye family solid the best wine, and the beast hunters company cornered the market in beast meat, the Otsutsuki controlled agriculture, except for the fields owned by the Ashikaga, the controlled pill and medicine market. The precious metal mines and fabric market was owned by the Xiao's, the Selkies owned the red-light district due to the seductive nature and urge to procreate.

However, the only Marici Clan controlled the Auction houses around the planet. only matched by the Mavericks trading company, who also had Auction houses around the planet of Naonus.

The shop now smelled of wine and a sweet nectar aroma the complimented the superb liquor. "Such a pretty face and wonderful body, yet no endurance. How is she special again?" Seiichi asked the shopkeeper a little disappointed.

The shopkeeper filled his glass then said, "She's loved by the young master of the Ashikaga."

"Bullshit, she smells extremely pure" Seiichi replied

"Well she does him, to say the least. I find it repulsive, but he pays top dollar"

Listening to the shopkeeper, Seiichi almost puked in his mouth. Pushing the words to the side, Seiichi resumed toying with girl body. waking her from her euphoric stupor. "So, what's the latest events happening. I'd like to see all of these high-class people for myself" asked Seiichi.

"Well, we have the annual Green Horn Week. It begins on the first of this upcoming month, in about 3 weeks. Give our take a few a day."

"And what is that?" Seiichi asked

"Green Horn Week is an entire week dedicated to the younger generation, it has an opening ceremony, a night festival, a ball, battle of the trades, a combat tournament and it ends with an auction hosted by both the Marici and the Mavericks trading Company.

"That sound good, reserve your finest women's clothing and I'll be back tomorrow. By the way, have you ever heard of the Celestial Clans?" Seiichi dropped four small pouches of gold on the table for the reservation.

"Yes, clans like the Otsutsuki" He replied

"Oh, the Watab… They are the original clans of sorts. They are the reason that the universe has chakra. The Otsutsuki, Marici, and the Obey" Explained the shopkeeper.

"And the Sejikin?" Seiichi asked

"…." The shopkeeper took a mild pause before speaking again, "They came long before and have long since gone extinct. They wielded energy that has long been forgotten, according to legends. That energy that was the precursor to chakra."

"Hmm, So, are there any other Watab besides the three you've mention?"

The shopkeeper took another pause, "Yes..." he answered, "But they are referred to as the heretics, The Behemoths near Heavens lake are a heretic clan. The war between them and the Otsutsuki was a fatal one. In the end they settled the transgressions with a treaty. It wasn't peace, but a mutual non-aggression agreement."

"Is that so? What about the rest?" Seiichi inquired

The shopkeeper explained the where about and the statuses of the Watab and Heretics to the best of his knowledge. Seiichi had come to the conclusion, that Celestials were being who direct ingested chakra fruits and gave birth to chakra baring clans. Their stats as Ancestral clans gradually morphed into the status of God Clan. Coupled with long life span and unparallel strength. The Celestials held their titles unchallenged for so long, it back them.

Satisfied with the amount of information received. Scoping up his whore and new outfit, Seiichi walked to the back to get changed.

Making a note of the shopkeeper's words, Seiichi continued to the changing rooms. On his way in, Lee and Naruto were coming out. Fully fitted in their new clothes, they had the appearance of true young masters from a wealthy clan.

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