Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 71 - Dunham Ruins

At the Jigoku Pavilion. Ino and Pakura were counting the day's earnings when a great thunderstorm approached the coastline. The clouds thickened and a shadow was cast upon the land. Thunder boomed and rain pattered against the earth like a great stampede.

"Do you feel that?" asked Ino while looking off into the distance.

" Yes, something is riding the storm. Destructive and tyrannical." Pakura responded with foresight.

Miles away in a small coastal town. Bells rang and people cried out to their Gods. In the highest tower, the watchman rang the bell looking towards the sea in horror. "Norsemen!" he shouted to the townspeople.

The watchman could see 100 ships with serpent figureheads on their bow coming from the sea, each carrying around 50 men Led by three gods.

"Thor, my boy. Release the sails and tell the mages to stir the wind" Said the one-eyed white-haired man, "Tyr, prepare the men for battle. We'll take the town as fast as possible and make it our fort."

"Yes, Father" the two Gods responded in tandem.

The Norsemen's boats anchored the beaches and 5,000 men and women marched on the coastal town. They did not negotiate, they did not think. By the god of war, Tyr's command, the Norsemen army formed ranks and sieged the town. They attacked with order and slaughtered all of the warriors that came into view and civilians were taken as slaves.

Men and women alike were rȧpėd, children chained, and the town's wealth was pillaged. Once the elderly were killed, the one-eyed man entered the village. Upon his arrival, men pulled their ċȯċks from the town's girls and women dismounted the men of the town to pay their respect to their God.

"Hail Odin!" the praised in unison.

* * *

Two days passed after Odin captured the coastal town. Seiichi and the Jigoku family, with the exception of Shuren, Natsu, and Fuu, were standing tall at the stone doors of Dunham. At their side was Lord Helms and heirs apparent, Lady Aziza.

The purpose of this expedition into the ruins of Dunham was to give Lady Aziza the reputation she needed to take over her ailing father's lands without the need of a husband. Seiichi believed every woman should have this right. So, he naturally agreed to lend his trident during the expedition with Lady Aziza as the expedition leader.

"My lady, these are the stone doors of Dunham. the most exalted ruins on the dark continent. Could you do me the honors of unhinging the doors, for we will be the last party to explore these ruins." Seiichi spoked with a projected voice so all could hear.

"Why will we be last, Lord Jigoku?" Asked the Lady.

"Because with your guidance, we will conquer all these ruins throw at us and loot them for all their worth!" Seiichi replied, forcing a smile from the lady, a smile she couldn't dare to hold back as Seiichi song her praise. She knew his intentions and welcomed them.

"Allow me... My Lord" she replied with sparkling eyes as she lept from her horse.

In front of the stone doors, Lady Aziza activated her skill Berserk and blew the stone doors to rubble. She was a level 3 adventure, powerful. But not powerful enough to supersede the laws of the land. Hence the expedition.

* * *

In the Safi Palace, the king spoke with his war commanders and discussed the recent invasion of the kingdom of Safi.

"My King, they are led by three gods. Three familias. Even if we gather an army, who's to say they don't have level 5 adventurers." said the west land commander.

"Enough! we will raise the army and wash the scum from our lands. They have around 5,000 men. We will call for triple that. Send word to Lord Helms, he will promise his daughter to Lord Ibrahim of Leontopolis. Their house is connected to the Goddess Sekhmet and they have many level 5s in their land." The King issued his royal decree and left the throne room. To obey, were the commanders only option.

* * *

Within the ruins of Dunham, the expedition party ventured. If it wasn't for the world they were currently in, The Dunham ruins would be considered a dungeon. In the world Seiichi resided in dungeons could only be considered dungeons by recognition of the King God Ouranos.

"Lord Jigoku, my father told me that you return the money he paid you for this expedition." Said Lady Aziza as she walked beside Seiichi.

Her words weren't hard to miss, the hall had an echo and she didn't attempt to whisper. Hinata rolled her eyes and Naruto smirked as he tried to pretend he wasn't listening.

"Did he now?"

"he did."

"Well, I didn't feel a need to take your money. I know, by the end of this expedition." Seiichi looked into her eyes with a warm smiled, " I would have the most precious treasure of them all" he finished.

"Hehe, my father thought so... Would you mind being my sword for the remainder of our expedition?" she asked

"I'd love to." he replied."

* * *

At the entrance to the Dunham ruins, two of the king's riders looked at what used to be Dunham's stone door.

"What the hell happened here?" the first rider asked

"I have no idea. Should we turn back and inform the king?" asked the second rider

"No, we keep going or the king will have our head."

On the 5th floor of the Dunham ruins, the expedition party began to raid the ruins. Chamber by chamber they scavenged. Due to Dunham being a well know place, many people have journeyed to the 4th floor but never the 5th. It was gaurded by a large number of monsters and acted as repelant for backwater adventures. With Safi being a small coastal kingdom and its lack of manpower, Lord Helms is the first noble since the discovery to lead an expedition into Dunham.

Each chamber on the 5th floor held treasures and books on blacksmithing and potions. The 6th floor offered the same rewards.

Things began to change on the 7th when the Expedition party encountered higher level monsters. Kobolds, goblins, and every once in awhile Jack Birds protecting treasures. These treasures were stock piled monster drops that belongs to the inhabitants of the ancient city.

Many of the monsters were ultimately hogged by the Jigoku family. Besides Naruto and Rock, without a deity's blessing, they had no hope of achieving level two. But, with the slaughter of the monster, Seiichi theorized they could push their attributes to the max and finally find the level limit before seeking out a familia to join.

As for as the fresh monster drops, they were collected by the owners. If one killed a monster than the drop would belong to him or her. For the moment, Lord Helms and Lady Aziza saw no fault in this way of thinking. That is until the party reached the 8th floor and it spawned Blue Papilio. Blue Papilio secret a powder from their wings that can be used for healing.

To keep the peace, Seiichi allowed Lord Helms to keep 60% while his people only kept 40. The expedition went on smoothly from that point. After some time Seiichi began to notice the differences of the Dunham ruins. Most importantly, he noticed the reason why it wasn't considered a dungeon. It had no structured system. The Monsters within Dunham weren't spawned. They were collected and put there long ago.

Over the years the monster population just grew in numbers. When killing enough of them the rest of the monster would flee.When entering a new floor, they would once again be tested until the expedition party was recognized as an unbeatable enemy. There was nothing special about the Dunham ruins except the fact that ot was an ancient city.

Upon reaching the 12th floor, Seiichi positively identified Dunham as a city that blelonged to the world of Black Clover. The place was riddled with tales about the world's first wizard king and magic knights.

"Orochimaru." he whispered.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Check everyone's chakra levels. I'm completely empty. I can't even activate my dojutsu."

"I'll get on it, my lord"

Moments later while the expedition party scavenged the 12th floor. Orochimaru reported everyone's status to Seiichi. Unfortunately, only Sakura, Akira, and Pakura still had chakra and natural energy in their reserves.

"What are our orders?" Asked Orochimaru

" Anything that these people find referencing something called a grimoire, collect and bring back to me"

"Yes, my lord."

As hours went by, the expedition party made camp and settled in for the night. Throughout the temple search. There were many references about grimoires and stories about a wizard kingdoms.

Sitting around a fire and drinking. The Jigoku talked amongst themselves out of earshot from any of Lord Helms' men.

"What are we looking for Seiichi? You've been doing sketchy shit for a while now. It's time you tell us what's going on" Said Hinata

Orochimaru looks to Seiichi and shrugs his shoulders. Seiichi takes a moment and moves in towards his family to feel them in.

" When we first arrived it took me a minute to realize where we were. When I discovered we were in danmachi. I thought that was the jest of it. Until I discovered something called a court mage. These mages use power without the blessings of a deity. Granted there are a few races that can use magic and progress without blessings." Seiichi gestured to Naruto and Rock as examples of other races with growth  potential with a dieties aid.

" However, eventually, blessings are a must to increase your strength. So imagine my surprise when I discover the court mage of Safi is human and he had never received a deities blessing. So, after some maneuvering. I got to have a private chat with this court mage, using the last of my chakra reserves, I rung him for information and altered his memories."

"So... What did he tell you?" asked Karin

" He said, he found a grimoire in the ruins of Dunham. he was on the 5th floor and found it in the arms of a dead man. Protected by Minotaur. When his brother tried to claim the Grimiore, it killed him. In the end, the grimoire choose him. Giving him power independent of the Gods."

"Is that even possible? I thought you said Gods rule this world. Without their blessings, power was a pipe dream." said Pakura

"I was wrong. But if grimoires do exist in this world, we need to find the Grimoire Tower. trying to claim a random grimoire might kill us like the court mage's brother."

"So you think the Grimoire tower is somewhere in Dunham?" Akira stared at Seiichi awaiting an answer

"Yes. and if we happen to find it"

"No, witnesses. That's why you wanted to know about our chakra stores." Naruto interrupted

"Precisely. So, we continue the search tonight. and Maybe no one has to die."

"But, what's the difference from claiming an abandon grimiore and a grimiore in this tower?" asked Sakura

"Within the tower, Grimiores choose their mage and there are countless numbers of grimiores. As long as you have the ability to use magic. A Grimiore will find you" Seiichi told the rest.

"So, this tower. When will people journey there?" asked Rock

Seiichi raised an eybrow and said, "a grimiore acceptance ceremony. It's like a rite of passage"

"Okay, and will a tower master lead such a ceremony?" Rock questioned Seiichi again

Seiichi's frowned " Rock, just tell me what the hell you found."

"I found a map in the big building in the center of town. It had a spot labeled Tower master. But the map is partiall destroyed, so I thought we could just sell it in the shop."  Rock pulled out an old  tattatered map

Seiichi sighed and tossed his scraps into the fire. " Rock, once again have no idea how much you are worth. Dragons have a keen sense for only the most valuable of items. trust your instincs and give into those urges... Let me see the map" 

As time went by, the Expedition party drifted off into a sound sleep. Except for the few soldiers on night watch, the whole of the Jigoku family was wide awake. Raising from their sleeping mats, they set out to find the Tower Master's house.

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