Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 9 - Meeting of Clans

Falling into the genjutsu, Seiichi was just happy that Itachi hadn't awoken his Mangekyo Sharingan yet. In the genjustu, Karin stud there looking around. At first it was terrifying and then she began to see. Karins Fuinjustu marks began to revolve around her yin-yang pupil and at high speed then suddenly stop

"release"-Karin fell out of the genjutsu with gasping for air.

Akira's eyes did the same thing, forming a hand "Break!" she shouted and Itachi's Genjutsu shattered

"Petty tricks and vicious techniques. Is that how the hidden leaf village treats royal refugees?"-Akira

"No! It is not. Anbu take Brown haired shinobi and Daichi away and in form the Hokage of our arrival" said a man with a bowl wearing green spandex

"Forgive our shinobi this past year we've had a lot of Shinobi trespass in the land of fire. I'm Might Guy from the hidden leaf village . Please allow me to escort you, the rest of the way"

"Thank you Might Guy, I'm Akira Uzumaki, Head of the Uzumaki clan. And this Lord Seiichi Uzu, patriarch of my vassal clan"

Might Guy looked over to see a boy around five years old , which caused him to slightly squint before looking away

"It's my pŀėȧsurė, please follow me"

Arriving at the gates of the hidden leaf. Akira and the group were led to the Hokage's office. Inside the Hokage's office stood a few other people , who were probably nobles.

"mhm welcome Lady Akira to the hidden leaf village"-Hokage

"Thank you for having me. But I wonder who these extra guests are, here today?"-Akira

"Hiashi Hyuga, Hyuga clan"

"Fugaku Uchiha, Uchiha Clan"

"Shibi Aburame, Aburame clan"

"Choza Akimichi, Akimichi Clan"

"Danzo Shimura, Shimura Clan"

"Nice to meet you all, Im Akira Uzumaki, my Daughter Karin."

"I am Seiichi Uzu, Uzu Clan Leader. And my Clan elder Saito Uzu"

"Nice to meet you Lord Seiichi, I'm Hiruzen Sarutobi, sandamie Hokage"

Look around the room it was easy to tell, the clans were a little on edge but, why. Is what Seiichi had to find out.

"So, what brings you all to Konoha?" The Hokage asked the two clans

"Quite a few reasons actually, Starting with the news of Uzumaki asylum, then news of Uzumaki clansmen arrival. And as Head of the Uzumaki clan it is my duty to take care of my clansmen hence here I am. " Akira replied, here words were heavy and weren't the world the clans wanted to hear

"Your status of Uzumaki matriarch hasn't be verified" Hiashi retorted, not willing to believe such drivel

"she bȧrės the royal seal, commands the loyalty of the clan. And is of the purest bloodline, if you haven't noticed"-Seiichi gesture to the features of Akria and Karin

"mhmm, about that, would mind telling us about your dojustu" The Hokage attempted to inquire

"no. That's Uzumaki business. Which I might tell you about once you tell me, why you've been suppressing the knowledge of a royal Uzumaki boy, living in your village, being treated rather disgracefully?"-Akira

Boom, like that a bomb had been dropped.

"There are no Uzumaki royals here. Before this infestation of Uzumaki's we only housed a blonde Uzumaki that would have been casted aside even in Uzushiogakure. Not to mention the fact that he is an orphan and his heritage as an Uzumaki hasn't even been confirmed."-Fugaku

"Haha are the people of the hidden leaf so blind and ignorant? Imagine my surprise when I received a message from an Uzumaki elder about Kushina Uzumaki's missing child"-Akira

Bam! Another bomb had been dropped and nobles refused to see the facts.

"Please explain, Lady Akira. Even if the Uzushiogakure is no more it seems, the Uzumaki clans is still great. And we wouldn't dare offend" he slightly bowed his head as he finished. This elder was Danzo Shimura

"it's simple. Only a royal Uzumaki can house the 9 tails. And then suddenly it's put in a random boy in the middle of a forest. Do you all really think so little of the Yodamie Hokage? Kushina Uzumaki also died that night and they only way the seal would have been weak enough for the nine tails to escape is if she was dying or had given birth. And if lord forth was there with her than you can only ȧssume that , the child was theirs. He's a spitting image of the fourth with the last name Uzumaki, someone is snuffing the truth and ill summon the Shinigami to uncover it"

Hearing Akira's last sentence , the Hokage knew it was only a matter of time.

"Naruto is the son of Kushina and Minato" said the Hokage "However , it was kept a secret for the boys protection"

"Bullshit. How is he protected if he's the object of the entire village's hatred and anger. And ignorant of the beast inside. This situation is a recipe for disaster lord Hokage"-Akira

The room was filled with a mixture of emotions . Many had been friends with the Fourth Hokage , the Uchiha's had seen him as path to finally holding a Hokage seat and a return to glory and respect. But the way the village treated his only son put shame to them all

"Now I invoke royal decree. Kushina was a diplomatic citizen. I'm here to claim her ȧssets which are property of the royal family and adopt Naruto Uzumaki as he is in the line of succession. And the nine tails belongs to the Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Senju based on the treaty signed Madara Uchiha, Mito Uzumaki, and Hashirama Senju"-Akira

"What is she talking about Sarutobi?"-Fugaku

"just what I said the fate of that boy was to be decided by at the very least you and Tsunade Senju. This village has no say whatsoever as Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju both were capable of suppressing the nine tails and only Mito Uzumaki could safely seal it away."-Akira

Taking out a scroll for his inner world , Seiichi handed it to Fugaku.

"The Uzumaki also had an alliance with the Uchiha, not just the Senju. " Seiichi

Looking over the contract in hand , Fugaku became red with fury

Clutching the scroll in his hand, Fugako face the hokage, and said, "Sarutobi, I think it's time we got our affairs in order"

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