The door was opened, but the door was closed.

Xuan Du found that all the ancestors of the human race were missing, and he immediately went back to the heaven to report the news.

But when he came to the exit of the small world and wanted to open the door of the small world, he found that there was no movement.

"What's going on? Did I recite the spell wrong?"

He pinched the fingers and twisted the spell again, and then the door still did not appear.

He knew that it was not that he operated it wrong, but that the control method of the space door had changed. Using the old method, it could not be opened.

"The rules were changed after I came in. The other party did it on purpose, trying to trap me in this small world."

"For millions of years, everything has been normal here, but today when I came to Chongming to investigate the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, an accident happened."

Xuandu guessed at the first time that it was the people who practiced the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art who were playing tricks.

"I have never comprehended the laws of space, and this small world has been reinforced by saints. I can't break it with my strength. Now I can only wait for Master to find out that I am trapped and send someone to rescue me."

Li Yue, however, got rid of Zhunti's surveillance, stole the light of the Peach Garden, and rescued three thousand sages of the human race.

This series of operations is tense and exciting.

The harvest is also huge. The peaches, Kongtong seals, and experience points lottery are all real. The most important thing is that his practice of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art will not be exposed for the time being.

"These three thousand human race sages have very distinctive appearances. They need to be transformed and integrated into the millions of ordinary people."

"Now that the Journey to the West has begun, the calamity is dense and the method of calculation is invalid. They are hidden in the mortal world and basically will not be found."

With the entry of three thousand human race sages, Li Yue can foresee that the human race will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Outside Chang'an City, Mount Li, where the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is located.

Li Yue settled here and opened the Meteorite Ring. The three thousand human race sages stepped out one by one.

"Thank you Shangyue for helping us out of trouble. Shangyue has done a great favor to our human race. We are willing to serve Shangyue as the master of the human race and the common master of all human races in the world."

The three thousand sages bowed together and spoke sincerely.

Li Yue waved his hand and smiled faintly: "Although I have a great relationship with the human race, I am not of human origin. Let me, an outsider, be the leader of the human race. Wouldn't it be ridiculed by all races?"

The one with the highest cultivation in the field was named Feng, who had the peak cultivation of Daluo.

Feng said: "Otherwise, Shangyue is formed by mountains. He is not a fairy, Buddha, demon or witch. He does not belong to any race. But since Shangyue married Chang'e, he can be admitted to our human race. The criticisms of other races are just children's jokes."

Li Yue felt that if he didn't explain it, it would really be difficult to explain.

"Well, you are wrong. Chang'e and I are just brother and sister, not husband and wife."

But these human races laughed and said: "Shangyue, don't be embarrassed. We all understand."

You understand nothing.

Seeing that he couldn't explain it clearly, he simply stopped explaining and let him do whatever he wanted.

Of course, he also felt the tolerance of the human race.

The three ancient dragon, phoenix and unicorn races each followed their own kind.

In ancient times, the two races of witches and demons were clearly divided.

Only the human race can accommodate beasts, demons, and even marry daughters to the witch race.

The human race is not as exclusive as other races, and the richness of the Three Realms today is all due to the human race.

"The human race has infinite possibilities, but it is ultimately restricted. The saints are short-sighted and unworthy of being called saints."

With a sigh, Li Yue still refused and said loudly: "The human race should be self-reliant!"

After that, he teleported away.

Just facing the Western Church, Li Yue was busy and overwhelmed.

If he was allowed to be the leader of the human race again, wouldn't he immediately become the target of public criticism and be targeted by the major forces in the Three Realms?

Hongjun was looking for him, and he didn't hide in the dark, but also swaggered to show off. Wouldn't that expose the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art in a minute.

When Li Yue left, most of the three thousand sages were disappointed, but some of them had light in their eyes.

"The human race should be strong!"

"What a great human race should be strong!"

"The human race has come since ancient times, fighting on the mountains and rivers, eating among the beasts, rising from the humble, how could it have ever relied on other races?"

"The witches oppressed, but the human race remained strong; the monsters slaughtered, but the human race still rose."

"The human race should be strong!"

"Shangyue's words can be a guiding light for the human race. We should worship Shangyue as the teacher of the human race."

"We should worship Shangyue as the teacher of the human race!"

Li Yue, who was hundreds of miles away, suddenly had an inexplicable feeling. He felt that there were some things around him, invisible and intangible, but they really existed.

"Is this the luck of the human race?"

He left resolutely. He was not worried about what would happen to these three thousand people later.

Those who can achieve success in cultivation are not short-sighted. After being imprisoned for millions of years, they will be more cautious once they are freed from the cage.

Li Yue believes that the entry of these people into the world will not bring any shock to the Three Realms.

But as time goes by, the Three Realms will find that the human race has become different.

"The Five Elements Mountain is blessed by the Chaos Stone Heart. Sun Wukong can't get out, and the Journey to the West can't go on. Bodhi must be anxious."

"Humph, let you plot against me, let's see what else you can do this time."

Bodhi felt bitter in his heart, and even secretly cursed the original body for being unreliable, and cursed several times.

"In Lingshan, he said that Li Yue must die this time, but as a result, he lost Li Yue's trace as soon as I came down from Lingshan. It's really unreliable."

"He always scolds me for being stupid. I think he is the real stupid one."

"I'm just a clone!"

While cursing, Bodhi swung his hoe and a large piece of rock was dug down.

After losing the trace of Li Yue, Zhunti searched for a long time but couldn't find him. He had to give up and recalled Bodhi back to Lingshan. He gave this Lingbao hoe to Bodhi and asked Bodhi to dig the mountain in Wuxing Mountain.

According to Zhunti, if he couldn't kill Li Yue, he couldn't just wait. Digging the mountain to rescue Sun Wukong and let the journey to the west continue was better than staring blankly at Fangcun Mountain.

Bodhi wanted to scold, so you just can't stand me doing nothing, right?

"Bodhi, can you dig a mountain?"

"How long will it take to dig a small piece like this?"

"Start from the waist of the mountain, dig horizontally, and cut off the entire upper half of the mountain. Isn't it much easier? You can't move the whole mountain, but you can move the upper half of the mountain, right?"

"You don't know how to use your brain at all, you just know how to do it recklessly. How can I have such a stupid clone like you, hum!"

Bodhi had a blank expression on his face and was about to explode in his heart.

You bastard, not only do you not work, but you also keep pointing fingers and shouting at people. Why don't I just give you the hoe? Why don't you do it?

Thousands of miles away, Li Yue saw Bodhi digging the Five Elements Mountain through his heavenly eyes and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, old dog Bodhi, you've plotted against me, and now you've got retribution. A dignified quasi-saint has fallen to being a digger. This should be passed down through the ages and become a good story."

In the Heavenly Palace, the Lingxiao Palace was in the early morning, and the Jade Emperor sat at the head with a happy look on his face.

The new Peach Banquet was about to begin, and it was time for the Heavenly Palace to show its strength again.

Suddenly, outside the Lingxiao Palace, a heavenly soldier came to report, and heard from afar: "Your Majesty, it's bad, it's bad!"

The Jade Emperor's face darkened, and he shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? The Peach Banquet is about to start. This is a happy day. What's wrong with it?"

The heavenly soldier looked terrified and stammered: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid the Peach Banquet can't be held. The Peach Garden... The Peach Garden..."

The Jade Emperor's heart skipped a beat and he asked in a lost voice: "What happened to the Peach Garden?"

"Your Majesty, the peaches in the Peach Garden have all been stolen!"

"What?" The Jade Emperor stood up suddenly.

"Your Majesty, in the Peach Garden, including the land, maids, and strong men, they have all been fixed, and all the ripe peaches on the trees have disappeared."

The Jade Emperor widened his eyes and sat down dejectedly.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"I'm going to skin you alive."

Taishang Laojun was also present. He cried out in surprise and turned to walk out of the palace.

The Jade Emperor asked hurriedly, "Laojun, what are you doing?"

Laojun said, "The one who can steal the peaches without anyone noticing must be Li Yue. The peaches are in trouble. I'm afraid he will steal the elixir again. I need to go back immediately."

The Queen Mother was also furious and said, "Your Majesty, use the Haotian Mirror to see if it's Li Yue."

The Jade Emperor took out the Haotian Mirror. After a few breaths, the Jade Emperor's roar resounded in the Lingxiao Palace.

"Li Yue, I'm going to send you to the eighteen levels of hell. You will be punished endlessly and never reincarnate!"

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