The four gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning entered the palace, all of them looked a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, Li Yue is obstructing the rain."

The Jade Emperor said: "Li Yue has many tricks, no one in the mortal world can control him, he is fearless, even the two saints in the West can't do anything to him, I can't do anything to him."

"However, he can stop you from raining, but he can't stop you from not raining."

"Order the dragon tribes of the four seas to close their doors and not go out. From now on, the whole territory of the Tang Dynasty will be in a drought for three years, and not a drop of rain will fall within three years."

It rained for three days and three nights, and the floods caused heavy losses to the people of the Tang Dynasty.

And as the floods ended, the drought came again. Three months passed, and no rain fell in the entire Tang Dynasty.

The rivers stopped flowing, the lakes dried up, and the crops lacked water, and the harvest was almost cut off.

For a time, the people complained.

The Jade Emperor also ordered the gods to tell Li Shimin in a dream that he had raised troops and caused chaos in the world, so he was punished and a drought lasted for three years as a punishment.

As a result, the people scolded Li Shimin for his warlike behavior and demanded that he withdraw his troops immediately.

Some people even shouted from the long streets and high buildings that Li Shimin should issue an edict of self-criticism and abdicate.

In this world, ignorant and short-sighted people always account for the majority.

Especially in an era when the literacy rate is extremely low, the emotions and attitudes of the people are more easily influenced by authority.

Compared with the Tang Dynasty court, the authority of the heavenly court is obviously higher.

In Zhonghua Manor, Li Shiming was full of sorrow, kneeling in front of Li Yue, and complained bitterly: "I am willing to abdicate if the Heaven punishes me."

Li Yue asked coldly: "Why, are you afraid of death?"

Li Shimin raised his head and said: "I will never regret dying for the sake of the human race."

"Jade can be broken, but its whiteness cannot be changed; bamboo can be burned, but its integrity cannot be destroyed; even if I die, my name can be passed down through the ages, so why should I be afraid?"

Li Shimin's words were extremely sincere, which showed his heart.

The cold light in Li Yue's eyes faded away, and he nodded slightly, saying: "You have such ambition, and I have chosen you in vain."

Li Shimin said again: "Although I am not afraid, I am afraid that I will cry for the dawn of the world. If I abdicate, I can save the people from suffering, then I, Li Shimin, am willing to give up my position and go to heaven alone to be punished."

"Haha, you are too naive." Li Yue laughed and said: "Do you think that the Jade Emperor will let it go after you abdicate? I tell you, that is impossible."

"The Jade Emperor made a big fuss this time to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. He wants to wipe out the last bit of courage of the human race and the last ray of hope of the human race."

"Let the human race no longer have the warriors to rise up; let the human race no longer have the courage to rise up."

Li Shimin heard this, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

At this time, Li Yue suddenly smiled and said, "Don't be afraid of the Heavenly Court. Don't say too much about abdication. Focus on unification and do a good job of post-war appeasement. The rest are trivial matters. Leave it to me."

He left Zhonghua Manor and came to the vast East China Sea. He dived into the water and went straight to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

In front of the Crystal Palace, the patrolling sea Yaksha asked, "Who is the immortal and why are you here?"

Li Yue said, "I am the ancient Yue Saint Ancestor Li Yue. Go in and inform Ao Guang and ask him to come to see me quickly."

When the Yaksha heard Li Yue's words, he was immediately angry. He thought to himself, you think you are the Jade Emperor, and you want the old Dragon King to come to see you in person.

"Go!" Li Yue shouted softly, and the Yaksha immediately seemed to have lost himself. He turned around stupidly and walked more than ten steps before he came back to his senses.

At this time, he was full of fear. The feeling just now was too weird.

He knew what happened, but he couldn't control himself.

"This man is so scary, and he calls himself the Ancient Yue Saint Ancestor. He must be a terrifying and powerful person."

Yaksha dared not neglect it anymore, and quickly reported to the Crystal Palace.

Ao Guang was drinking a glass of wine, and suddenly saw Yaksha come in and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yaksha said, "My king, there is an Ancient Yue Saint Ancestor Li Yue outside, and he is arrogant and asked me to go out and see him."

Ao Guang got up in a hurry, and the wine glass in his hand fell.

Outside the Crystal Palace, Li Yue saw Ao Guang and his dragon sons and grandsons, shrimp soldiers and crab generals coming out to greet him.

"Little dragon Ao Guang, meet the ancestor!" Ao Guang knelt on the ground and bowed with great respect.

"Oh? Do you know my identity?" Li Yue asked curiously.

Ao Guang nodded and said, "Master Qinglong has informed the dragon clan of your identity. If you get the Ancestral Dragon Pearl, you will be recognized by the Ancestral Dragon. So even if you are not from the dragon clan, you are still the contemporary Ancestral Dragon and the ancestor of my dragon clan."

"Okay, stand up and talk. I came here today to ask for something."

Ao Guang hurriedly said, "As long as the ancestor has an order, Xiaolong will never dare to refuse. Don't say you are asking for something, it will embarrass Xiaolong."

Li Yue was invited into the Crystal Palace and sat on the upper

First, Ao Guang poured tea himself, and the dragon sons and grandsons accompanied him. The fish spirits and clams danced and played. Those who didn't know would think that the owner of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea had changed.

After a cup of tea, Li Yue asked: "Did the Heavenly Court issue an order to ask the dragons not to rain on the Tang Kingdom in the mortal world?"

Ao Guang said: "To be honest with you, it is true! It is said that the King of Tang wants to unify the human race, and the Jade Emperor is afraid that the power of the world will fall into someone else's hands, so he made this trip."

He realized in his heart that Li Yue's visit must be related to this.

"I heard that the Tang Kingdom has produced hundreds of immortal masters. Now the ancestor is here to ask about this matter again. Is it the ancestor's hand?" He had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask.

Li Yue said: "The conquest of the Tang Kingdom was promoted by me."

Ao Guang thought he guessed right.

He asked carefully, "Do you want Xiaolong to disobey the Jade Emperor's order and bring rain to Tang?"

Li Yue said, "Not only that, I also want the dragon clan to break away from the control of the Heavenly Court and cooperate with the human race."

"This... Ancestor, it's not that Xiaolong doesn't want to, it's really that the Heavenly Court is so powerful that Xiaolong doesn't dare!"

Ao Guang was both expectant and afraid.

The Heavenly Court has accumulated power for a long time, and rebels have no good end.

The dragon clan is no longer as prosperous as it was in ancient times. If they rebel against the Heavenly Court, they may be exterminated.

Li Yue shouted, "What are you afraid of? With me here, what can the Heavenly Court do to the dragon clan? Since I am the new ancestor dragon, I have the final say on the affairs of the dragon clan. You call the other three sea dragon kings to settle this matter."

He took out the ancestor dragon pearl. Ao Guang wanted to say something, but when he saw the ancestor dragon pearl, he didn't dare to say anything.

Soon, the other three sea dragon kings also came to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Li Yue held up the Zulongzhu and announced loudly: "All the races in the three realms are here to see. As Zulong, I declare that from today on, the dragon race will leave the Heavenly Court. If there are any dragons who are timid and still follow Haotian's orders, they will be regarded as traitors of the dragon race and all the dragons will attack them together."

This announcement resounded throughout the three realms. For a time, all the races were in an uproar and could not believe it was true.

"Fuck, are the dragons courting death?"

"Didn't Zulong die? How did he come back to life? But even if Zulong came back to life, how can the dragon race cope with the suppression of the Heavenly Court when it is so weak?"

"It's not Zulong who has resurrected, it's Li Yue. He got the Zulongzhu and became the new generation of Zulong."

"Li Yue? It turns out to be him. This is not difficult to understand. Li Yue is a ruthless person. He demolished the Lingxiao Palace, but the Jade Emperor couldn't do anything about him."

The dragon race officially left the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

Under Li Yue's instructions, the four sea dragon kings, together with their sons and grandsons, all went to Datang to cast a spell to bring rain.

The drought in March was relieved overnight, and the people were calmed down. The resentment towards Li Shimin was reduced immediately.

In the Heavenly Palace, in the Hall of Incense, the Jade Emperor shouted angrily: "I am so angry, Li Yue, you are going against the will of heaven, I will kill you!"

"Pass on my imperial order, send troops to the four seas, kill the dragon clan, and punish Li Yue."

"I am the master of the three realms, whoever dares to rebel against me will die without reincarnation!"

The Jade Emperor was angry, the sky bell rang, and millions of heavenly soldiers came to the four seas, and billions of aquatic creatures were terrified.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were completely panicked.

"Ancestor, the Jade Emperor sent a million troops to attack, how to repel the enemy?"

Li Yue scolded: "What are you afraid of? I am here, and millions of heavenly soldiers are just chickens and dogs. What is there to be afraid of?"

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