"What a joke!" Wu Tian said disdainfully: "The Journey to the West has ended, and the Demonic Tribulation has begun!" "This Primordial Spirit Black Lotus is made of the World-Destroying Black Lotus combined with the essence of Weak Water. Saints can only avoid me. If I get the Chaos Bell again, unless Hongjun takes action himself, he has already merged with the Way of Heaven and it is impossible for him to take action." "By then, I, Wu Tian, ​​will be the true master of the prehistoric world. What can only rule the Three Realms for 33 days will become a thing of the past." Li Yue smiled and nodded, then shook his head. Wu Tian frowned and asked, "You shook your head, are you questioning the power of the Chaos Bell?"

Li Yue said, "No! The Chaos Bell belongs to me, and I know its power very well. Unfortunately, even if I give you the Chaos Bell, what you hope for will still be a bubble in the end."

Wutian did not speak, but just stared at Li Yue, waiting for the next words.

Li Yue smiled and asked, "Do you know how long it took Donghuang Taiyi to refine this treasure? Do you know how many years it took me to refine this treasure?"

Wutian's face changed immediately after hearing this.

He already understood what Li Yue wanted to say.

"Without tens of millions of years, even a saint cannot refine this treasure for his own use."

"The Journey to the West will end soon, how long will the Demon Luo calamity last? Do you, Wu Tian, ​​have enough time to refine this Chaos Bell?"

Li Yue's words echoed in Wu Tian's ears.

Wu Tian was stunned, silent for a long time, and finally sighed:

"Yeah, in just a few hundred or thousand years, let alone the innate treasure, even if you give me the Chaos Spirit Treasure, what's the use?"

Then he said to Li Yue: "Go away, you can't give me what I want, and I won't remove the Weak Water Poison for you."

Li Yue was speechless, no wonder you can't rule the Three Realms.

You don't want any partners who come to your door, you only have in your eyes the innate treasure, and you only believe in your own strength.

Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. If you want to do a big business, it would be strange if you can succeed by yourself.

"Wutian, it seems that I overestimated you." Li Yue put on a disdainful expression.

Li Yue's contemptuous words directly angered Wu Tian's men.

"How dare you!" The Black Lotus Saint Envoy took the lead and hit Li Yue's head with a stick, and the black robe protector followed closely, with a whip kick pointing directly at Li Yue's waist.

"Heh!" Li Yue chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, the two were trapped in space and stopped moving.

Although the two had the peak cultivation of Daluo Jinxian, they were like ants in front of Li Yue.

Wu Tian's eyes flashed, and he secretly praised Li Yue's understanding of the law of space, which was far beyond his own.

"As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. You want to drive those hypocritical guys off the stage and become the Buddha yourself; and I don't get along with the West. In other words, the longer I, Li Yue, live, the better it will be for you."

"If I die, your ending cannot be changed. If I live, you have the opportunity to change your destiny."

Wutian nodded when he heard this and said, "That's true, but I, Wu Tian, ​​don't like to cooperate with others. I only believe in my own strength."

"Unless you recognize me as your master, become my subordinate, and obey me, I will be at ease with you."

Of course, Li Yue would never agree to obey others.

When he was the God of Justice in Heaven, Li Yue never obeyed the Jade Emperor.

He shook his head and said nothing more, but took out a jade slip and threw it to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian frowned, looked at the jade slip hanging in front of him, and did not reach out to take it.

Li Yue smiled and said, "This is the magical power created by Tai Qing Laozi, which can transform into three pure things in one breath. With your understanding, you can practice it in less than 30 years. I think this magical power is enough for you to detoxify me, right?"

"What, transform into three pure things in one breath!" Wu Tian couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out to take the jade slip and check it.

As he checked it, Wu Tian showed shock and ecstasy on his face.

Soon, he finished reading the contents of the jade slip, raised his head and said to Li Yue: "Aren't you afraid that I won't treat you after reading it?"

Li Yue smiled and said: "You are a proud person, disdain to do such mean things."

"Although you are a demon, you yearn for fairness. In fact, the reason why you are a demon is because you can't stand the hypocrisy of immortals and Buddhas. You want to rule the three realms, not because of hatred, but because of the unyielding ideals in your heart. You want to rebuild a fair, real, perfect three realms without lies and oppression."

"Shut up!" Wu Tian shouted angrily, his face was ferocious, and he wanted to stand up and duel with Li Yue.

But in fact, he was already moved in his heart.

Because what Li Yue said was exactly the reflection of his inner heart.

He didn't understand, but

It was their first meeting, why did Li Yue know him so well? He had never told anyone about these things, why did Li Yue know?

He suddenly felt a sense of horror in his heart, this Li Yue was really too scary.

"Since I have read this jade slip, I will remove the Weak Water Poison for you."

Li Yue nodded and said, "Thank you very much!"

His expression was very indifferent, as if he didn't care whether Wu Tian agreed or not.

This was indeed the case.

Even if Wu Tian didn't agree, he wouldn't force it.

However, he would change his method at that time. He used the Falling Treasures and Money to capture Wu Tian's Yuanshen Black Lotus, snatched it away and let the system refine it.

The Black Lotus contains the essence of Weak Water. With the Black Lotus, what does the Weak Water Poison mean? Isn't it easy to solve?

Wu Tian agreed to help, and in just three days, the Weak Water Poison in Li Yue's body was gone, and then he said goodbye.

"My Lord, this Li Yue is very powerful and may become a disaster in the future. Why don't you take the opportunity to get rid of him?" The black-robed guardian asked.

Wu Tian shook his head and said, "This person is cautious and has strange methods. Even the Weak Water cannot poison him quickly. With my current strength, I can't kill him in a short time. If I force him, I can only flee under the power of the Chaos Bell."

"But this is nothing. When the Demon Luo catastrophe begins, my strength will be far superior to his. At that time, even if he becomes a saint, he can't make any waves."

Li Yue came out of the Dark Abyss and stood by the Weak Water River.

"Bodhi plotted against me and almost killed me. How can I not avenge this?"

He squinted his eyes, and a series of plans flashed through his mind, and he soon made a decision.

He separated a Sanqing clone and let the clone hold the Chaos Bell and enter the Weak Water River.

Before entering the water, it was already eroded by the mist, and after entering the water, the erosion speed was even faster. Fortunately, the Chaos Bell can confine time, so he can hold on for a while.

The clone picked up a big stone from the bottom of the river and threw it directly to the shore.

Weak water erodes everything, and only the stones at the bottom of the Weak Water River are not afraid of the erosion.

One stone after another was thrown ashore, some big and some small.

After a while, there were enough stones, and the clone came ashore. Li Yue took back the Chaos Bell. Within half a second, the clone was corroded into a pool of black water, which made Li Yue feel cold.

It was also thanks to his many means. Otherwise, he would have been gone on the Little Xumi Mountain like this clone.

Looking at the stones on the ground, Li Yue did not dare to go forward, but blew them with wind and roasted them with fire until the stones became completely dry.

He took out a pair of chopsticks and tried to pick up a stone the size of a ping-pong ball. When he found that the chopsticks were intact, Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

He grabbed the stone and used the law of space to create an independent space with a diameter of a thousand miles inside it.

Then, he used the same trick again and sent a clone to take the storage stone into the river and fill it with weak water.

Soon, Li Yue got a full space of weak water.

"This method really works, but it's hard for the clone." Li Yue looked happy.

He collected all the remaining weak water river stones on the ground and saved them for later use.

"Hehe, Bodhi, you are the only one who can use weak water to deal with me, right? You wait, I will soon let you understand what it means to give someone a taste of your own medicine."

With a sneer, Li Yue left the bank of the Weak Water River and returned to the human world.

Suddenly, a yellow wind blew in Huangfeng Ridge, covering the sky and the sun. A monkey shadow rushed out of the wind in a hurry, looking very embarrassed.

"I'm so angry!"

Zhu Bajie came forward and asked, "Brother, is it still not working?"

Sun Wukong blushed and said, "No wonder you didn't give me any chance. When you saw that you couldn't beat me, you immediately spread the word. Damn it, it's really damned!"

"No, I have to go to the South China Sea to find Guanyin Bodhisattva again. If I can't find her again, I will go to Lingshan to find Tathagata."

He didn't know that not only was the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea empty, but even Lingshan, except for the two saints, there were few people in the rest of the tribe.

The gods and immortals in the heavens were also sent down to the world by the Jade Emperor.

Many forces in the three realms are looking for Li Yue's traces all over the world.

"Li Yue was eroded by the weak water and will definitely die. The three realms are free of a disaster. It's all the credit of my Buddhist sect. The spoils of war should belong to the Buddhist sect."

"The Chaos Bell belongs to me, it belongs to me!"

"The Chaos Bell of my demon clan will return to the hands of the demon clan. My demon master Kunpeng is the new generation of demon king."

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