The sky is full of changes, and the sky is full of changes.

Outside the sky, Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun sat quietly, his eyes open, sometimes as bright as the starry sky, sometimes as dazzling as the sun, and sometimes as cold as the moonlight.

"The rise of the human race is too fast."

His voice echoed in the hall, majestic and without any emotion.

"Compared with the variables that have appeared in the past, the variable called Li Yue seems to have become a little too much."

"There are still twenty-eight years. If you don't intervene, it may be difficult to end it by then."

He raised his hand, and half a jade butterfly floated out from the palm of his hand and hung in front of him.

The Jade Disc of Creation, one of the Chaos Spirit Treasures, records the Three Thousand Great Daos. Unfortunately, Hongjun only got half of it, and the three thousand great ways recorded were not complete.

But even so, Hongjun still used it to comprehend 100% of the Three Corpses Law, and then proved the way with the law, becoming the first saint in the prehistoric world.

The method of killing the three corpses and proving the way that he passed down was created by him based on the Three Corpses Law, which can be called a castrated version of the Three Corpses Law.

Therefore, the strength of the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao is far behind Hongjun.

In addition, Hongjun merged with the Dao, and his cultivation level increased greatly, so the Six Saints could not even compare with him.

He looked at the Jade Disc of Creation, hesitant, and after a long time, his eyes became firm.

"Let it be!"

The next moment, three phantoms floated out of the Jade Disc of Creation, and they were actually three souls.

The three soul phantoms have different auras. The one on the left is surrounded by black fog, exuding a strong ominous smell; the one on the right is full of bloody smell, and Hongjun set up a barrier to prevent the bloody smell from getting close to him; the one in the middle is more evil. As soon as it appeared, it chuckled at Hongjun, and Hongjun's face turned dark, but it returned to normal in an instant.

"Curse, your little tricks are useless to me." Hongjun said lightly.

The cursed demon chuckled, looked around, and said: "Plague, bloodthirsty, you two were also released by Hongjun."

The black fog was surging, and only a sneer was heard in the fog: "Hongjun? He is no longer Hongjun, he is now just a puppet of the Heavenly Dao. Just like my plague insects, he has no thoughts of his own, just a pitiful tool."

Hongjun listened with a blank expression.

"Blood, I smell the strong smell of blood from the distant land. Hongjun, you must have something to ask for when you let us out, just say it. As long as you allow me to give you the blood of one billion souls, I will agree to anything you want."

Hongjun looked at the three demons and said lightly: "Kill nine-tenths of the human race and wipe out all the immortal masters of the human race. If you succeed, I will grant you freedom."

After that, he waved his hand again, and three bodies appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the three bodies, the three demons' eyes were suddenly straight, because these three bodies were exactly the bodies of the Chaos Demon God when they were alive.

The Plague Demon God said: "You let our souls go and return our bodies. Aren't you afraid that we will lose control?"

As soon as these words came out, the Curse Demon God and the Bloodthirsty Demon God looked at Hongjun coldly.

The soul and body are united, and we will immediately recover to our full glory. Freedom, do you still need to grant it?

Hongjun said: "The three laws you have cultivated, spreading plague, casting curses, and devouring blood, these are not cultivated by yourself."

"Before the creation of heaven and earth, there were no other creatures in the chaos except the three thousand demons, so your talents had nowhere to be used, so the progress of the laws was extremely slow."

"And now, there are countless creatures in the land of panic, especially the human race, which is in the billions. It is enough for you to make rapid progress in the comprehension of the three laws, and it is not impossible to prove the truth."

"So, you must be tempted. As long as you take action against the human race, my goal will be achieved!"

"Okay, I will use the power of heaven to open the passage to the prehistoric world. You should merge your bodies quickly and then go directly."


On Mount Tai, Huang Feihu was named the King of Man and successfully escaped from the List of Conferred Gods.

"Relaxed from the inside out." Huang Feihu was full of joy.

Although he didn't care at all about why his cultivation plummeted without the blessing of the divine power of the List of Conferred Gods, Huang Feihu didn't care at all.

As the saying goes: Cultivation is precious, immortality is more valuable, if it is for freedom, both can be abandoned.

He faced Li Yue, knelt on one knee, and said respectfully: "Human Huang Feihu, thank you for helping me out of trouble. From now on, Huang Feihu will be devoted to the human race, even if he dies nine times, he will not regret it."

Li Yue shook his head and smiled: "I am not a human ancestor."

"Today you are out of the Conferred God List, the Heavenly Court will send people to hunt you down, you are weak, and any heavenly soldier can kill you."

"So, you now have two choices, one is to go to the ancestral land of the human race in Shouyang Mountain, where you can rest assured with the protection of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors; the second is to follow me to a hidden world and practice diligently

, with time, there is still a chance for the Great Luo Quasi Saint. "

Huang Feihu said with a firm look: "I will go to the hidden world to practice."

Li Yue nodded, waved his hand, and a space channel appeared.

"Go, someone will teach you the mysterious skills."

Li Yue never only values ​​cultivation and strength. Talents like Huang Feihu are the most rare.

The human race started from weakness and never pursued single-handedly; as long as they can win, what does it matter if they use the majority to bully the minority?

Therefore, the army is the foundation of the rise of the human race. The leading generals are indispensable.

"Now that the human book is in hand, the next step is to eliminate all the uneasy factors among the human race. "

He opened the book of people and checked it at a very fast speed.

Soon, some names came into view.

Zhang Erhe: A native of Haizhou, Tang Dynasty, born at 3:00 a.m. on September 9, 113th year of Zhenguan, went to sea to steal at the age of 18, killed 73 people... In the previous life, he was a soldier of the Thunder Department of the Heavenly Court, and was sent to reincarnation for violating military law.

Li Gang: A native of Yizhou, Tang Dynasty, born at 1:00 a.m. on the 121st year of Zhenguan, started stealing at the age of nine, and refused to change despite repeated teachings... In the previous life, he was a guard of the Pixiang Palace of the Heavenly Court, and was ordered by the Jade Emperor to reincarnate.

Wang Kai: A native of Jiangzhou, Tang Dynasty, born at 7:00 a.m. in the 89th year of Zhenguan, handsome, fond of men and women, started to seduce decent women and men at the age of 18, and had sex with married men for 38 years... In the previous life, he was a Buddhist monk under the Buddhist sect, and was ordered to go to the world to cholera the human race.


Li Yue's eyes twitched.

"Good fellow, the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sect really put a lot of thought into dealing with the human race! "

"Hmph, these stinking bugs are causing unrest in the streets and towns, causing moral corruption, disrupting human relations, and ruining the good qualities of the human race."

"If these scum are not removed, the human race will sooner or later collapse into a state of moral decay and completely degenerate into immoral beasts. ”

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Country.

Look at this country: everyone is like a dragon, able to fight lions and tigers; thousands of families live in harmony, no one picks up lost items on the road, and no one locks their doors at night; the economy is developed, with a market every five miles and a market every ten miles, and people exchange what they have, with goods covering food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment; every family has no worries about food, clothing, and daily necessities, children all study in school, talented people travel in the wild and recite poems, and beautiful women play the zither on a boat...

Such a grand scene is unprecedented and more than three times better than the Tang Dynasty.

All nations came to pay tribute, and Aolai Country, originally a small coastal country, became the political, cultural, and economic center of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

As the king of Aolai Country, Du Fu governed the country in an orderly manner. Loved by the people and respected by the ministers.

In the palace, Du Fu was discussing political affairs with the ministers, and suddenly felt that there was a huge flow of cars outside the palace, and the great power of humanity was rolling in.

His face was overjoyed, and he immediately guessed that Li Yue had come.

In the Three Realms, who else could have such a human destiny except Li Yue?

Du Fu was about to greet the ministers and put on a big show to welcome Li Yue.

But the next moment, Li Yue appeared in front of Du Fu.

All the ministers under the seat were frozen, and time stopped.

Du Fu hurriedly came down from the throne, knelt in front of Li Yue, and said: "Master, I am sorry for not welcoming you from afar. I hope you will forgive me."

Li Yue curled his lips and said: "I have only been the king for a few years, and I have developed such a dog-like appearance of respecting superiors and subordinates, hum!"

Du Fu was ashamed and smiled bitterly: "Master, without respecting superiors and subordinates, the human race will be difficult to govern and will not be strong."

Li Yue shouted: "Bullshit! ”

“When there is no hierarchy, no kings, no generals, no hierarchy, only then can the human race be truly powerful. Otherwise, humanity will never be able to defeat the way of heaven.”

Du Fu did not understand and said, “Master, isn’t the human race already very powerful now?”

Li Yue sneered, “Why is the human race so powerful? Is it because of the human race itself?”

Du Fu’s forehead was covered with cold sweat and he said, “No, the human race is now so powerful because of the master.”

Li Yue said, “That’s it. How can it be considered powerful if it is due to external forces? Remember, the human race should be self-reliant. Otherwise, if I leave one day, won’t the human race repeat the same mistakes?”

Du Fu nodded repeatedly and kept Li Yue’s words in mind.

“I came here to give you a task, which you need to complete carefully. If you do well, great fortune will be bestowed upon you. "

Li Yue gave the task of eradicating the spies of the Heavenly Court and Buddhism to Du Fu.

It was time to build momentum for Du Fu. The human race was about to be unified. Li Yue no longer hesitated in choosing the king of men.

While handing over the task, a space channel suddenly opened above Dongsheng Shenzhou.

An ominous aura poured out from the channel.

"Hahaha, Hongjun, you will regret it." A cold voice came from the channel, accompanied by an overwhelming black fog.

At the same time, in the southern continent, blood was everywhere, alarming the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

In the palace of Aolai Kingdom, Du Fu's face changed drastically.

Li Yue looked up and said disdainfully: "Where did the cats and dogs come from? It's quite a show.

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