The old man was very happy.

"Talent of the Great Dao, Li Yue actually has the talent of the Great Dao!"

On Lingjiu Peak, Hongjun widened his eyes and was shocked to the extreme.

But then, he showed ecstasy on his face.

"Son of the Great Dao, he is the same as Pangu, the son of the Great Dao."

"Great, it's really great! I missed Pangu at the beginning, and I will never miss it again this time."

"Li Yue's talent of the Great Dao must belong to me!"


The law is forbidden, the gods cannot use it, all treasures including the heart of the Chaos Mountain cannot be taken out in the independent space, and the Saint-level micro-light formation is also given to the apprentice.

Although the cultivation has reached 999 million years, it is only a quasi-saint after all, and the power in the body is only divine power, not the power of Hunyuan.

Compared with the power of Hunyuan, the power of God is like an egg and a stone, there is no comparison.

This is the disadvantage of the great way of power.

After proving the Dao with power, the power of God turns into the power of Hunyuan. With the blessing of endless Hunyuan power, every move can destroy the world and be invincible.

But before proving the Dao, there is no essential difference between him and ordinary quasi-saints, except that the power of God is strong.

Therefore, even if Li Yue bursts out all his power, it is not enough for the saint to attack, because the foundation of the power of the saint is the power of Hunyuan.

"Now we can only rely on the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd."

Although the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd is also affected by the forbidden method and cannot exert the power of the Devouring Law and cannot continue to swallow the sky, it is an innate treasure after all.

As long as he can enter the gourd, relying on the innate treasure's strong defense, the four saints will be helpless against him.

But the four saints have already been prepared, relying on a faster speed, blocking between Li Yue and the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd.

"This is really troublesome!"

Li Yue felt the pressure he had never felt before.

"Damn it, if it doesn't work, I will start to prove the law immediately and perish with the entire heaven."

The comprehension of the law of space and the law of time is 99%.

Consume 900,000 experience points to prove one law, and consume 1.8 million experience points to prove both laws.

"Once I start to prove the law, the catastrophe of the great way will come. Although I will die, the heaven will also be destroyed. Even the Four Saints and Haotian will lose a life, which will indirectly lead to a sharp decline in the luck of the heaven."

Anyway, with that broken hammer, it's not just Li Yue who is affected, no one can escape.

"System, increase the law of time and the law of space to 100%." ​​Li Yue risked it.

At this moment, countless images flashed through Li Yue's mind.

"Is it going to end?"

"Well, in this life, I have traveled across the three realms, slaughtered immortals and gods, killed countless enemies, and it was wonderful."

"Even if I die, it's worth it!"

Just then, the system said: [Host, why do you want to die? Why don't you ask me if I have any methods first? ]

"Uh!" Li Yue was stunned.

Yes, ask the system when you are in doubt. How could I forget it?

"I can't use all the means of laws, magical powers, magic weapons, etc. now. Do you have a way?"

The system said: [No, there is another method that is not affected by the forbidden method. ]

Li Yue asked anxiously: "What is it?"

[Great Merit! ]

The four saints had arrived in front of Li Yue, and suddenly saw Li Yue stop the somersault cloud under his feet and stop where he was.

Zhunti sneered, "Run, keep running. Weren't you arrogant before? What's wrong now? Are you resigned to your fate and waiting to die?"

Jie Yin said, "Don't talk to him. There are only two breaths left. Kill him first to avoid accidents."

At this time, Li Yue's mouth corners suddenly curled up slightly, and he sneered, "Just relying on you scum, you want to kill me?"

Zhunti was furious and shouted, "You dare to be stubborn when you are about to die, die!"

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, with a force of billions of pounds, smashed towards Li Yue's head.

At this moment, eight loud shouts rang out from all sides.

"Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, rise!"

"Li Yue, we are here to save you, quickly ride the cloud to escape, the range of the hammer is only a thousand miles."

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors came, and the Hunyuan Heluo Great Array was set up in an instant.

The fog rose, and the Four Saints had lost the trace of Li Yue. Only Li Yue had a clear view and could see everything clearly.

"Human race, you are looking for death!" Yuanshi Tianzun was furious.

Jieyin said: "Time is running out, let's join forces to break the formation, and we must not let Li Yue escape."

The four saints did not hesitate, and joined forces to attack, and the Hunyuan Heluo formation collapsed in an instant.

The three emperors and five emperors all vomited blood and were seriously injured, but they did not care about the injuries, but looked at Li Yue who did not move a step, each showing a desperate look.

"Why don't you run away?" Fuxi asked in a low voice.


He sighed, "If I had escaped just now, I would have had a chance, but now..."

"Hahaha, Li Yue, you didn't escape. Why, you know you can't escape, so you gave up completely?" Zhunti laughed.

Li Yue glanced at him, his eyes were cold, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Jie Yin said, "Time is almost up, attack together and kill him."

The four saints attacked together, trying their best.

Just as they were about to be crushed to pieces, Li Yue smiled and shouted, "Time! Shrink!"

The four saints' movements suddenly slowed down by hundreds of times, as if they had Alzheimer's disease and were not smart anymore.

"How... is it... possible... that... 3... breaths... clearly... haven't... ended..."

Zhunti's face was full of disbelief, and his voice became extremely slow as it spread around.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors found it difficult to understand what Li Yue had done, but this did not prevent them from being happy for Li Yue.


"What did he do? Why did the forbidden effect of the hammer suddenly become ineffective against him?"

"Just now I was desperate, wondering why he didn't run, but it turns out that he didn't need to run at all."

On Lingjiu Peak, Hongjun's eyes flashed with a hint of realization.

"So that's it, so that's it!"

With his knowledge, he could see at a glance that Li Yue was surrounded by the power of the Great Dao Merit, forming a sphere with a radius of 100 meters, and the interior became an absolute domain that ignored the forbidden law.

"As expected of the son of the Great Dao, he actually possessed so many Great Dao Merit. No wonder he could easily suppress the Chaos Demon God."

"It seems that if you want to kill him, only the main body can succeed with the Jade Disc of Creation, but the main body is refining the Hidden God Jade and can't get there in time."

Here, Li Yue's face was full of distress, and the Great Dao Merit consumed a full 9 yuan.

"You damned fellows, you caused me such a huge loss, it's really unforgivable!"

He immediately raised his hand towards Zhunti and shouted: "Smash! Space!"

After the words fell, the unparalleled power enveloped Zhunti. Even if the saint had an indestructible body, he could not resist this powerful tearing at this time.

"Li Yue, I am a saint of the Heavenly Dao, I am immortal, you wait!" Zhunti roared, his body and soul shattered, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

Everyone opened their mouths, even Hongjun, looked at this scene in disbelief.

"It was him, he killed Nuwa, no, it was his clone who killed her. His comprehension of the law of space is almost 100%."

"Absolutely, absolutely can't let him grow any further."

Hongjun narrowed his eyes, but the fierce light in his eyes could not be narrowed at all.

"In this case, this is the only way..."

A trace of pain flashed across his face, but the determination in his eyes was incomparably firm.

Zhunti was killed instantly by Li Yue, and the other three saints also knew that something was wrong, and their faces showed despair.

Laozi shouted: "One breath into three pure ones!"

Three breaths have passed, the effect of the forbidden sky hammer has dissipated, and it is within the range of the great merit, and the supernatural power can be used.

Seeing this, Li Yue sneered: "Don't struggle, it's useless."

He looked at Jie Yin and raised his hand again.

"Li Yue, are you really going to do it?" Jie Yin asked loudly.

Li Yue said: "What nonsense, go to hell!"

The space was crushed again, and Jie Yin's body began to break apart with a scream.

But at this moment, Fuxi's voice suddenly sounded: "Li Yue, be careful!"

Li Yue was startled, and before he figured out what happened, he felt a slight pain on his head.

The forbidden sky hammer reached his head silently and gave him a hammer on the top of his head. After hitting Li Yue, the forbidden sky hammer was like tofu dregs, and it was directly broken into powder.

"Broken, broken? What kind of innate treasure is this?" Li Yue was shocked.

It doesn't hurt to hit the head, but it broke directly. This is too lame.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, it's your turn, die!"

"Smash the space!"

Yuanshi Tianzun shouted: "Li Yue, you wait for me, your life will belong to me sooner or later."

After he yelled, he found that nothing happened.

But Li Yue said: "Forget it, you go, killing Jieyin and Zhunti today is enough, as for you, leave it for next time."

Laozi and Yuanshi were stunned, what kind of words are these?

Yuanshi said: "Are you really letting us go?"

Li Yue: "Why, don't you want to go? Since you don't want to go, then I'll reluctantly kill you all together, and Haotian, come with me."

Haotian had already run far away, and after hearing this, his speed increased by three points.

Yuanshi and Laozi turned and left. At this moment, Hongjun's voice came from the west, resounding through the three realms.

"Fool, don't be fooled by him. The forbidden sky hammer hit him and destroyed his body,

The power of the forbidden law was injected into his body. He has been permanently forbidden to use the law and has lost all sense of the law. "

"Turn back quickly and kill him with all your strength."

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