The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"System!" Li Yue shouted in his heart.

【Understood! 】

The next moment, Li Yue was teleported away.

Back in the hidden world, Li Yue hurriedly used the Chaos Bell to imprison time to slow down the corrosion of weak water, and urged: "System, quickly issue the task reward."

【Sorry, the task reward needs Zhu Bajie to be successfully trapped for three years before it can be issued. 】

Li Yue was shocked and roared: "You are fucking me, it can be issued in advance, even if the task fails, I can still make up for it."

The system said: 【It is precisely because of the last Pingdingshan task that the system has modified the rules. In the future, the reward must be issued after the task requirements are completely met. 】

"Damn, if I really wait for three years, I will be dead without even a bone left?"

The system said: [Reminder, after three years here, it will be less than three days in the outside world. If you continue to stay here, you will die quickly! 】

Li Yue: "..."

Li Yue left the hidden world and flew to the heaven.

One year on earth is one day in heaven.

As long as you stay in heaven for three days, three years on earth will pass, and the mission reward will be in hand.

By then, what is there to fear about the mere Ruoshui?

"By the way, Zhu Bajie should not be rescued, right?"

Thinking of this, Li Yue felt unsafe, and he hurriedly flew to Dongsheng Shenzhou to find Guo Ziyi.

"Xiao Guo, I will give you the right to use the Pangu Banner. Go to the Wuji Kingdom in Xiniu Hezhou and keep an eye on the well in the imperial garden of the palace. Don't let Bodhi release Zhu Bajie."

"This matter concerns the safety of my master. I hope you will do your best."

Guo Ziyi said: "Master, please rest assured. I will live up to your trust."

Looking at Guo Ziyi's back as he went west, Li Yue felt a little relieved.

He took out the artist's mask, put it on his face, turned into Taibai Jinxing, and flew to the heaven.

In the Royal Garden of Wuji Country, Laojun asked coldly: "Bodhi, why don't you use the Xumi Infinite Array to stop him?"

Bodhi laughed and said: "He has three innate treasures, the Tai Chi Diagram, the Pangu Banner, and the Chaos Bell. How can the Xumi Infinite Array stop him? Instead of wasting time, it is better to let him go."

"Otherwise, if we provoke him, he will turn around and use the three treasures to deal with us. How long can you survive under his hands?"

Laojun snorted coldly and said nothing.

Just then, Sun Wukong jumped into the wall and said with expectation: "Master, how is it, did it succeed?"

Bodhi smiled and nodded, saying: "Success, Li Yue, you will not live long!"

"That's great, that demon is finally going to die, it's really great!" Sun Wukong danced with joy.

Laojun sneered, "If I remember correctly, you always say that. But Li Yue always escapes death and keeps jumping around. He can't die at all. So, don't be so sure before you make sure he's dead."

Bodhi's face drooped, a little unhappy.

"Li Yue can't use time to reverse, and the only savior Wu Tian can't save himself. Tell me, what other tricks can he use to escape the punishment of Ruoshui?"

Laojun sneered twice and said, "Whatever you think."

After that, he drove away on the cloud. Looking at the direction, it was to the east.

Needless to say, he was going to search for Li Yue and take back the treasure. He said that Li Yue might not die, but his actual actions were not like that.

Laojun left, and Yuan Daoren followed closely.

Bodhi said: "Tathagata, Randeng, you two go directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou. Li Yue's three disciples are all in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and Li Yue will definitely die there."

"After Li Yue dies, take the opportunity to take all the three innate treasures, as well as the strange objects, the gourd that can swallow the sky, and..."

Of the five quasi-saint masters, only Bodhi was left in a blink of an eye.

After the big guys left, Wukong dared to speak and said, "Master, Bajie is still in the well. That demon Li seems to have thrown something into the well."

Bodhi nodded and said, "It is likely that he wants to trap Bajie in the well and delay the journey to the west."

The master and apprentice walked to the well and immediately felt the pressing cold.

Looking down into the well, I saw the dark blue ice, which was frozen to a thickness of three feet.

"It's frozen! Li Yue, you want to trap Bajie under the ice so he can't get out. How abominable!"

Bodhi said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just three feet of thin ice, it can be easily broken. Okay, I'll leave it to you. I have something important to deal with, so I won't stay here."

Bodhi disappeared after he finished speaking. Sun Wukong didn't care. He took out the golden hoop, stretched one end down the well, and poked it into the ice.


Golden hoop

It hit the ice surface, making only a crisp sound.

Looking at the ice surface again, it was intact.

"So hard!"

The monkey didn't believe it, and poked it with more force, but after poking it several times in a row, there was no scratch on the ice surface, let alone breaking it.

"It's too hard, the golden hoop can't break it, I have to think of other ways."

He thought to himself that ice is frozen by cold air, and if you want to break ice, you must use fire.

Look at him, fire is spurting out of his mouth, nose and eyes, gathering together to form a beam of Samadhi True Fire, burning towards the ice surface.

But the flames went out before they reached the ice surface.

"What?" The monkey was shocked.

"What kind of ice is this? The Samadhi True Fire was frozen out before it even got close, what...what should I do?"

After Bajie went down the well, he dived down and suddenly saw an archway with the words "Crystal Palace" written on it.

"Old pig, have I gone to the wrong place and ended up in the sea?"

But Bajie didn't know that there is a sea dragon king in the sea, a river dragon king in the river, and a well dragon king in the well.

But a well patrolling yaksha saw Bajie and hurried into the Crystal Palace to report, saying, "My king, a fat pig fell from the well, and it's not dead yet, it's talking!"

The Well Dragon King was startled and said, "It must be Marshal Tianpeng. Last night, he was ordered by Manjusri Bodhisattva to come here to take the soul of the king of the Black Chicken Kingdom to seek justice from Tang Monk. Today, a talking pig fell, it must be Marshal Tianpeng."

He didn't dare to neglect it, and hurriedly led the water creatures in the palace, opened the middle door and shouted, "Marshal Tianpeng, please come in and sit down!"

Bajie thought there was someone he knew here, so he went straight into the Crystal Palace, without wearing anything, sat on it naked, and said, "My senior brother Sun Wukong said you have a treasure here, and asked me to come down to get it."

He was still thinking about the treasure, not knowing that he was fooled by the monkey.

The Dragon King said, "I have a well here, the water is less than ten feet deep and five feet wide, how can it compare to those dragon kings in rivers and seas? I have been trapped here for a long time, and I can't see the sun, moon and stars for a long time, and the treasure comes by itself?"

But the fool said, "My senior brother is a man of great magical powers. He said you have a treasure, and he must be right. Don't be stingy, take it out!"

The Dragon King rolled his eyes and understood what Sun Wukong meant. He said, "I do have a treasure, but I can't take it out. How about the Marshal go and see it in person?"

When the fool heard that there was indeed a treasure, he said happily, "Okay, okay! I will go and see it myself."

The Dragon King took Bajie and turned around the Crystal Palace, only to see a corpse under the eaves.

The Dragon King said, "This is the treasure."

The fool went forward and saw that it was a dead Yellow Emperor. He said, "What kind of treasure is this! When I was a demon, I ate countless of this thing. How can it be considered a treasure!"

The Dragon King said, "Marshal, you don't know. This is the corpse of the king of the Black Chicken Kingdom. I have fixed it with the Dingyan Pearl. If you carry him up, try to save him."

"Think about it, if you save him, it will be a great favor to him. No matter how many treasures he wants, as the ruler of a country, how can he be stingy?"

Bajie thought about it and realized that this was the truth, so he said, "Okay, I'll carry it!"

The Dragon King took the Dingyan Pearl out of the mouth of the corpse, and Bajie carried the corpse out of the Crystal Palace and floated up.

But the higher he went, the colder the well water felt, and his bones trembled with cold.

When he was about to reach the surface of the water, he looked up and saw a layer of blue ice above his head, blocking the well mouth tightly.

"Damn monkey, you tricked me into coming down to move the body, but you cast a spell to freeze the water surface and prevent me from going up." Bajie was so angry that he threw the body away, took the rake and went to chop the ice.


A crisp sound rang out, and the ice layer was intact.

He chop several times in a row, but there was no success. This ice was unbreakable.

"It's so hard!"

"Forget it, since I can't chop it, I might as well make a nest under this well. If I go out, I have to travel day and night to the West to get the scriptures."

Look at him, he doesn't care about the king's body, he dives directly to the bottom of the well, finds a stone as a pillow, and falls asleep.

Soon, the water-seeking yaksha found Bajie and immediately returned to the Crystal Palace to report.

"My king, it's a disaster. Marshal Tianpeng has thrown away the body of the king of the Black Chicken Kingdom and is sleeping at the bottom of the well. I'm afraid he wants to take over your well and occupy your nest."

The Dragon King panicked when he heard it, and hurried out of the Crystal Palace to find Zhu Bajie to ask.

"Marshal Tianpeng, what are you doing? Why are you sleeping at the bottom of my well instead of going to seek scriptures?"

Bajie said, "What scriptures? That monkey has sealed the well mouth with ice, I can't get out, what else can I do if I don't sleep here?"

"Oh, by the way, do you have any beautiful fish spirits or clam spirits here? Find a few for me, I haven't had sex for a long time, I have to take this opportunity to enjoy myself."

Dragon King: "..."

On the well, Sun Wukong racked his brains to break the ice, but he couldn't damage it at all.

"Since it can't be broken from the top, then drill a hole from the side to the bottom of the well."

He made a spell and summoned the land god.

"Great Sage, what do you want me to do?"

Sun Wukong walked to 3 meters away from the well mouth and said, "You dig a vertical hole three meters deep from here, and then dig horizontally to the well."

The land god hurriedly did as he was told, first digging a three-meter-deep hole, and then digging horizontally to the well.

But when he was about to reach the well, he suddenly cried out in surprise.

Wukong hurried down to the cave and asked, "What's wrong?"

The land god said, "Great Sage, it won't work. There is a layer of solid ice that completely covers this well."

"What, completely covered?" The monkey was shocked.

"Yes, Great Sage, I went around the well and found that it was completely covered by solid ice, even the bottom of the well was also covered by solid ice."

"This well has been completely sealed by solid ice, without a single gap!"

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